E Trovato
Nutraceuticals constitute a group of functional foods that provide added health benefits for various disorders including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colorectal cancer (CCR). The main groups of nutraceuticals include probiotics, prebiotics omega 3 and antioxidants. Studies on nutraceutical showed that this type of food possessed similar properties to drugs but with the benefit of not having side effects. This mini review shows that probiotics and prebiotics, when administered simultaneously with traditional therapies, reduce IBD symptoms and reduce synthesis of enzymes probably involved in colorectal carcinogenesis. Moreover, Omega 3 reduces the synthesis of inflammation mediators a…
The inflammaotory bowel disease (IBD) are a group of inflammatory pathologies of the digestive line with chronicity and recurrent characteristic. The IBDs mostly recognized are the ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease; they are more frequent in the industrialized countries and among the caucasian populations that among those africans or oriental. The secondary artropaties to IBD recognize a multifactorial genesis in subjects predisposed as a result genetically or environmental factors; a fundamental role of the intestinal dysbiosis they are hypothesized.
The Pierre Auger Observatory scaler mode for the study of solar activity modulation of galactic cosmic rays
Since data-taking began in January 2004, the Pierre Auger Observatory has been recording the count rates of low energy secondary cosmic ray particles for the self-calibration of the ground detectors of its surface detector array. After correcting for atmospheric effects, modulations of galactic cosmic rays due to solar activity and transient events are observed. Temporal variations related with the activity of the heliosphere can be determined with high accuracy due to the high total count rates. In this study, the available data are presented together with an analysis focused on the observation of Forbush decreases, where a strong correlation with neutron monitor data is found.
Measurement of the Proton-Air Cross Section at root s=57 TeV with the Pierre Auger Observatory
We report a measurement of the proton-air cross section for particle production at the center-of-mass energy per nucleon of 57 TeV. This is derived from the distribution of the depths of shower maxima observed with the Pierre Auger Observatory: systematic uncertainties are studied in detail. Analyzing the tail of the distribution of the shower maxima, a proton-air cross section of [505±22(stat)-36+28(syst)]mb is found. © 2012 American Physical Society.
Erratum: The lateral trigger probability function for the ultra-high energy cosmic ray showers detected by the Pierre Auger Observatory (Astroparticle Physics (2011) 35 (266-276))
The Fig. 7, originally consisting of 4 panels, was truncated in the printed version (the last panel was missing). The complete version is printed again
Anisotropy and chemical composition of ultra-high energy cosmic rays using arrival directions measured by the Pierre Auger Observatory
The Pierre Auger Collaboration has reported evidence for anisotropy in the distribution of arrival directions of the cosmic rays with energies $E>E_{th}=5.5\times 10^{19}$ eV. These show a correlation with the distribution of nearby extragalactic objects, including an apparent excess around the direction of Centaurus A. If the particles responsible for these excesses at $E>E_{th}$ are heavy nuclei with charge $Z$, the proton component of the sources should lead to excesses in the same regions at energies $E/Z$. We here report the lack of anisotropies in these directions at energies above $E_{th}/Z$ (for illustrative values of $Z=6,\ 13,\ 26$). If the anisotropies above $E_{th}$ are du…
Results of a self-triggered prototype system for radio-detection of extensive air showers at the Pierre Auger Observatory
We describe the experimental setup and the results of RAuger, a small radio-antenna array, consisting of three fully autonomous and self-triggered radio-detection stations, installed close to the center of the Surface Detector (SD) of the Pierre Auger Observatory in Argentina. The setup has been designed for the detection of the electric field strength of air showers initiated by ultra-high energy cosmic rays, without using an auxiliary trigger from another detection system. Installed in December 2006, RAuger was terminated in May 2010 after 65 registered coincidences with the SD. The sky map in local angular coordinates (i.e., zenith and azimuth angles) of these events reveals a strong azi…