

FLUX CITY HOUSE: re-immaginare il futuro di Manhattan. La centralità del programma nel progetto di New York 2030-2050-2100

Renzo LecardaneZeila TesoriereBianca Andaloro


Settore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbanasustainability new york modular architecture design program utopia


In the future, architecture and the city will no longer be a place, but a condition of co-transformative and shared sustainability. In the era of increasing global warming, ecological and energy transition, architecture creates a new balance through the project, at the intertwining of multiple of many fields of knowledge. Sustainability will lead to new perspectives of urban regeneration, as social perspective and a new way of living, consuming and producing, in a broad reverberation of innovations on the ethical and political level of the relationship with societies. Within this frame, the project Flux-city House, winner of the first prize at the “SUAE Asia Winter School Campus: SoHo rezoning, NYC 2022”, suggests a critique of the New York City Municipality Plan (2021) for the Manhattan district. In contrast to the proposed excessive densification in height and the absence of innovative functional programmes, both for the buildings and for the urban landscape, the project sugests a strong symbolic value to the future of the SoHo neighbourhood, introducing a new, adaptable and flexible architectural type, oriented towards a profound modification of the city's ways of living. The building incorporates energy production and intensive hydroponic agriculture to the residential and service functions, and is declined on the three-time horizons 2030, 2050 and 2100.
