Giovanni Pilato


Semantics driven interaction using natural language in students tutoring

The aim of this work is to introduce a semantic integration between an ontology and a chatbot in an Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) to interact with students using natural language. The interaction process is driven by the use of a purposely defined ontology. In the ontology two types of conceptual relations are defined. Besides the usual relations, which are used to define the domain's structure, another type of relation is used to define the navigation schema inside the ontology according to the need of managing uncertainty. Uncertainty level is related to student knowledge level about the involved concepts. In this work we propose an ITS for the Java programming language called TutorJ…

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A Simple Solution for Improving the Effectiveness of Traditional Information Retrieval Systems

In this paper we present a system based on the LSA paradigm to improve the performance of a traditional information retrieval system. The proposed system aims to improve both the recall and the precision capabilities of traditional search engines thanks to a semantic query expansion and a subsequent semantic results filtering. A collection of 650 documents has been used to compare the performances of the proposed system with a traditional search engine. Experimental trials show the effectiveness of the proposed solution

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Social robots and therapeutic adherence: a new challenge in pediatric asthma?

Social Robots are used in different contexts and, in healthcare, they are better known as Socially Assistive Robots. In the context of asthma, the use of Socially Assistive Robots has the potential to increase motivation and engagement to treatment. Other positive roles proposed for Socially Assistive Robots are to provide education, training regarding treatments, and feedback to patients. This review evaluates emerging interventions for improving treatment adherence in pediatric asthma, focusing on the possible future role of social robots in the clinical practice.

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A Layered Architecture for Sentiment Classification of Products Reviews in Italian Language

The paper illustrates a system for the automatic classification of the sentiment orientation expressed into reviews written in Italian language. A proper stratification of linguistic resources is adopted in order to solve the lacking of an opinion lexicon specifically suited for the Italian language. Experiments show that the proposed system can be applied to a wide range of domains.

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A word prediction methodology for automatic sentence completion

Word prediction generally relies on n-grams occurrence statistics, which may have huge data storage requirements and does not take into account the general meaning of the text. We propose an alternative methodology, based on Latent Semantic Analysis, to address these issues. An asymmetric Word-Word frequency matrix is employed to achieve higher scalability with large training datasets than the classic Word-Document approach. We propose a function for scoring candidate terms for the missing word in a sentence. We show how this function approximates the probability of occurrence of a given candidate word. Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms non neural network lang…

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Sentence Induced Transformations in Conceptual Spaces

The proposed work illustrates how "primitive concepts" can be automatically induced from a text corpus. The primitive concepts are identified by the orthonormal axis of a "conceptual" space induced by a methodology inspired to the latent semantic analysis approach. The methodology represents a natural language sentence by means of a set of rotations of an orthonormal basis in the "conceptual"space. The rotations, triggered by the sequence of words composing the sentence and realized by means of geometric algebra rotors, allow to highlight "conceptual" relations that can arise among the primitive concepts.

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Supporting Emotion Automatic Detection and Analysis over Real-Life Text Corpora via Deep Learning: Model, Methodology, and Framework

This paper describes an approach for supporting automatic satire detection through effective deep learning (DL) architecture that has been shown to be useful for addressing sarcasm/irony detection problems. We both trained and tested the system exploiting articles derived from two important satiric blogs, Lercio and IlFattoQuotidiano, and significant Italian newspapers.

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Attention-based Model for Evaluating the Complexity of Sentences in English Language

The automation of text complexity evaluation (ATCE) is an emerging problem which has been tackled by means of different methodologies. We present an effective deep learning- based solution which leverages both Recurrent Neural and the Attention mechanism. The developed system is capable of classifying sentences written in the English language by analysing their syntactical and lexical complexity. An accurate test phase has been carried out, and the system has been compared with a baseline tool based on the Support Vector Machine. This paper represents an extension of a previous deep learning model, which allows showing the suitability of Neural Networks to evaluate sentence complexity in tw…

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Analysis and Comparison of Deep Learning Networks for Supporting Sentiment Mining in Text Corpora

In this paper, we tackle the problem of the irony and sarcasm detection for the Italian language to contribute to the enrichment of the sentiment analysis field. We analyze and compare five deep-learning systems. Results show the high suitability of such systems to face the problem by achieving 93% of F1-Score in the best case. Furthermore, we briefly analyze the model architectures in order to choose the best compromise between performances and complexity.

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The Use of Latent Semantic Analysis in the Positive Psychology: A Comparison with Twitter Posts

In the last decade, the positive psychology and specifically the 'Positive Youth Development' (PYD) give efforts to positive aspect and strength that performance as protective factors of adjustment problems and psycho-social well-being, such as courage. To better understand the definition of courage in Italian context, 1199 participants were involved in the present study and we asked them to answer to the following question "Courage is...". The participant's definitions of courage were analyzed with the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), in order to study the "fundamental concepts" arising from the population. An analogous comparison with Twitter posts has been also carried out.

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A Quantum Planner for Robot Motion

The possibility of integrating quantum computation in a traditional system appears to be a viable route to drastically improve the performance of systems endowed with artificial intelligence. An example of such processing consists of implementing a teleo-reactive system employing quantum computing. In this work, we considered the navigation of a robot in an environment where its decisions are drawn from a quantum algorithm. In particular, the behavior of a robot is formalized through a production system. It is used to describe the world, the actions it can perform, and the conditions of the robot’s behavior. According to the production rules, the planning of the robot activities is processe…

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Learning Path Generation by Domain Ontology Transformation

An approach to automated learning path generation inside a domain ontology supporting a web tutoring system is presented. Even if a terminological ontology definition is needed in real systems to enable reasoning and/or planning techniques, and to take into account the modern learning theories, the task to apply a planner to such an ontology is very hard because the definition of actions along with their preconditions and effects has to take into account the semantics of the relations among concepts, and it results in building an ontology of learning. The proposed methodology is inspired to the Knowledge Space Theory, and proposes some heuristics to transform the original ontology in a weig…

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Latent Semantic Description of Iconic Scenes

It is proposed an approach for the automatic description of scenes using a LSA–like technique. The described scenes are composed by a set of elements that can be geometric forms or iconic representation of objects. Every icon is characterized by a set of attributes like shape, colour and position. Each scene is related to a set of sentences describing their content. The proposed approach builds a data driven vector semantic space where the scenes and the sentences are mapped. A new scene can be mapped in this created space accordingly to a suitable metric. Preliminary experimental results show the effectiveness of the procedure.

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Sub-symbolic Mapping of Cyc Microtheories in Data-Driven “Conceptual” Spaces

The presented work aims to combine statistical and cognitive-oriented approaches with symbolic ones so that a conceptual similarity relationship layer can be added to a Cyc KB microtheory. Given a specific microtheory, a LSA-inspired conceptual space is inferred from a corpus of texts created using both ad hoc extracted pages from the Wikipedia repository and the built-in comments about the concepts of the specific Cyc microtheory. Each concept is projected in the conceptual space and the desired layer of subsymbolic relationships between concepts is created. This procedure can help a user in finding the concepts that are "sub-symbolically conceptually related" to a new concept that he want…

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A Neural Network model for the Evaluation of Text Complexity in Italian Language: a Representation Point of View

Abstract The goal of a text simplification system (TS) is to create a new text suited to the characteristics of a reader, with the final goal of making it more understandable.The building of an Automatic Text Simplification System (ATS) cannot be separated from a correct evaluation of the text complexity. In fact the ATS must be capable of understanding if a text should be simplified for the target reader or not. In a previous work we have presented a model capable of classifying Italian sentences based on their complexity level. Our model is a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Network capable of learning the features of easy-to-read and complex-to-read sentences autonomously from a anno…

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A Novel Approach for Supporting Italian Satire Detection Through Deep Learning

Satire is a way of criticizing people (or ideas) by ridiculing them on political, social, and morals topics often used to denounce political and societal problems, leveraging comedic devices such as parody exaggeration, incongruity, etc.etera. Detecting satire is one of the most challenging computational linguistics tasks, natural language processing, and social multimedia sentiment analysis. In particular, as satirical texts include figurative communication for expressing ideas/opinions concerning people, sentiment analysis systems may be negatively affected; therefore, satire should be adequately addressed to avoid such systems’ performance degradation. This paper tackles automatic satire…

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A modular knowledge representation framework for conversational agents is presented. The approach has been realized to suit the situation awareness paradigm. The modularity of the framework makes possible the composition of specific modules that deal with particular features, simplifying both the chatbot design process and its smartness. As a proof of concepts we have developed a modular, situation awareness oriented, KB for a conversational agent, which plays the role of an advisor aimed at helping a user to be in charge of a virtual town, inspired to the SimCity series game. The agent makes an extensive use of semantic computing techniques and is able to perceive, comprehend and project c…

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A Geometric Algebra Based Distributional Model to Encode Sentences Semantics

Word space models are used to encode the semantics of natural language elements by means of high dimensional vectors [23]. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) methodology [15] is well known and widely used for its generalization properties. Despite of its good performance in several applications, the model induced by LSA ignores dynamic changes in sentences meaning that depend on the order of the words, because it is based on a bag of words analysis. In this chapter we present a technique that exploits LSA-based semantic spaces and geometric algebra in order to obtain a sub-symbolic encoding of sentences taking into account the words sequence in the sentence. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidel…

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Exploiting multimodality for intelligent mobile access to pervasive services in cultural heritage sites

In this chapter the role of multimodality in intelligent, mobile guides for cultural heritage environments is discussed. Multimodal access to information contents enables the creation of systems with a higher degree of accessibility and usability. A multimodal interaction may involve several human interaction modes, such as sight, touch and voice to navigate contents, or gestures to activate controls. We first start our discussion by presenting a timeline of cultural heritage system evolution, spanning from 2001 to 2008, which highlights design issues such as intelligence and context-awareness in providing information. Then, multimodal access to contents is discussed, along with problems an…

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A sentence based system for measuring syntax complexity using a recurrent deep neural network

In this paper we present a deep neural network model capable of inducing the rules that identify the syntax complexity of an Italian sentence. Our system, beyond the ability of choosing if a sentence needs of simplification, gives a score that represent the confidence of the model during the process of decision making which could be representative of the sentence complexity. Experiments have been carried out on one public corpus created specifically for the problem of text-simplification.

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Pattern-Recognition: a Foundational Approach

This paper aims at giving a contribution to the ongoing attempt to turn the theory of pattern-recognition into a rigorous science. In this article we address two problems which lie at the foundations of pattern-recognition theory: (i) What is a pattern? and (ii) How do we come to know patterns? In so doing much attention will be paid to tracing a non-arbitrary connection between (i) and (ii), a connection which will be ultimately based on considerations relating to Darwin’s theory of evolution.

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A social humanoid robot as a playfellow for vocabulary enhancement

We introduce a system that exploits a Pepper humanoid robot acting as a playfellow in a word-play game. The robot can play a portmanteau game by directly interacting with children, and it exploits a conversation engine, a portmanteau creation engine, and a definition engine. The humanoid can play the role of either an answerer or a generator of new words.

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Exploiting Cognitive Architectures to design Storytelling Activities for NarRob

In this work, we exploited the potential of a cognitive architecture to model the characters of a story in an interactive storytelling system. The system is accessible through NarRob, a humanoid social robot, able to manage storytelling activities aimed at improving the emotional and social skills of children, also adding expressiveness to the narration by using proper associate gestures and emotional expressions. Our main goal was to implement the cognitive processes of the agents interpreted by the robot within an environment coinciding with a narrative context. The narrated story is largely inspired by the "FearNot!" game, where in our system, we modeled the cognitive processes elaborate…

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Sub-symbolic Encoding of Words

A new methodology for sub-symbolic semantic encoding of words is presented. The methodology uses the WordNet lexical database and an ad hoc modified Sammon algorithm to associate a vector to each word in a semantic n-space. All words have been grouped according to the WordNet lexicographers’ files classification criteria: these groups have been called lexical sets. The word vector is composed by two parts: the first one, takes into account the belonging of the word to one of these lexical sets; the second one is related to the meaning of the word and it is responsible for distinguishing the word among the other ones of the same lexical set. The application of the proposed technique over all…

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A Web-Oriented Java3D Talking Head

Facial animation denotes all those systems performing speech synchro- nization with an animated face model. These kinds of systems are named Talking Heads or Talking Faces. At the same time simple dialogue systems called chatbots have been developed. Chatbots are software agents able to interact with users through pattern-matching based rules. In this paper a Talking Head oriented to the creation of a Chatbot is presented. An answer is generated in form of text trig- gered by an input query. The answer is converted into a facial animation using a 3D face model whose lips movements are synchronized with the sound produced by a speech synthesis module. Our Talking Head exploits the naturalnes…

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A Multimodal Guide for the Augmented Campus

The use of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) with ad-hoc built-in information retrieval and auto-localization functionalities can help people navigating an environment in a more natural manner compared to traditional audio/visual pre-recorded guides. In this work we propose and discuss a user-friendly, multi-modal guide system for pervasive context-aware service provision within augmented environments. The proposed system is adaptable to the user needs of mobility within a given environment; it is usable on different mobile devices and in particular on PDAs, which are used as advanced adaptive HEI (human-environment interaction) interfaces. An information retrieval service is provided that…

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Creation and cognition for humanoid live dancing

Abstract Computational creativity in dancing is a recent and challenging research field in Artificial Intelligence and Robotics. We present a cognitive architecture embodied in a humanoid robot capable to create and perform dances driven by the perception of music. The humanoid robot is able to suitably move, to react to human mate dancers and to generate novel and appropriate sequences of movements. The approach is based on a cognitive architecture that integrates Hidden Markov Models and Genetic Algorithms. The system has been implemented on a NAO robot and tested in public setting-up live performances, obtaining positive feedbacks from the audience.

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Automatic Image Annotation Using Random Projection in a Conceptual Space Induced from Data

The main drawback of a detailed representation of visual content, whatever is its origin, is that significant features are very high dimensional. To keep the problem tractable while preserving the semantic content, a dimen- sionality reduction of the data is needed. We propose the Random Projection techniques to reduce the dimensionality. Even though this technique is sub-optimal with respect to Singular Value Decomposition its much lower computational cost make it more suitable for this problem and in par- ticular when computational resources are limited such as in mobile terminals. In this paper we present the use of a "conceptual" space, automatically induced from data, to perform automa…

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Towards A Deep-Learning-Based Methodology for Supporting Satire Detection (S)

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Neural Classification of HEP Experimental Data

High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments require discrimination of a few interesting events among a huge number of background events generated during an experiment. Hierarchical triggering hardware architectures are needed to perform this tasks in real-time. In this paper three neural network models are studied as possible candidate for such systems. A modified Multi-Layer Perception (MLP) architecture and a E alpha Net architecture are compared against a traditional MLP Test error below 25% is archived by all architectures in two different simulation strategies. E alpha Net performance are 1 to 2% better on test error with respect to the other two architectures using the smaller network topol…

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Geometric Algebra Rotors for Sub-Symbolic Coding of Natural Language Sentences

A sub-symbolic encoding methodology for natural language sentences is presented. The procedure is based on the creation of an LSA-inspired semantic space and associates rotation operators derived from Geometric Algebra to word bigrams of the sentence. The operators are subsequently applied to an orthonormal standard basis of the created semantic space according to the order in which words appear in the sentence. The final rotated basis is then coded as a vector and its orthogonal part constitutes the sub-symbolic coding of the sentence. Preliminary experimental results for a classification task, compared with the traditional LSA methodology, show the effectiveness of the approach.

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A Kinect-Based Gesture Acquisition and Reproduction System for Humanoid Robots

The paper illustrates a system that endows an humanoid robot with the capability to mimic the motion of a human user in real time, serving as a basis for further gesture based human-robot interactions. The described approach uses the Microsoft Kinect as a low cost alternative to expensive motion capture devices.

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Chatbots as Interface to Ontologies

Chatbots are simple conversational agents using 'pattern matching rules' to carry out the dialogue with the user and various expedients to improve their credibility. However, the rules on which they are based on are too restrictive and their language understanding capability is very limited. Nevertheless chatbots are widespread in several applications, especially to provide information to users in a new and enjoyable way. In this chapter we describe different chatbot architectures, exploiting the use of ontologies in order to create clever information suppliers overcoming the main limits of chatbots: The knowledge base building and the rigidness of the dialogue mechanism. © Springer Interna…

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Discovering learning paths on a domain ontology using natural language interaction

The present work investigates the problem of determining a learning path inside a suitable domain ontology. The proposed approach enables the user of a web learning application to interact with the system using natural language in order to browse the ontology itself. The course related knowledge is arranged as a three level hierarchy: content level, symbolic level, and conceptual level bridging the previous ones. The implementation of the ontological, the interaction, and the presentation component inside the TutorJ system is explained, and the first results are presented.

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A Multimodal Interaction Guide for Pervasive Services Access

A pervasive, multimodal virtual guide for a cultural heritage site tour is illustrated. The guide is based on the integration of different technologies such as conversational agents, commonsense reasoning knowledge bases, multimodal interfaces and self-location detection systems. The aim of the work is to offer a more natural, context sensitive access to information with respect to traditional audio/visual pre-recorded guides. A prototype has been developed and implemented on a Qtek 9090 with Windows Mobile 2003 in order to deal with the "Museo Archeologico Regionale di Agrigento" domain.

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Multi-class Text Complexity Evaluation via Deep Neural Networks

Automatic Text Complexity Evaluation (ATE) is a natural language processing task which aims to assess texts difficulty taking into account many facets related to complexity. A large number of papers tackle the problem of ATE by means of machine learning algorithms in order to classify texts into complex or simple classes. In this paper, we try to go beyond the methodologies presented so far by introducing a preliminary system based on a deep neural network model whose objective is to classify sentences into more of two classes. Experiments have been carried out on a manually annotated corpus which has been preprocessed in order to make it suitable for the scope of the paper. The results sho…

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Geometric Algebra Rotors for Sub-symbolic Coding of Natural Language Sentences

A sub-symbolic encoding methodology for natural language sentences is presented. The procedure is based on the creation of an LSA-inspired semantic space and associates rotation operators derived from Geometric Algebra to word bigrams of the sentence. The operators are subsequently applied to an orthonormal standard basis of the created semantic space according to the order in which words appear in the sentence. The final rotated basis is then coded as a vector and its orthogonal part constitutes the sub-symbolic coding of the sentence. Preliminary experimental results for a classification task, compared with the traditional LSA methodology, show the effectiveness of the approach.

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Sub-Symbolic Knowledge Representation for Evocative Chat-Bots

A sub-symbolic knowledge representation oriented to the enhancement of chat bot interaction is proposed. The result of the technique is the introduction of a semantic sub-symbolic layer to a traditional ontology-based knowledge representation. This layer is obtained mapping the ontology concepts into a semantic space built through Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) technique and it is embedded into a conversational agent. This choice leads to a chat-bot with “evocative” capabilities whose knowledge representation framework is composed of two areas: the rational and the evocative one. As a standard ontology we have chosen the well-founded WordNet lexical dictionary, while as chat-bot the ALICE a…

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An architecture with a mobile phone interface for the interaction of a human with a humanoid robot expressing emotions and personality

In this paper is illustrated the cognitive architecture of a humanoid robot based on the proposed paradigm of Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA). This paradigm is a step towards the simulation of an emotional behavior of a robot interacting with humans. The LSA approach allows the creation and the use of a data driven high-dimensional conceptual space. We developed an architecture based on three main areas: Sub-conceptual, Emotional and Behavioral. The first area analyzes perceptual data coming from the sensors. The second area builds the sub-symbolic representation of emotions in a conceptual space of emotional states. The last area triggers a latent semantic behavior which is related to the h…

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Exploiting Correlation between Body Gestures and Spoken Sentences for Real-time Emotion Recognition

Humans communicate their affective states through different media, both verbal and non-verbal, often used at the same time. The knowledge of the emotional state plays a key role to provide personalized and context-related information and services. This is the main reason why several algorithms have been proposed in the last few years for the automatic emotion recognition. In this work we exploit the correlation between one's affective state and the simultaneous body expressions in terms of speech and gestures. Here we propose a system for real-time emotion recognition from gestures. In a first step, the system builds a trusted dataset of association pairs (motion data -> emotion pattern), a…

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An Emotional Talking Head for a Humoristic Chatbot

The interest about enhancing the interface usability of applications and entertainment platforms has increased in last years. The research in human-computer interaction on conversational agents, named also chatbots, and natural language dialogue systems equipped with audio-video interfaces has grown as well. One of the most pursued goals is to enhance the realness of interaction of such systems. For this reason they are provided with catchy interfaces using humanlike avatars capable to adapt their behavior according to the conversation content. This kind of agents can vocally interact with users by using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text To Speech (TTS) systems; besides they can c…

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Automatic Dictionary Creation by Sub-symbolic Encoding of Words

This paper describes a technique for automatic creation of dictionaries using sub-symbolic representation of words in cross-language context. Semantic relationship among words of two languages is extracted from aligned bilingual text corpora. This feature is obtained applying the Latent Semantic Analysis technique to the matrices representing terms co-occurrences in aligned text fragments. The technique allows to find the “best translation” according to a properly defined geometric distance in an automatically created semantic space. Experiments show an interesting correctness of 95% obtained in the best case.

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Creativity in Conceptual Spaces

The main aim of this paper is contributing to what in the last few years has been known as computational creativity. This will be done by showing the relevance of a particular mathematical representation of G"ardenfors's conceptual spaces to the problem of modelling a phenomenon which plays a central role in producing novel and fruitful representations of perceptual patterns: analogy.

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An Approach to Enhance Chatbot Semantic Power and Maintainability: Experiences within the FRASI Project

The paper illustrates the implementation and semantic enhancement of a domain-oriented Question-Answering system based on a pattern-matching chat bot technology, developed within an industrial project, named FRASI. The main difficulty in building a KB for a chat bot is to handwrite all possible question-answer pairs that constitute the KB. The proposed approach simplifies the chat bot realization thanks to two solutions. The first one uses an ontology, which is exploited in a twofold manner: to construct dynamic answers as a result of an inference process about the domain, and to automatically populate, off-line, the chat bot KB with sentences that can be derived from the ontology, describi…

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Semantic Word Error Rate for Sentence Similarity

Sentence similarity measures have applications in several tasks, including: Machine Translation, Paraphrase Iden- tification, Speech Recognition, Question-answering and Text Summarization. However, measures designed for these tasks are aimed at assessing equivalence rather than resemblance, partly departing from human cognition of similarity. While this is reasonable for these activities, it hinders the applicability of sentence similarity measures to other tasks. We therefore propose a new sentence similarity measure specifically designed for resemblance evaluation, in order to cover these fields better. Experimental results are discussed.

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Body Gestures and Spoken Sentences: A Novel Approach for Revealing User’s Emotions

In the last decade, there has been a growing interest in emotion analysis research, which has been applied in several areas of computer science. Many authors have con- tributed to the development of emotion recognition algorithms, considering textual or non verbal data as input, such as facial expressions, gestures or, in the case of multi-modal emotion recognition, a combination of them. In this paper, we describe a method to detect emotions from gestures using the skeletal data obtained from Kinect-like devices as input, as well as a textual description of their meaning. The experimental results show that the correlation existing between body movements and spoken user sentence(s) can be u…

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Sub-Symbolic Mapping of Cyc Microtheories in Data-Driven 'Conceptual' Spaces

The presented work aims to combine statistical and cognitive-oriented approaches with symbolic ones so that a conceptual similarity relationship layer can be added to a Cyc KB microtheory. Given a specific microtheory, a LSA-inspired conceptual space is inferred from a corpus of texts created using both ad hoc extracted pages from the Wikipedia repository and the built-in comments about the concepts of the specific Cyc microtheory. Each concept is projected in the conceptual space and the desired layer of sub-symbolic relationships between concepts is created. This procedure can help a user in finding the concepts that are "sub-symbolically conceptually related" to a new concept that he wan…

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Abstract: A novel assessment procedure based on knowledge space theory (KST) is presented along with a complete implementation of an intelligent tutoring system. (ITS) that has been used to test our theoretical findings. The key idea is that correct assessment of the student knowledge is strictly related to the structure of the domain ontology. Suitable relationships between the concepts must be present to allow the creation of a reverse path from the "knowledge state" representing the student goal to the one that contains her actual knowledge about this topic. Knowledge space theory is a very good framework to guide the process of building the ontology used, by the artificial tutor The sys…

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Using the Hermite Regression Formula to Design a Neural Architecture with Automatic Learning of the “Hidden” Activation Functions

The value of the output function gradient of a neural network, calculated in the training points, plays an essential role for its generalization capability. In this paper a feed forward neural architecture (αNet) that can learn the activation function of its hidden units during the training phase is presented. The automatic learning is obtained through the joint use of the Hermite regression formula and the CGD optimization algorithm with the Powell restart conditions. This technique leads to a smooth output function of αNet in the nearby of the training points, achieving an improvement of the generalization capability and the flexibility of the neural architecture. Experimental results, ob…

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Virtual conversation with a real talking head

A talking head is system performing an animated face model synchronized with a speech synthesis module. It is used as a presentation layer of a conversational Agent which provide an answer. It provides an answer when a query is written as an input by the user. The textual answer is converted into facial movements of a 3D face model whose lips and tongue movements are synchronized with the sound of the synthetic voice. The Client-Server paradigm has been used for the WEB infrastructure delegating the animation and synchronization to the client, so that the server can satisfy multiple requests from clients; while the Chatbot, the Digital Signal Processing and the Natural language Processing a…

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Mathematical Patterns and Cognitive Architectures

Mathematical patterns are an important subclass of the class of patterns. The main task of this paper is examining a particular proposal concerning the nature of mathematical patterns and some elements of the cognitive architecture an agent should have to recognize them.

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DeepEva: A deep neural network architecture for assessing sentence complexity in Italian and English languages

Abstract Automatic Text Complexity Evaluation (ATE) is a research field that aims at creating new methodologies to make autonomous the process of the text complexity evaluation, that is the study of the text-linguistic features (e.g., lexical, syntactical, morphological) to measure the grade of comprehensibility of a text. ATE can affect positively several different contexts such as Finance, Health, and Education. Moreover, it can support the research on Automatic Text Simplification (ATS), a research area that deals with the study of new methods for transforming a text by changing its lexicon and structure to meet specific reader needs. In this paper, we illustrate an ATE approach named De…

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An Artificial Soft Somatosensory System for a Cognitive Robot

The paper proposes an artificial somatosensory system loosely inspired by human beings' biology and embedded in a cognitive architecture (CA). It enables a robot to receive the stimulation from its embodiment, and use these sensations, we called roboceptions, to behave according to both the external environment and the internal robot status. In such a way, the robot is aware of its body and able to interpret physical sensations can be more effective in the task while maintaining its well being. The robot's physiological urges are tightly bound to the specific physical state of the robot. Positive and negative physical information can, therefore, be processed and let the robot behave in a mo…

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Clifford Rotors for Conceptual Representation in Chatbots

In this abstract we introduce an unsupervised sub-symbolic natural language sentences encoding procedure aimed at catching and representing into a Chatbot Knowledge Base (KB) the concepts expressed by an user interacting with a robot. The chatbot KB is coded in a conceptual space induced from the application of the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) paradigm on a corpus of documents. LSA has the effect of decomposing the original relationships between elements into linearly-independent vectors. Each basis vector can be considered therefore as a "conceptual coordinate", which can be tagged by the words which better characterize it. This tagging is obtained by performing a (TF-IDF)-like weighting…

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An Architecture for Humanoid Robot Expressing Emotions and Personality

In this presentation we illustrate the cognitive architecture of a humanoid robot based on the proposed paradigm of Latent Semantic Behavior (LSB). LSB is based on the Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) approach that allow the creation and the use of a data driven high-dimensional conceptual space. This paradigm is a step towards the simulation of an emotional behavior of a robot interacting with humans. The Architecture is organized in three main areas: Sub-Conceptual, Emotional and Behavioral. The first area processes perceptual data coming from the sensors. The second area is the "conceptual space of emotional states" which constitutes the sub-symbolic representation of emotions. The last ar…

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TSVD as a Statistical Estimator in the Latent Semantic Analysis Paradigm

The aim of this paper is to present a new point of view that makes it possible to give a statistical interpretation of the traditional latent semantic analysis (LSA) paradigm based on the truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD) technique. We show how the TSVD can be interpreted as a statistical estimator derived from the LSA co-occurrence relationship matrix by mapping probability distributions on Riemanian manifolds. Besides, the quality of the estimator model can be expressed by introducing a figure of merit arising from the Solomonoff approach. This figure of merit takes into account both the adherence to the sample data and the simplicity of the model. In our model, the simplicity…

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Quantum planning for swarm robotics

Computational resources of quantum computing can enhance robotic motion, decision making, and path planning. While the quantum paradigm is being applied to individual robots, its approach to swarms of simple and interacting robots remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we attempt to bridge the gap between swarm robotics and quantum computing, in the framework of a search and rescue mission. We focus on a decision-making and path-planning collective task. Thus, we present a quantum-based path-planning algorithm for a swarm of robots. Quantization enters position and reward information (measured as a robot’s proximity to the target) and path-planning decisions. Pairwise information-exchan…

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A Modular Framework for Versatile Conversational Agent Building

This paper illustrates a web-based infrastructure of an architecture for conversational agents equipped with a modular knowledge base. This solution has the advantage to allow the building of specific modules that deal with particular features of a conversation (ranging from its topic to the manner of reasoning of the chatbot). This enhances the agent interaction capabilities. The approach simplifies the chatbot knowledge base design process: extending, generalizing or even restricting the chatbot knowledge base in order to suit it to manage specific dialoguing tasks as much as possible.

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Machine Learning Models for Measuring Syntax Complexity of English Text

In this paper we propose a methodology to assess the syntax complexity of a sentence representing it as sequence of parts-of-speech and comparing Recurrent Neural Networks and Support Vector Machine. We have carried out experiments in English language which are compared with previous results obtained for the Italian one.

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Humorist Bot: Bringing Computational Humour in a Chat-Bot System

A conversational agent, capable to have a ldquosense of humourrdquo is presented. The agent can both generate humorous sentences and recognize humoristic expressions introduced by the user during the dialogue. Humorist Bot makes use of well founded techniques of computational humor and it has been implemented using the ALICE framework embedded into an Yahoo! Messenger client. It includes also an avatar that changes the face expression according to humoristic content of the dialogue.

research product

An Emphatic Humanoid Robot with Emotional Latent Semantic Behavior

In this paper we propose an Entertainment Humanoid Robot model based on Latent Semantic Analysis, that tries to exhibit an emotional behavior in the interaction with human. Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), based on vector space allows the coding of the words semantics by specific statistical computations applied to a large corpus of text. We illustrate how the creation and the use of this emotional conceptual space can provide a framework upon which to build “Latent Semantic Behavior” because it simulates the emotionalassociative capabilities of human beings. This approach integrates traditional knowledge representation with intuitive capabilities provided by geometric and sub-symbolic infor…

research product

A Modular Architecture for Adaptive ChatBots

We illustrate an architecture for a conversational agent based on a modular knowledge representation. This solution provides intelligent conversational agents with a dynamic and flexible behavior. The modularity of the architecture allows a concurrent and synergic use of different techniques, making it possible to use the most adequate methodology for the management of a specific characteristic of the domain, of the dialogue, or of the user behavior. We show the implementation of a proof-of-concept prototype: a set of modules exploiting different knowledge representation techniques and capable to differently manage conversation features has been developed. Each module is automatically trigg…

research product

A Lexicon-based Approach for Sentiment Classification of Amazon Books Reviews in Italian Language

We present a system aimed at the automatic classification of the sentiment orientation expressed into book reviews written in Italian language. The system we have developed is found on a lexicon-based approach and uses NLP techniques in order to take into account the linguistic relation between terms in the analyzed texts. The classification of a review is based on the average sentiment strenght of its sentences, while the classification of each sentence is obtained through a parsing process inspecting, for each term, a window of previous items to detect particular combinations of elements giving inversions or variations of polarity. The score of a single word depends on all the associated …

research product

An algebra for the manipulation of conceptual spaces in cognitive agents

According to Gärdenfors, the theory of conceptual spaces describes a level of representation present in some cognitive agents between a sub-conceptual and a symbolic level of representation. In contrast to a large part of contemporary philosophical speculation on these matters for which concepts and conceptual content are propositional, conceptual spaces provide a geometric framework for the representation of concepts. In this paper we introduce an algebra for the manipulation of different conceptual spaces in order to formalise the process whereby an artificial agent rearranges its internal conceptual representations as a consequence of its perceptions, which are here rendered in terms of …

research product

A Robotic Humanoid for Information Exploration on Cultural Heritage Domain

The work presented here illustrates an humanoid robot capable of interacting with an human user within the Cultural Heritage domain. Two different and complementary AI approaches, namely sub-symbolic and symbolic, have been implemented and combined together to design the framework of a robot having both rational and intuitive capabilities. Furthermore, the robot is capable of providing information expressively and of adapting its behavior according to the emotional content of the artworks descriptions. This could make the robot more effective in providing information and entertaining the users.

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Interacting with Augmented Environments

Pervasive systems augment environments by integrating information processing into everyday objects and activities. They consist of two parts: a visible part populated by animate (visitors, operators) or inanimate (AI) entities interacting with the environment through digital devices, and an invisible part composed of software objects performing specific tasks in an underlying framework. This paper shows an ongoing work from the University of Palermo''s Department of Computer Science and Engineering that addresses two issues related to simplifying and broadening augmented environment access.

research product

Roboception and adaptation in a cognitive robot

In robotics, perception is usually oriented at understanding what is happening in the external world, while few works pay attention to what is occurring in the robot’s body. In this work, we propose an artificial somatosensory system, embedded in a cognitive architecture, that enables a robot to perceive the sensations from its embodiment while executing a task. We called these perceptions roboceptions, and they let the robot act according to its own physical needs in addition to the task demands. Physical information is processed by the robot to behave in a balanced way, determining the most appropriate trade-off between the achievement of the task and its well being. The experiments show …

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A Conversational Agent to Support Decisions in SimCity like Games

Computational intelligent techniques applied to economics have played an important role in the last years. In this paper we propose a framework based on an intelligent conversational agent embedded with a decision support system, aimed at suggesting the best managing strategies for a game-based model of a virtual town. The agent tries to prospect the future evolutions of particular choices taken by the user. Interaction is conducted through a natural language interface built as an Alice-based conversational agent.

research product

WORDY: a Semi-automatic Methodology aimed at the Creation of Neologisms based on a Semantic Network and Blending Devices

In this paper, we propose a semi-automatic tool, named WORDY, that implements a methodology aimed at speeding-up the pro- cess of creation of neologisms. The approach exploits a semantic network, which is explored through the spreading activation methodology and ex- ploits three blending linguistic techniques together with a proper ranking function in order to support companies in the creation of neologisms ca- pable of evoking semantic meaningful associations to customers.

research product

A Geometric Approach to Automatic Description of Iconic Scenes

It is proposed a step towards the automatic description of scenes with a geometric approach. The scenes considered are composed by a set of elements that can be geometric forms or iconic representation of objects. Every icon is characterized by a set of attributes like shape, colour, position, orientation. Each scene is related to a set of sentences describing its content. The proposed approach builds a data driven vector semantic space where the scenes and the sentences are mapped. Sentences and scene with the same meaning are mapped in near vectors and distance criteria allow retrieving semantic relations.

research product

A Data-Driven Approach to Dynamically Learn Focused Lexicons for Recognizing Emotions in Social Network Streams

Opinion Mining aims at identifying and classifying subjective information in a collection of documents. A variety of approach exists in literature, ranging from Supervised Learning to Unsupervised Learning. Currently, one of the biggest opinion resource of opinionated texts existing on the Web is represented by Social Networks. Networks are not only a vast collection of documents but they also represent a dynamic evolving resource as the users keep posting their own opinions. We based our work relying on this idea of dynamicity, building an evolving model that updates itself in real time as users submit their posts. This is done through a set of supervised techniques based on a Lexi- con of…

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A Sub-Symbolic Approach to Word Modelling for Domain Specific Speech Recognition

In this work a sub-symbolic technique for automatic, data driven language models construction is presented. Such a technique can be used to arrange a language-modelling module, which can be easily integrated in existing speech recognition architectures, such as the well-found HTK architecture. The proposed technique takes advantages from both the traditional LSA approach and from a novel application of a probability space metric known as "Hellinger's distance". Experimental trials are also presented, in order to validate the proposed approach.

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Portmanteau Word-Play for Vocabulary Enhancement with Humanoid Robot Support

Word-play is as powerful learning and motivation tool often used by educators for teaching the ability of reading, which is a complex activity. In this paper, we introduce a system that exploits a Pepper humanoid robot acting as a playfellow in a word-play game based on portmanteau words. The robot shows the ability to play with children using a conversation engine, a portmanteau creation engine, and a definition engine. In this manner, Pepper can integrate itself within a group of kids, and it can support a teacher in her activities. The humanoid can be involved in a word-based round-game in which it can play the role of either answerer or generator of new words.

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Intelligent Advisor Agents in Distributed Environments

The chapter presents a Distributed Expert System based on a multi-agent-architecture. The system is composed of a community of intelligent conversational agents playing the role of specialized advisors for the government of a virtual town, inspired to the SimCity game. The agents are capable to handle strategic decision under uncertainty conditions. They interact in natural language with their owners, obtain information on the current status of the town and give suggestions about the best strategies to apply in order to govern the town. © 2010 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.

research product

A Semantic Layer on Semi-structured Data Sources for Intuitive Chatbots

The main limits of chatbot technology are related to the building of their knowledge representation and to their rigid information retrieval and dialogue capabilities, usually based on simple "pattern matching rules". The analysis of distributional properties of words in a texts corpus allows the creation of semantic spaces where represent and compare natural language elements. This space can be interpreted as a "conceptual" space where the axes represent the latent primitive concepts of the analyzed corpus. The presented work aims at exploiting the properties of a data-driven semantic/conceptual space built using semi-structured data sources freely available on the web, like Wikipedia. Thi…

research product

An RFID framework for multimodal service provision

In recent years there has been a growing interest toward the development of pervasive and context-aware services, and RFID technology played a relevant role in the context sensing task. We propose the use of RFID technology together with a conversational agent in order to implement a multimodal information retrieval service we call SensorMesh. The information acquired from RFID tags about the nearest point of interest is processed by the conversational agent that carries a more natural interaction with the user, also exploiting a common sense ontology. The service is accessible using a multimodal browser on Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs); the browser allows the user to interact with the…

research product

A MAS Security Framework Implementing Reputation Based Policies and Owners Access Control

Multi-agent systems expose users to risks related to lack of knowledge above interacting users. Such systems should provide tools to protect their own resources from illegal accesses by unauthorized users. This paper describes a security framework for Multi-agent systems preventing a trusted agent to interact with malicious agents and granting agent and platform resources. This feature is obtained adding an access control mechanism that joins the benefits of Credential Based Access Control, Role Based Access Control and Mandatory Access Control. Authorizations and access control policies are set by XML based policy files. A case study on a distributed document retrieval system is also illus…

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Editorial: Robot-Assisted Learning and Education

research product

Interaction Capabilities of a Robotic Receptionist

A system aimed at facilitating the interaction between a human user and an humanoid robot is presented. The system is suited to answer questions about laboratories activities, people involved, projects, research themes and collaborations among employees. The task is accomplished by the HermiT reasoner invoked by a speech recognition module. The system is capable of navigating a specific ontology making inference on it. The presented system is part of a broader social robot framework whose goal is to give the user a fulfilling social interaction experience, driven by the perception of the robot internal state and involving intuitive and computational creativity capabilities.

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Using the Hermite Regression Algorithm to Improve the Generalization Capability of a Neural Network

In this paper it is shown that the ability of classification and the ability of approximating a function are correlated to the value (in the training points) of the gradient of the output function learned by the network.

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IL-1 Superfamily Member (IL-1A, IL-1B and IL-18) Genetic Variants Influence Susceptibility and Clinical Course of Mediterranean Spotter Fever

Mediterranean Spotted Fever (MSF) is one of the most common spotted fever Rickettsioses. Most cases of MSF follow a benign course, with a minority of cases being fatal. The severity of the infection depends on bacterial virulence, dose and host factors such as effective immune response and genetic background. Herein, we reported data on typing by competitive allele-specific PCR of functionally relevant polymorphisms of genes coding for MyD88 adapter-like (Mal/TIRAP) protein (rs8177374), interleukin(IL)-1 cluster (IL-1A rs1800587, IL-1B rs16944 and rs1143634) and IL-18 (rs187238), which might be crucial for an efficient immune response. The results enlighten the role that IL-1 gene cluster v…

research product

Effectiveness of Data-Driven Induction of Semantic Spaces and Traditional Classifiers for Sarcasm Detection

Irony and sarcasm are two complex linguistic phenomena that are widely used in everyday language and especially over the social media, but they represent two serious issues for automated text understanding. Many labeled corpora have been extracted from several sources to accomplish this task, and it seems that sarcasm is conveyed in different ways for different domains. Nonetheless, very little work has been done for comparing different methods among the available corpora. Furthermore, usually, each author collects and uses their own datasets to evaluate his own method. In this paper, we show that sarcasm detection can be tackled by applying classical machine learning algorithms to input te…

research product

A Virtual Shopper Customer Assistant in Pervasive Environments

In this work we propose a smart, human-like PDA-based personal shopper assistant. The system is able to understand the user needs through a spoken natural language interaction and then stores the preferences of the potential customer. Subsequently the personal shopper suggests the most suitable items and shops that match the user profile. The interaction is given by automatic speech recognition and text-to-speech technologies; localization is allowed by the use of Wireless technologies, while the interaction is performed by an Alice-based chat-bot endowed with reasoning capabilities. Besides, being implemented on a PDA, the personal shopper satisfies the user needs of mobility and it is als…

research product

A Study on Classification Methods Applied to Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis is a new area of research in data mining that concerns the detection of opinions and/or sentiments in texts. This work focuses on the application and the comparison of three classification techniques over a text corpus composed of reviews of commercial products in order to detect opinions about them. The chosen domain is about "perfumes", and user opinions composing the corpus are written in Italian language. The proposed approach is completely data-driven: a Term Frequency / Inverse Document Frequency (TFIDF) terms selection procedure has been applied in order to make computation more efficient, to improve the classification results and to manage some issues related to t…

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An ACT-R Based Humanoid Social Robot to Manage Storytelling Activities

This paper describes an interactive storytelling system, accessible through the SoftBank robotic platforms NAO and Pepper. The main contribution consists of the interpretation of the story characters by humanoid robots, obtained through the definition of appropriate cognitive models, relying on the ACT-R cognitive architecture. The reasoning processes leading to the story evolution are based on the represented knowledge and the suggestions of the listener in critical points of the story. They are disclosed during the narration, to make clear the dynamics of the story and the feelings of the characters. We analyzed the impact of such externalization of the internal status of the characters t…

research product

Deep neural attention-based model for the evaluation of italian sentences complexity

In this paper, the Automatic Text Complexity Evaluation problem is modeled as a binary classification task tackled by a Neural Network based system. It exploits Recurrent Neural Units and the Attention mechanism to measure the complexity of sentences written in the Italian language. An accurate test phase has been carried out, and the system has been compared with state-of-art tools that tackle the same problem. The computed performances proof the model suitability to evaluate sentence complexity improving the results achieved by other state-of-the-art systems.

research product

A Conversational Agent Based on a Conceptual Interpretation of a Data Driven Semantic Space

In this work we propose an interpretation of the LSA framework which leads to a data-driven “conceptual” space creation suitable for an “intuitive” conversational agent. The proposed approach allows overcoming the limitations of traditional, rule-based, chat-bots, leading to a more natural dialogue.

research product

Application of EαNets to Feature Recognition of Articulation Manner in Knowledge-Based Automatic Speech Recognition

Speech recognition has become common in many application domains. Incorporating acoustic-phonetic knowledge into Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) systems design has been proven a viable approach to rise ASR accuracy. Manner of articulation attributes such as vowel, stop, fricative, approximant, nasal, and silence are examples of such knowledge. Neural networks have already been used successfully as detectors for manner of articulation attributes starting from representations of speech signal frames. In this paper, a set of six detectors for the above mentioned attributes is designed based on the E-αNet model of neural networks. This model was chosen for its capability to learn hidden acti…

research product

EHeBby: An evocative humorist chat-bot

A conversational agent, capable to have a "sense of humor" is presented. The agent can both generate humorous sentences and recognize humoristic expressions introduced by the user during the dialogue. EHeBby is an entertainment oriented conversational agent implemented using the ALICE framework embedded into an Yahoo! Messenger client. It is characterized by two areas: a rational, rule-based area and an evocative area. The first one is based on well founded techniques of computational humor and a standard AIML KB. The second one is based on a conceptual space, automatically induced by a corpus of funny documents, where KB items and user sentences are mapped. This area emulates an associativ…

research product

An Innovative Similarity Measure for Sentence Plagiarism Detection

We propose and experimentally assess Semantic Word Error Rate (SWER), an innovative similarity measure for sentence plagiarism detection. SWER introduces a complex approach based on latent semantic analysis, which is capable of outperforming the accuracy of competitor methods in plagiarism detection. We provide principles and functionalities of SWER, and we complement our analytical contribution by means of a significant preliminary experimental analysis. Derived results are promising, and confirm to use the goodness of our proposal.

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A neural multi-agent based system for smart html pages retrieval

A neural based multi-agent system for smart HTML page retrieval is presented. The system is based on the EalphaNet architecture, a neural network capable of learning the activation function of its hidden units and having good generalization capabilities. System goal is to retrieve documents satisfying a query and dealing with a specific topic. The system has been developed using the basic features supplied by the Jade platform for agent creation, coordination and control. The system is composed of four agents: the trainer agent, the neural classifier mobile agent, the interface agent, and the librarian agent. The sub-symbolic knowledge of the neural classifier mobile agent is automatically …

research product

A multimodal chat-bot based information technology system

The proposed system integrates chat-bot and speech recognition technologies in order to build a versatile, user-friendly, virtual assistant guide with information retrieval capabilities. The system is adaptable to the user needs of mobility being also usable on different devices (i.e. PDAs, Smartphone). The system has been implemented on a Qtek 9090 with Windows Mobile 2003 and a simulation for the cultural heritage domain is here presented.

research product

A Concurrent Neural Classifier for HTML Documents Retrieval

A neural based multi-agent system for automatic HTML pages retrieval is presented. The system is based on the EαNet architecture, a neural network having good generalization capabilities and able to learn the activation function of its hidden units. The starting hypothesis is that the HTML pages are stored in networked repositories. The system goal is to retrieve documents satisfying a user query and belonging to a given class (i.e. documents containing the word “football” and talking about “Sports”). The system is composed by three interacting agents: the EαNet Neural Classifier Mobile Agent, the Query Agent, and the Locator Agent. The whole system was successfully implemented exploiting t…

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Acting on Conceptual Spaces in Cognitive Agents

Conceptual spaces were originally introduced by G ardenfors as a bridge between symbolic and connectionist models of information representation. In our opinion, a cognitive agent, besides being able to work within his (current) conceptual space, must also be able to `produce a new space' by means of `global' operations. These are operations which, acting on a conceptual space taken as a whole, generate other conceptual spaces.

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Wordnet and semidiscrete decomposition for sub-symbolic representation of words

A methodology for sub-symbolic semantic encoding of words is presented. The methodology uses the standard, semantically highly-structured WordNet lexical database and the SemiDiscrete matrix Decomposition to obtain a vector representation with low memory requirements in a semantic n-space. The application of the proposed algorithm over all the WordNet words would lead to a useful tool for the sub-symbolic processing of texts.

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An Innovative Mobile Phone Based System For Humanoid Robot Expressing Emotions And Personality

In this paper we illustrate a new version of the cognitive architecture of an emotional humanoid robot based on the proposed paradigm of Latent Semantic Behaviour (LSB). This paradigm is a step towards the simulation of an emotional behavior of a robot interacting with humans. The New Architecture uses a different procedure of induction of the emotional conceptual space and an Android mobile phone as user-friendly for the emotional interaction with robot. The robot generates its overall behavior also taking into account its "personality" encoded in the emotional conceptual space. To validate the system, we implemented the distribute system on a Aldebaran NAO humanoid robot and on a Android …

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A Controllable Text Simplification System for the Italian Language

Text simplification is a non-trivial task that aims at reducing the linguistic complexity of written texts. Researchers have studied the problem by proposing new methodologies for addressing the English language, but other languages, like the Italian one, are almost unexplored. In this paper, we give a contribution to the enhancement of the Automated Text Simplification research by presenting a deep learning-based system, inspired by a state of the art system for the English language, capable of simplifying Italian texts. The system has been trained and tested by leveraging the Italian version of Newsela; it has shown promising results by achieving a SARI value of 30.17.

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A Conceptual Probabilistic Model for the Induction of Image Semantics

In this paper we propose a model based on a conceptual space automatically induced from data. The model is inspired to a well-founded robotics cognitive architecture which is organized in three computational areas: sub-conceptual, linguistic and conceptual. Images are objects in the sub-conceptual area, that become "knoxels" into the conceptual area. The application of the framework grants the automatic emerging of image semantics into the linguistic area. The core of the model is a conceptual space induced automatically from a set of annotated images that exploits and mixes different information concerning the set of images. Multiple low level features are extracted to represent images and…

research product

A New Humanoid Architecture for Social Interaction between Human and a Robot Expressing Human-Like Emotions Using an Android Mobile Device as Interface

In this paper we illustrate a humanoid robot able to interact socially and naturally with a human by expressing human-like body emotions. The emotional architecture of this robot is based on an emotional conceptual space generated using the paradigm of Latent Semantic Analysis. The robot generates its overall affective behavior (Latent Semantic Behavior) taking into account the visual and phrasal stimuli of human user, the environment and its personality, all encoded in his emotional conceptual space. The robot determines its emotion according by all these parameters that influence and orient the generation of his behavior not predictable from the user. The goal of this approach is to obtai…

research product

Convergence of Web 2.0 and Semantic Web: A Semantic Tagging and Searching System for Creating and Searching Blogs

The work presented in this paper aims to combine Latent Semantic Analysis methodology, common sense and traditional knowledge representation in order to improve the dialogue capabilities of a conversational agent. In our approach the agent brain is characterized by two areas: a "rational area", composed by a structured, rule-based knowledge base, and an "associative area", obtained through a data- driven semantic space. Concepts are mapped in this space and their mutual geometric distance is related to their conceptual similarity. The geometric distance between concepts implicitly defines a sub-symbolic relationship net, which can be seen as a new "sub- symbolic semantic layer" automaticall…

research product

A Java 3D Talking Head for a Chatbot

Facial animation is referred to all those systems per- forming the speech synchronization with an animated face model. This kind of systems are called ”Talking Head” or ”Talking Face”. In this paper a Talking Head oriented to the creation of a Chatbot is presented. It requires an in- put query and an answer is generated in form of text. The answer is transduced into a facial animation using a 3D face model whose lips movements are synchronized with the sound produced by a speech synthesis module. Our ”Talk- ing Head” explores the naturalness of the facial animation and provides a real-time interactive interface to the user. The WEB infrastructure has been realized using the Client- Server m…

research product