Einklassige Geschlechter totalpositiver quadratischer Formen in totalreellen algebraischen Zahlkörpern
Horst Pfeuffersubject
Discrete mathematicsPure mathematicsAlgebra and Number TheoryQuadratic equationBounded functionBinary quadratic formField (mathematics)Quadratic fieldAlgebraic numberCongruence relationFinite setMathematicsdescription
Abstract It is proved that totally positive quadratic forms with three or more variables and class number h = 1 exist only in a finite number of algebraic number fields. Each field allows only a finite number of such forms with bounded scale. To prove this, upper estimates for all local factors in Siegel's analytic formula are constructed by calculating explicitly numbers of solutions of quadratic congruences.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
1971-11-01 | Journal of Number Theory |