

Tackling discrimination in grassroots sports : a handbook for teachers and coaches

Anna KavouraMarja KokkonenMariana Siljamäki


tasa-arvorasismin ehkäisyurheilunuoretsyrjintärasismiväkivaltakäsikirjatlapset (ikäryhmät)valmentajatliikunnanopettajathäirintä


The purpose of this handbook is to provide the definitions and the different kinds of discrimination, racism, harassment, and violence (e.g. ethnic, sexual etc.). After reading this handbook, coaches and PE teachers will be able to identify/recognize critical incidents. The handbook is a tool designed to be used by teachers and coaches. It gives information about different types of discrimination and presents ideas and resources for dealing with these items when working with children and young athletes. It aims to increase the awareness of discrimination problems in youth sport, report their consequences, propose measures and practices that can be used in the sports field to prevent discrimination and prepare physical education teachers and trainers to address discriminatory incidents. nonPeerReviewed
