

The effect of regular physical activity on women's self-confidence levels: An exploratory research

Bal E.Sunay H.Uyar Y.Kaya B.Bianco A.


Self confidencePhysical activityWomenRegular


Introduction: It is known that physical activity is good for many diseases such as obesity, heart diseases, various types of cancer, musculoskeletal disorders. Compared to men, women's participation in physical activity is more limited. Physical activity, on the other hand, contributes to both the increase in the quality of life and the socialization of people. In this context, the aim of this study is to determine the self-confidence levels of women who regularly participate in physical activity. Method: In the research, besides the personal information form prepared by the researchers, the self-confidence scale was used. The sample population survey in Turkey Kocaeli province has created 408 women participating regularly in physical activity. In the analysis of the data, arithmetic means, frequency and percentage values were taken. As a result of the normality test, it was seen that it showed a normal distribution. Accordingly, independent sample t-test was used in the analysis of paired groups and one way Anova tests were used in the analysis of multiple groups. Results: As a result of the analysis, no significant difference was found in any sub-dimension according to the marital status variable. Significant differences were observed in the sub-dimensions of the scale according to the variables of income level, physical activity duration, education level and age. Conclusion: It has been observed that as the duration of physical activity increases, the level of self-confidence increases. In addition, it was concluded that age and educational status were directly related to self-confidence, and as education level and age increased, self-confidence increased.
