

Learning Bag of Spatio-Temporal Features for Human Interaction Recognition

Khadidja Nour El Houda SlimaniHouda SlimaniYannick BenezethFeryel Souami


[INFO.INFO-CV] Computer Science [cs]/Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition [cs.CV]Sum of HistogramsBag of Visual WordsHuman interaction[INFO.INFO-TS] Computer Science [cs]/Signal and Image ProcessingSVMEdge-based regionMSER3D-SIFT


Bag of Visual Words Model (BoVW) has achieved impressive performance on human activity recognition. However, it is extremely difficult to capture high-level semantic meanings behind video features with this method as the spatiotemporal distribution of visual words is ignored, preventing localization of the interactions within a video. In this paper, we propose a supervised learning framework that automatically recognizes high-level human interaction based on a bag of spatiotemporal visual features. At first, a representative baseline keyframe that captures the major body parts of the interacting persons is selected and the bounding boxes containing persons are extracted to parse the poses of all persons in the interaction. Based on this keyframe, features are detected by combining edge features and Maximally Stable Extremal Regions (MSER) features for each interacting person and backward-forward tracked over the entire video sequence. Based on feature tracks, 3D XYT spatiotemporal volumes are generated for each interacting target. Then, the K-means algorithm is used to build a codebook of visual features to represent a given interaction. The interaction is then represented by the sum of the frequency occurrence of visual words between persons. Extensive experimental evaluations on the UT-interaction dataset demonstrate the strength of our method to recognize the ongoing interactions from videos with a simple implementation.
