

Una postilla su una delle novità introdotte dall’art. 84 del codice dei contratti pubblici (d.lgs. n. 50/2016). L’obbligo delle stazioni appaltanti di controllare anche gli attestati di qualificazione rilasciati alle imprese dalle SOA

Cristiano Celone


Contracting Administrations Economic operators SOA Control Qualification Certificate.Stazioni appaltanti Imprese SOA Controlli Attestati di qualificazione.Settore IUS/10 - Diritto Amministrativo


A NOTE ON ONE OF THE NEW MEASURES INTRODUCED BY ARTICLE 84 OF THE ITALIAN PUBLIC PROCUREMENTS CODE (LEGISLATIVE DECREE NO 50/2016). THE OBLIGATION OF CONTRACTING AUTHORITIES TO VERIFY THE QUALIFICATION CERTIFICATE OF CONTRACTORS ISSUED BY SOA Article 84 of the new Italian Public Procurements Code, which (along with other provisions) sets out the qualification system for economic operators offering the execution of works for an amount equal to or over 150,000 Euro, introduces several new provisions. In addition to the widely publicised and certainly significant one attributing broad regulatory powers to ANAC (the Italian Independent Authority supervising public procurements), Article 84 imposes an obligation on contracting administrations to perform certain spot checks, in accordance with pre-agreed modalities, to verify the qualification requirements of contractors certified by SOA (Italian certification bodies established under public law). The obligation now imposed on these administrations is certainly noteworthy, particularly as it finally reconciles the conflicting views expressed by scholars on this issue to date.
