Rémi Mencarelli

Comment gérer des expériences extraordinaires ? Analyse et recommandations à partir d'une immersion dans les parcs à thème

The designers and managers of amusement parks seek above all to encourage the visitor's immersion in the heart of an extraordinary experience. Yet access to this type of experience is not systematic and the visitor's immersion does not seem permanent. The aim of this paper is to deepen understanding of the park experience. The analysis of 41 introspective diaries of visitors to amusement parks identifes states of immersion but also other states submersion, emersion, reject). On a managerial plan, this approach offers understanding keys to theme park managers on experiences related to this offer.

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Le positionnement stratégique des musées : outils, tendances et perspectives

International audience

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Les stratégies d'internationalisation des musées : le cas du Guggenheim

International audience; L'objectif de cet article est d'apporter un éclairage sur une orientation stratégique récente que connaît le secteur muséal : l'internationalisation. Pour cela, nous proposons un éclairage particulier sur la Fondation Guggenheim, précurseur en la matière, ce qui nous permettra tout à la fois d'illustrer nos propos, de comprendre les modalités de mise en œuvre d'une stratégie d'internationalisation dans le secteur muséal et de mettre en avant les limites ou les risques liés à cette stratégie.

research product

Réflexion sur le lieu de consommation culturelle. Une application au cas des musiques actuelles

The following study sheds light on the importance of managing a forsaken element of cultural experience : the place. Because of the weakness of the works relating to this element in the cultural domain, we use the works in distribution. Several competing theories are considered to conceptualize the cultural place: the own characteristics of the place, the behaviors and the “responses to the place”. The last track having our preference, an exploratory study will come in support to define the differents dimensions that compose this “response to the place”. Pop music will constitute our field of application.

research product

Positioning the Supply of Live Performance: Innovative Managerial Practices Relating to the Interaction of Spectator, Performance and Venue

Because of the abundance of offerings, the question of positioning with regard to live performances is becoming increasingly crucial for managers in the cultural sector. The authors address this issue by proposing original means of differentiation that managers can use in order to reinforce the identity of their offerings. The authors point to the need for analysis of the relationship between the public and the spectacle (central focus of positioning), highlighting the various facets that structure this positioning. They then examine the interaction between the public and the cultural venue (peripheral focus of positioning). Such a framework of consumption experiences offers promising solut…

research product

Comment positionner l'offre culturelle ? De la compréhension de la relation personne – objet à l'intégration du lieu de consommation

This article seeks to answer the strategic question of the cultural institutions positioning by insisting on the need, on the one hand, for analyzing the total relation between the consumer and the cultural object (central road of positioning definition) and, on the other hand, for considering the role of the cultural place (peripheral road). We will be able to consider that the ways of differentiation are multiple and correspond to a conceptualization of the ambivalent cultural experience.

research product

Conceptualisation et mesure de la valeur perçue d'un lieu de consommation. Application au domaine du spectacle vivant

This article seeks to understand the role of a place during a consumption experience. We explore the track of value and present a scale of perceived value of a place. In this way, we have done a state of art about the value and we justify for using this concept to grasp the physical environment. We present the stages of the scale's building.

research product

La consommation culturelle a changé, les organisations culturelles s'adaptent

research product

Positioning Strategies of Cultural Institutions: A Renewal of the Offer in the Face of Shifting Consumer Trends

research product

Positioning the supply of live performances. Innovative managerial practices relating to the interaction of audience, performance and venue

Because of an abundant offer of shows, the question of the cultural products positioning becomes increasingly crucial for the professionals of this sector. This article proposes to answer this strategic question by identifying original ways of differentiation in order to reinforce the identity of their offer. First of all, we insist on the need for analyzing the relation between the public and the spectacle (central road of positioning). We wish to highlight the various facets that structure this positioning. Then, we examine the interaction between the public and the cultural place (peripheral road of positioning). This tangible framework of consumption experiment can offer promising solut…

research product

Quand l'offre muséale fait écho aux grandes tendances de consommation

A conclusion is widely shared by the professionals of cultural sector: the consumers' motivations have changed and especially, their relation with the cultural products and services. This article seeks to analyse different trends applied to museums in order to improve the understanding of this "new" cultural audience. We define and illustrate by innovative practices each seven consumption orientations. Finally, each tendency is evaluated by professionals of this cultural field.

research product

Quand les institutions culturelles s´ouvrent au marketing sensoriel ... et s´en défendent : enjeux et paradoxes.

: Stimulate the audience sensoriality seems to be a new spearhead for a lot of cultural institutions. In this way, it is important to understand how the stimulation of the five senses of the audience could be interesting for managers in the cultural field. We wish, within this article, to improve this analysis. Accordingly, we will try, in a first part, to define this "sensory" trend of consumption and to clarify its stakes in comparison with the work completed in other marketing's fields. In a second part, we will appreciate the consequences of this tendency in terms of managerial practices for the professionals of the cultural sector. In a third and last part, we will present the principa…

research product

La méthode de l'essai photographique collectif : Mise en Oeuvre sur le site de Bibracte

This paper exposes a qualitative approach aiming not only to collect and analyze verbal and visual data related to lived experiences but also to present the results in the form of a collective photographic essay. Then, it shows how it is implemented to explore the experiences lived on a cultural and touristic site: that of Bibracte. Finally, its contributions and limitations are reviewed.

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