

View of Open Government: in Italy and in the Sicilian Region

Gaetano Armao


Open Government transparency participation open datapublic administration Sicilian Region


The web, if used in connection with Open Government practices, it becomes anextraordinary controlling method not only to attack inefficiencies, corruption and badadministration, but also to promote transparency and develop participation practices.Complete transparency and open data represents lawfulness and efficiency outpostswhich are absolutely necessary to public administrations, because they are the newfrontier of citizenship rights and participatory democracy.This paper argues in favour of the anti-corruption provisions applications and thesubsequent applicator decree (Laws no. 190/2012 and 124/2015 and legislative decrees 33/2013 and now 97/2016) for the purposes of complete administrative transparency of Sicilian Government administration and the main regional governmental bodies(agencies and firms).The Italian Government effectively, on the analogy on european rules and significantforeign experiences - first between all the "Open Government Initiative" by USGovernment dated 2009 on transparency, participation and cooperation principles - issued a set of rules on publicity and transparency acts by public administrations,providing important changes to the previous regulation and recognising a citizen’sgeneral right to the full disclosure and exploitation of administrative data, in open format.Keywords: Open government, transparency, participation, open data, public administration, SicilianRegio
