

Exploiting Cognitive Architectures to design Storytelling Activities for NarRob

Agnese AugelloAdriana BonoSalvatore GaglioGiovanni Pilato


Computer scienceComputingMilieux_PERSONALCOMPUTINGcognitive architectureCognitionContext (language use)Cognitive architecturesocial robotInteractive storytellingstorytelling activityHuman–computer interactionRobotNarrativeHumanoid robotStorytelling


In this work, we exploited the potential of a cognitive architecture to model the characters of a story in an interactive storytelling system. The system is accessible through NarRob, a humanoid social robot, able to manage storytelling activities aimed at improving the emotional and social skills of children, also adding expressiveness to the narration by using proper associate gestures and emotional expressions. Our main goal was to implement the cognitive processes of the agents interpreted by the robot within an environment coinciding with a narrative context. The narrated story is largely inspired by the "FearNot!" game, where in our system, we modeled the cognitive processes elaborated by the characters of the story in the ACT-R architecture.
