

Epistemologia dell’insegnante di matematica sulla sua conoscenza professionale. (Parte I: Quadro teorico e rassegna di alcuni risultati di ricerca).

Maura Iori


Epistemologia dell’insegnante conoscenza o competenza professionale formazione professionale prospettiva pragmatica e prospettiva realista punto di vista ontosemioticoSettore MAT/04 - Matematiche Complementari


In this research the mathematics teacher’s point of view is investigated on his professional knowledge. In particular: What does he mean for “professionalism”? Does he really perceive himself as a “professional”? And how does he perceive himself as a “professional” or non a “professional”? Of what nature is his professional knowledge? On which bases are his professional practices founded? What are the sources and the limits of this knowledge? What, if any, epistemological status do his beliefs regarding the term “professional” have? The mathematics teacher’s epistemology, then, is the leading thread of the whole research. The data obtained about the teacher’s knowledge and beliefs are interpreted both in their individual (cognitive) dimension and their institutional (anthropological) dimension, therefore, within a wide theoretical framework, that includes both pragmatic and realist views of the didactic of mathematics.
