

Open data and digital morphology

Timothy B. RoweZongjun YinChris StringerThomas G. DaviesBrian D. MetscherAlistair R. EvansStephen WroeJohn R. HutchinsonRussell J. GarwoodNathan JefferyJesús Marugán-lobónLawrence M. WitmerAdam P. SummersSelena Y. SmithEmily J. RayfieldPhilip C. J. DonoghuePeter L. FalkinghamMartin RücklinMartin RücklinStephan LautenschlagerStephan LautenschlagerMaeva J. OrliacVera WeisbeckerStig A. WalshImran A. RahmanMark D. SuttonXi Ping DongPaul O'higginsStefan BengtsonMarcelo R. Sánchez-villagraRenaud LebrunRobert J. AsherNeil H. ShubinJohn A. CunninghamPaul M. BarrettPhilip G. CoxCarlos Martínez-pérezMatt FriedmanJosé BragaDoug M. BoyerJ. Matthias StarckZerina JohansonJen A. BrightLeon P. A. M. ClaessensAnjali GoswamiRoger B. J. BensonKarl T. Bates


0106 biological sciences0301 basic medicineLife Sciences & Biomedicine - Other TopicsDYNAMICSComputer scienceDatasets as TopicReuse01 natural sciencesFOSSILSthree-dimensional modelsNaturvetenskapData CurationGeneral Environmental ScienceEcologypalaeontology[SDV.BID.EVO]Life Sciences [q-bio]/Biodiversity/Populations and Evolution [q-bio.PE]70General Medicine11 Medical And Health SciencesCCbiomechanics Keywords: digital dataOpen dataPerspectiveComputer data storage[SDU.STU.PG]Sciences of the Universe [physics]/Earth Sciences/PaleontologyGeneral Agricultural and Biological SciencesNatural SciencesLife Sciences & BiomedicineDatasets as Topic1001TISSUESphenotypeBest practiceDigital dataLibrary science25Environmental Sciences & Ecology010603 evolutionary biologyBiological Science DisciplinesGeneral Biochemistry Genetics and Molecular BiologyQA76functional analysisSet (abstract data type)03 medical and health sciencesPALEONTOLOGYBiologySubject Category: Morphology and biomechanics Subject Areas: evolutionvisualizationdigital dataEvolutionary BiologyScience & TechnologyTOMOGRAPHIC MICROSCOPYMorphology and BiomechanicsGeneral Immunology and Microbiologybusiness.industryResearchQHReproducibility of Resultscomputed tomographyPERFORMANCE06 Biological Sciences144Data scienceEVOLUTIONVisualization030104 developmental biologyVISUALIZATION07 Agricultural And Veterinary Sciencesbusiness


International audience; Over the past two decades, the development of methods for visualizing and analysing specimens digitally, in three and even four dimensions, has transformed the study of living and fossil organisms. However, the initial promise that the widespread application of such methods would facilitate access to the underlying digital data has not been fully achieved. The underlying datasets for many published studies are not readily or freely available, introducing a barrier to verification and reproducibility, and the reuse of data. There is no current agreement or policy on the amount and type of data that should be made available alongside studies that use, and in some cases are wholly reliant on, digital morphology. Here, we propose a set of recommendations for minimum standards and additional best practice for three-dimensional digital data publication, and review the issues around data storage, management and accessibility.
