

The global village of celiac disease

Salvatore AccomandoFrancesco Cataldo


Pathologymedicine.medical_specialtyPediatricsHepatologybusiness.industryGastroenterologynutritional and metabolic diseasesGluten intoleranceHuman leukocyte antigenDiseasemedicine.diseaseSerologyFood intoleranceCeliac DiseaseEpidemiologymedicineHumansbusinessPathologicalEpidemiology.Global Village (American radio show)


In the last years our knowledge on epidemiology of celiac disease has increased: there is a wide spectrum of its clinical presentation (classical, atypical, silent and latent forms of celiac disease), and of its pathological mucosal intestinal features, which range from early and mild pictures to severe villous atrophy (Marsh stages). In addition, a strong genetic component, associated with the susceptibility to the disease (HLA and non HLA genes), has been found. This knowledge, together with the availability of new high sensitive and specific serological tests (antigliadin, antiendomysium and antitransglutaminase antibodies), has led us to the realization that celiac disease is the most common food intolerance in the world, involving genetically predisposed individuals consuming gluten-containing cereals in their diet. So, today it is well known that celiac disease is a common disorder not only in Europe but also in populations of European ancestry (North and South Americas, Australia), in North Africa, in the Middle East and in South Asia, where until a few years ago it was historically considered extremely rare. Therefore, celiac disease is spread worldwide as in a common "Global Village", and greater levels of awareness and attention on gluten intolerance are needed, both in the Old and in the New World.
