Francesco Cataldo
Malformazioni congenite nei neonati da genitori stranieri
Helicobacter infection in Burkina Faso : an enigma within an enigma
Abitudini alimentari del bambino immigrato
Celiac disease and selective immunoglobulin A deficiency
Selective IgA deficiency was observed in 12 of 688 (1.7%) patients with celiac disease who were clinically undistinguishable from patients with celiac disease with normal IgA levels. This high prevalence of IgA deficiency in patients with celiac disease makes serum IgA assay advisable when screening for celiac disease is performed by measurement of antigliadin antibodies or anti-IgA endomysium antibodies. Similarly, subjects with IgA deficiency should be considered at risk of celiac disease.
Dietary habits in children of immigrant families from developing countries: an Italian multicentre study
Objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate the dietary habits of immigrant children who come to Italy from developing countries, and of their families. Methods. A multicentre cross-sectional study was carried out from Jan. 1st 2003 to Dec. 31st 2004. The study population comprised 1284 immigrant mothers, 629 infants, and 767 children with more than 2 years of age. A structured questionnaire was employed to inquire retrospectively on dietary habits and, on breastfeeding, complementary breastfeeding, bottle-feeding and weaning. Results. Exclusive and complementary breastfeeding was more frequent and of longer duration among immigrant infants than Italian infants, but not compared to…
Immunization status of internationally adopted children in Italy
An increasing number of internationally adopted children is coming to Italy, and their immunization status is unknown. We evaluated the immunization status of such children in Palermo, Italy. We searched for the presence of a BCG scar in 88 children, 49 boys and 39 girls (mean age 76+/-32 months), most of whom (98%) came from Eastern Europe. Presence of BCG scar was observed in 59 (67.1%) of them, included five children without any pre-adoptive medical records. Twenty-three out of 29 children without any evidence of BCG scar were tested by Mantoux. Seven (30.4%) of 23 were tuberculin positive and diagnosed as having latent tuberculosis infection. We also examined immunization status against…
Un problema emergente : il rachitismo carenziale nei bambini adottati
Il bambino immigrato : attualità e prospettive ( Volume 2° )
The global village of celiac disease
In the last years our knowledge on epidemiology of celiac disease has increased: there is a wide spectrum of its clinical presentation (classical, atypical, silent and latent forms of celiac disease), and of its pathological mucosal intestinal features, which range from early and mild pictures to severe villous atrophy (Marsh stages). In addition, a strong genetic component, associated with the susceptibility to the disease (HLA and non HLA genes), has been found. This knowledge, together with the availability of new high sensitive and specific serological tests (antigliadin, antiendomysium and antitransglutaminase antibodies), has led us to the realization that celiac disease is the most c…
Immigration and changes in the epidemiology of hemoglobin disorders in Italy : an emerging public health burden
Abstract Background In the last years Italy is confronting with massive migratory movements from developing countries where hemoglobinopathies are widespread. This is causing a large diffusion and a changing spectrum in the epidemiology of hemoglobin disorders in Italy. Methods Investigations recently published in Italy on hemoglobinopathies among immigrants were revised in order to appreciate the impact of immigration from developing countries on epidemiology of these pathologies and to outline adequate guidelines of prevention. Results Although in Italy there is a limited number of investigations regarding the relation between immigration and hemoglobin disorders, published data show that…
Helicobacter pylori infection in Burkina Faso: an enigma within an enigma.
Background. In Burkina Faso, in contrast with high rates of Helicobacter pylori infection from an early age, the prevalence of H. pylori-associated diseases (ulcer and gastric cancer) is low. Aims. To look for the prevalence of H. pylori in healthy natives of Burkina Faso, both children and adults. Methods. We studied the prevalence of H. pylori infection in 258 healthy natives of Burkina Faso (70 children aged 6 months–15 years and 188 adults aged 16–65 years), using a serological screening (IgA and IgG H. pylori antibodies). All the studied subjects underwent a questionnaire regarding their life-style, socio-economic status, dietary habits and hygienic sanitary conditions. Data concerning…
IgG1 antiendomysium and IgG antitissue transglutaminase (anti-tTG) antibodies in coeliac patients with selective IgA deficiency
Background—In selective IgA deficiency (IgAD), there is no reliable screening test for coeliac disease (CD). Aim—To evaluate the usefulness of IgG1 antiendomysium and IgG antitissue transglutaminase tests for CD diagnosis in IgAD. Methods—IgA and IgG antigliadin antibodies (IgA- and IgG-AGA), IgA and IgG1 antiendomysium antibodies (IgA- and IgG1-EMA), and IgA and IgG antitissue
Evaluation of cytokine polymorphisms (TNFalpha, IFNgamma and IL-10) in Down patients with coeliac disease.
Abstract Background In Down syndrome there is an increased prevalence of coeliac disease, but the reasons for this association are yet unknown. Aims To evaluate a possible correlation between TNFα, IFNγ and IL-10 genotype polymorphisms with the susceptibility to coeliac disease in Down syndrome patients. Methods Single nucleotide polymorphisms of TNFα (−308G → A promoter region), IFNγ (+874T → A promoter region) and IL-10 (−1082G → A promoter region) have been studied in 10 Down patients with coeliac disease, in 40 Down patients without coeliac disease and in 220 healthy controls. Clinical features were also studied in coeliac disease–Down syndrome patients. Results The 10 coeliac disease–D…
Sieroepidemiologia dei virus epatitici in un gruppo di bambini adottati dall'estero
L'adozione internazionale in Italia : quali problemi all'arrivo e nel follow-up ?
Cytokine genotyping (TNF and IL-10) in patients with celiac disease and selective IgA deficiency
Selective IgA deficiency (IgAD) and celiac disease (CD) are frequently associated and share the ancestral haplotype human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-8.1, which is characterized by a peculiar cytokine profile. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin (IL)-10 alleles in CD and CD-IgAD.The distribution of some biallelic polymorphisms of both cytokine promoters (-308G--A and -863C--A at TNF promoter sequence and -1082G--A, -819C--A, and -592C--T at IL-10 promoter) were typed using biotilinated specific probes in 32 celiac patients, in 34 CD-IgAD patients, and in 96 healthy controls.In CD and CD-IgAD, the -308A allele was significantly more frequ…
Genome search in celiac disease.
SummaryCeliac disease (CD), a malabsorption disorder of the small intestine, results from ingestion of gluten. The HLA risk factors involved in CD are well known but do not explain the entire genetic susceptibility. To determine the localization of other genetic risk factors, a systematic screening of the genome has been undertaken. The typing information of 281 markers on 110 affected sib pairs and their parents was used to test linkage. Systematic linkage analysis was first performed on 39 pairs in which both sibs had a symptomatic form of CD. Replication of the regions of interest was then carried out on 71 pairs in which one sib had a symptomatic form and the other a silent form of CD. …
Rilievi clinici su 139 bambini adottati dall’estero
TNFalfa,IFN gamma, IL-10 gene polymorphisms in a sample of Sicilian patients with coeliac disease
Breastfeeding in infants of immigrant parents
Increased prevalence of autoimmune diseases in first-degree relatives of patients with celiac disease.
The prevalence of autoimmune disorders is increased in patients with celiac disease (CD), and it is unknown whether their first-degree relatives also have a high risk of autoimmune disorders.To assess the prevalence of autoimmune diseases in first-degree relatives of CD patients, the authors looked for autoimmune disorders in 225 first-degree relatives of 66 children with CD (group A) and in 232 first-degree relatives of 68 healthy children (group B). For both groups, serologic screening for CD was performed through antiendomysium (EMA) and tissue transglutaminase autoantibodies (tTGAA). EMA- and tTGAA-positive subjects were offered an intestinal biopsy. The age at onset of autoimmune disea…
Plasma cytokine profiles in patients with celiac disease and selective IgA deficiency
Celiac disease (CD) and selective IgA deficiency (IgAD) are frequently associated, and share the same genetic background. The aim of the present study was to evaluate both Type 1 and 2 plasma cytokine levels in CD and in CD-IgAD. IL-2, TNF-alpha, IL-10, IL-4 and IL-13 plasma levels were measured both at diagnosis and after a gluten-free diet (GFD) in 32 CD patients, in 27 CD-IgAD patients and in 30 healthy controls. IFN-gamma levels were significantly higher in CD and CD-IgAD than in controls, TNF-alpha displayed significantly higher levels in CD-IgAD when compared both with controls and with CD, and IL-2 was in CD-IgAD significantly increased respect to controls. Kinetics of the Type 1 cyt…
School problems among immigrant students
Distrurbi comportamentali nei bambini adottati dall'estero
Celiac disease in the devoloping countries : a new and challenging public health problem.
TNFalpha, IFNgamma and IL-10 gene polymorphisms in a sample of Sicilian patients with coeliac disease.
Coeliac disease is associated with DQ2 and DQ8 alleles, but other genes also confer an additional genetic risk.Defining whether the genetic profiles of interleukin-10, tumour necrosis factor alpha and interferon gamma are associated with an increased coeliac disease risk.The functionally gene polymorphisms of tumour necrosis factor alpha (-308G/A), interferon gamma (+874T/A) and interleukin-10 (-1082G/A) were typed using sequence specific primer-polymerase chain reaction in 110 Sicilian coeliac disease patients and in 220 Sicilian healthy controls.No differences in genotype frequencies of interleukin-10 polymorphisms were found between coeliac disease patients and healthy controls. A signif…
L'adozione internazionale in Italia : aspetti epidemiologici e legislativi
Acrocephaly and syndactyly in a newborn
Analysis of functionally Relevant Single nucleotide polymorphisms of TNFα and of IFN-gamma in Celiac Disease
Fattori influenzantin l'esordio del diabete mellito tipo 1 in bambini immigrati
Analysis of functionally relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms of TNF alfa and IFN gamma genes in celiac diseases
Profilassi della carenza di ferro nell'infanzia : ruolo della alimentazione
Indagine epidemiologica multicentrica nazuionale sulla tubercolosi in età pediatrica ed adolescenziale : risultati preliminari parziali relativi alla fase retrospettiva ( 1990-2005 ).
Analysis of functionally relevant single nucleotide polymorphisms of TNF alfa and of IFN gamma in celiac disease
Epidemiological and clinical features in immigrant children with celiac disease : an italian multicentre study
L'alimentazione del bambino immigrato
Coeliac disease : to screen or not to screen the general population ?
Analysis of Candidate Genes in Celiac Disease: A Tool to Identify Life-Threatening Associated Genes?
The authors have recently reported that celiac patients show a proinflammatory cytokine genetic profile characterized by the contemporaneous presence of both the tumour necrosis factor-alpha-308A and the interferon-gamma +874T allele-positive genotypes. The same alleles are considered risk factors for aging associated disease, whereas an anti-inflammatory cytokine genotype profile might be associated with an extended life expectancy. This paper reports data on the 1249-1250InsACAA/Non-Ins transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta2, a multifunctional anti-inflammatory cytokine, polymorphism distribution in 88 celiac disease (CD) patients, 99 age- and sex-matched controls, and 2895-year-old healt…