Comment positionner l'offre culturelle ? De la compréhension de la relation personne – objet à l'intégration du lieu de consommation
Rémi Mencarelli Mathilde Pulhsubject
relation personne-objetvaleur de consommationpositionnementpositioningcultural experimentexpérience culturelle[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationphysical environment[ SHS.GESTION ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationrelation individual-object[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationenvironnement physiqueconsumption valuedescription
This article seeks to answer the strategic question of the cultural institutions positioning by insisting on the need, on the one hand, for analyzing the total relation between the consumer and the cultural object (central road of positioning definition) and, on the other hand, for considering the role of the cultural place (peripheral road). We will be able to consider that the ways of differentiation are multiple and correspond to a conceptualization of the ambivalent cultural experience.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2005-01-01 |