Bianca Andaloro

Challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic and design responses in public space: Towards strategies for resilient post-Covid cities

The Covid-19 pandemic triggered governments and designers to revalue and redesign public spaces. This paper focuses on the various design responses to Covid-19 proposed and implemented in public spaces. In particular, we identify the kinds of challenges that such design responses address and the strategies that they use. We selected 56 design examples, largely collected from internet sources. By analyzing the design examples we identified five Covid-related challenges that were addressed in public space: sustaining amenities, keeping a distance, feeling connected, staying mentally healthy, and expanding health infrastructures. For each challenge, we articulated 2 to 6 design strategies. The…

research product

La strada come collettore percettivo: i casi di Aprilia e Conquista del Guadiana

The study of rural burgs founded during the totalitarian regimes in Spain and Italy, proposes a comparative study of urban realities characterised by peculiar elements, which show a design volition to decline the project on the territory on which it was intended to be realised, starting from an abstraction of the project up to the modifications dictated by social and logistical needs. In this paper, the case of the Spanish city Conquista del Guadiana from 1964, and the Italian Aprilia from 1936, will be deepened. Both of them are characterised by the tangential relationship with the main road axis of reference and connection with the neighbouring cities. This study aims to show that beyond …

research product

FLUX CITY HOUSE: re-immaginare il futuro di Manhattan. La centralità del programma nel progetto di New York 2030-2050-2100

In the future, architecture and the city will no longer be a place, but a condition of co-transformative and shared sustainability. In the era of increasing global warming, ecological and energy transition, architecture creates a new balance through the project, at the intertwining of multiple of many fields of knowledge. Sustainability will lead to new perspectives of urban regeneration, as social perspective and a new way of living, consuming and producing, in a broad reverberation of innovations on the ethical and political level of the relationship with societies. Within this frame, the project Flux-city House, winner of the first prize at the “SUAE Asia Winter School Campus: SoHo rezon…

research product

Sistemi cibernetici per la ri-definizione dello spazio architettonico. Cedric Price e i laboratori del cambiamento

This paper investigates the introduction of the cybernetic approach in architecture, through the key-role of N. Wiener, G. Pask and their influence on the projects of Cedric Price in the Sixties. The analysis of two of his most representative projects, such as the Fun Palace and the Generator, aims to individuate the informatics influence brought to the spatial composition. Furthermore, the article will clarify the visionary though of the British architect concerning the impact of digital infrastructures on the prefiguration of the most recent responsive and interactive approaches in architecture.

research product

Multiscalarity of Adaptive Architecture. The efficiency of micro and the resilience of macro in contemporary design

Dealing with the multiscalar approach of contemporary architectural design raises the question of which architecture today is willing to accommodate a constant comparison between different scales, materials, and practices. It is believed that the processes that best show this purpose are related to resilient architecture, which elaborates innovative features through adaptive processes. With the introduction of external factors to the building as design materials, adaptive architecture can be considered as a transformative condition for some invariants of the discipline. The resilient and adaptive approach, therefore, uses technological elements, whose scale is Micro, embedded in the buildin…

research product

Architettura e natura nei centri minori in Sicilia. Esperienze temporanee di progetto: la cascata di San Nicola nella valle di Bolognetta

The current Covid-19 emergency has revealed the crucial role of the health issue, not only in terms of healthcare facilities, but also in new ways to get better, spend more free time outdoors, eat healthy and revive the economies of Local communities. Action research takes on a leading role of the Recovery Fund, of the Green New Deal in order to identify better opportunities and strategies, increasing administrative capacities and skills in small towns, through a better use of available European, national and regional funds aimed at regenerate places that until yesterday were considered on the margins. The small towns must have territorial projects capable of combining development and susta…

research product

I caratteri dell'architettura resiliente adattiva. Invarianti compositive del progetto: 1990-2020

La Tesi di Dottorato “I caratteri dell’architettura resiliente adattiva. Invarianti compositive del progetto: 1990-2020” si propone di affrontare il rapporto fra l’architettura resiliente adattiva e le invarianti compositive del progetto attraverso l’influenza che tale rapporto ha sull’evoluzione e l’innovazione dei caratteri dell’architettura. In un momento storico in cui termini come resilienza e innovazione ricoprono un ruolo cruciale nell’esplorazione delle potenzialità della ricerca e costituiscono un requisito indispensabile per la programmazione del prossimo futuro, si è ritenuto opportuno ricondurre l’attenzione della ricerca dottorale al cuore della disciplina del progetto di archi…

research product

Lo spazio pubblico adattivo: esplorare la transizione digitale per il benessere sociale e ambientale

The present social and environmental challenges, the impact of climate change and the pandemic, revealed the urgency and the opportunity to rethink urban design through its renewed spaces and temporalities. The pandemic offered a ‘natural experiment’ to explore and develop new perspectives, making public spaces more resilient. Contributing towards a rethink of these spaces, the present paper explores adaptive architecture with responsive technologies and their capability of shaping public spaces to constitute a conversation piece with the surrounding environment. This approach combines and reflects different disciplinary fields: architecture, civic interaction and urban design. The explorat…

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