

Young adults and the tuning of the entrepreneurial mindset in neoliberal capitalism

Hanna-mari IkonenMinna Nikunen


Sosiaali- ja yhteiskuntapolitiikka - Social policynuoret aikuisetSosiologia - SociologyentrepreneurialismindividualizationtyöllistyminenemployabilitymentaliteettiuusliberalismiyksilöllistäminenKasvatustieteet - Educational sciencessukupuoli


Enhancing the entrepreneurial spirit of young people is a means by which their employability and future potential as well as economic growth, the core goal of national policies, are incubated. Consequently, individuals performing entrepreneurial mindset are seen to possess the most future potential. We sketch the contours of this mindset and develop the idea of ‘tuning’ the entrepreneurial mindset with other discursive elements, or ‘ingredients’, available in society in order to make the overarching idea of entrepreneurialism more manageable, bearable, and even enjoyable at the individual level. The ingredients with which the mindset is tuned are non-depressiveness, happiness, and gratefulness. This tuning of the mindset is itself necessary and difficult mental work, even though it is invisible. Our analysis is based on 40 interviews with 18–30-year-old women and men from Tampere, Finland. peerReviewed
