

Diffractive dijet production from the Color Glass Condensate and the small-x gluon distributions

Niklas MuellerHeikki MäntysaariHeikki MäntysaariBjörn Schenke


PhysicsNuclear TheoryFOS: Physical sciencesElectronhiukkasfysiikkaDeep inelastic scattering114 Physical sciencesColor-glass condensateGluonMomentumNuclear physicsNuclear Theory (nucl-th)Cross section (physics)Transverse planeHigh Energy Physics - PhenomenologyRecoilHigh Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph)High Energy Physics::ExperimentNuclear Experiment


We study exclusive dijet production in electron-proton deep inelastic scattering at a future Electron Ion Collider. We predict the elliptic modulation of the cross section as a function of the angle between the dijet transverse momentum and the recoil momentum, and show that this modulation is due to non-trivial angular correlations between the transverse coordinate and transverse momentum in the Wigner (or Husimi) distribution. The small-$x$ evolution is shown to decrease the elliptic modulation in the EIC kinematics, because of the growth of the proton with decreasing $x$.
