

Ecological characteristics of pre-imaginal stages of blackflies (diptera: simuliidae) in Southern England

Ricardo Jiménez-peydróEduardo M. García-rogerDavid López-peñaRobert Cheke


QLEcologyInsect ScienceAquatic ScienceBiologyGFEcology Evolution Behavior and Systematics


Data on pre-imaginal stages of blackflies obtained in southern England during the summer and early autumn of 2020 were supplemented by additional surveys and analysed in relation to environmental factors. Fourteen taxa from 29 locations were recorded. Of these, seven are of medical and/or veterinary importance: Simulium (Wilhelmia) equinum (Linnaeus, 1758), S. (Boophthora) erythrocephalum (De Geer, 1776), S. (Simulium) intermedium Roubaud, 1906 sensu lato (s.l., a complex of species), S. (W.) lineatum (Meigen, 1804), S. (S.) morsitans Edwards, 1915, S. (S.) noelleri Friederichs, 1920 and S. (S.) ornatum (Meigen, 1818) s.l. Analyses of a variety of environmental factors recorded at the insects’ breeding sites showed that, by considering larvae and pupae together, the differences in the assemblages of blackfly species were explained by four variables: river depth, temperature, conductivity and elevation.
