

Comment gérer des expériences extraordinaires ? Analyse et recommandations à partir d'une immersion dans les parcs à thème

Blandine Anteblian Laurence Graillot Rémi Mencarelli


immersionparcs à thèmejournaux de bord.introspective diaries.[SHS.GESTION]Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration[ SHS.GESTION ] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administration[SHS.GESTION] Humanities and Social Sciences/Business administrationtheme parkstheme parksintrospective diaries.expérienceimmersionparcs à thèmejournaux de bord.expérience


The designers and managers of amusement parks seek above all to encourage the visitor's immersion in the heart of an extraordinary experience. Yet access to this type of experience is not systematic and the visitor's immersion does not seem permanent. The aim of this paper is to deepen understanding of the park experience. The analysis of 41 introspective diaries of visitors to amusement parks identifes states of immersion but also other states submersion, emersion, reject). On a managerial plan, this approach offers understanding keys to theme park managers on experiences related to this offer.
