

In vivo comparison of working length determination with two electronic apex locators: Root-ZX and Dentaport Root-ZX.

E CumboV PiconeR RussoGiuseppe Gallina


Root ZX Dentaport Root-ZX working length


ABSTRACT Background:: The purpose of our study is to compare the accuracy of two electronic apex locators (EALs) in the same teeth in vivo: Root ZX and Dentaport Root-ZX. Methods and Materials: Twenty-two adult patients, ages 36-71. Thirty single-rooted teeth with one canal that were scheduled for extraction for prosthetic or orthodontic reasons were used. Before commencement of the study was obtained and written consent from each patient. The teeth had completely formed apices confirmed by radiographic evaluation before treatment. The access cavity was prepareted and been identified the root canals and their patency was assessed with k-file #10.The working length were determined by a single operator. For both locators, the lip clip was putt on the lip of the patient and a K-file # 10, stainless steel, was connected to electrode of the Root ZX. For each specimen, the file was moved forward until the display of the apex locator indicated the apical constriction; then, the instrument was fixed within a light curing composite pattern, in such a way that creates a stop repeatable and reduced to a minimum the errors repositioning of the files, and finally the instrument was removed. Subsequently, the working length was tested again to confirm the same position of k-file and, the identical procedure was repeated for each tooth with another instrument using the Dentaport Root-ZX. The length was checked again by each location to confirm the same location of the file before and after repositioning of the files with the stop in resin composite. The teeth were extracted and rinsed with 5,25% sodium hypochlorite solution for 15 minutes. Afterwards the teeth were cleared by “tooth clearing technique” and the sample was observed under a light microscope at 24X magnification. Then the working length was tested again to confirm the same position of k-file. The procedure was repeated in the each teeth. Results: The images obtained were processed using a graphics software, Autocad 2008 that enabled us to calculate the distances from the tip of the file to the apical constriction and the larger diameter. If the file tip was short of the apical constriction and the larger diameter, the value was negative. The value was positive, if the file tip was beyond these anatomical structures. The target interval was set at ± 0,5 mm to the larger diameter. An analysis of data shows that the apical constriction was localized in a range of ± 0,5 mm with Root ZX in 93,3% and 96,6% of cases with the Dentaport Root-ZX Conclusions: Analysis of the results obtained we can conclude that under clinical conditions the tested EALs identified the apical constriction in range of ±0.5 mm with high degree of accuracy.
