

Critical reflections on asymptotically safe gravity

Holger GiesAlfio BonannoFrank SaueressigMartin ReuterAstrid EichhornAstrid EichhornRoberto PercacciJan M. PawlowskiGian Paolo Vacca


High Energy Physics - TheoryReflection (computer programming)Computer scienceEffective field theoryMaterials Science (miscellaneous)Asymptotic safety in quantum gravityBiophysicsGeneral Physics and AstronomyUnitarityFixed pointQuantum spacetime01 natural sciences530General Relativity and Quantum CosmologyTheoretical High Energy Physics0103 physical sciencesCalculusddc:530High Energy PhysicsQuantum gravitationQuantum field theoryPhysical and Theoretical Chemistry010306 general physicsRunning couplingsMathematical PhysicsStructure (mathematical logic)ObservablesObservablelcsh:QC1-999Asymptotic safetySettore FIS/02 - Fisica Teorica Modelli e Metodi MatematiciQuantum gravityRenormalization grouplcsh:Physics


Asymptotic safety is a theoretical proposal for the ultraviolet completion of quantum field theories, in particular for quantum gravity. Significant progress on this program has led to a first characterization of the Reuter fixed point. Further advancement in our understanding of the nature of quantum spacetime requires addressing a number of open questions and challenges. Here, we aim at providing a critical reflection on the state of the art in the asymptotic safety program, specifying and elaborating on open questions of both technical and conceptual nature. We also point out systematic pathways, in various stages of practical implementation, towards answering them. Finally, we also take the opportunity to clarify some common misunderstandings regarding the program.
