

Yhdeksäsluokkalaisten opiskelukäytänteet englannin, ruotsin ja ranskan oppitunneilla ja vapaa-ajalla

Marita HärmäläRaili HildenDmitri Leontjev


learning outcomesenglantiruotsiFrenchEnglishSwedishranskaopiskelutekniikkastudy practicesoppimistuloksetarviointi


The article reports on a quantitative investigation of the differences in Finnish 15–16 year- old students’ self-reported foreign/second language (L2) study practices and use across three languages: English (n=3,476), Swedish (n=1,679), and French (n=1,023). The data set consisted of (a) a questionnaire about students’ background and L2 study practices/use and (b) their L2 speaking and writing proficiency. The differences between the languages were generally small although the students reported to do their homework in Swedish considerably less regularly than in English and French and English was used more outside classroom than Swedish and French. The differences in the background variables and the correlations between the language practices/use and the language proficiency were generally small, too, although doing homework in French correlated moderately with proficiency. The findings imply paths to enhance coherence across language education integration of language learning in and outside school. peerReviewed
