

Architettura e natura nei centri minori in Sicilia. Esperienze temporanee di progetto: la cascata di San Nicola nella valle di Bolognetta

Renzo Antonio LecardaneLa Scala PaolaBianca Andaloro


small townArchitecture Urban designSettore ICAR/14 - Composizione Architettonica E Urbanahealth issueRecovery FundCovid-19


The current Covid-19 emergency has revealed the crucial role of the health issue, not only in terms of healthcare facilities, but also in new ways to get better, spend more free time outdoors, eat healthy and revive the economies of Local communities. Action research takes on a leading role of the Recovery Fund, of the Green New Deal in order to identify better opportunities and strategies, increasing administrative capacities and skills in small towns, through a better use of available European, national and regional funds aimed at regenerate places that until yesterday were considered on the margins. The small towns must have territorial projects capable of combining development and sustainability and of creating critical mass; it is in this context that the research-action project of the LabCity Architecture (DARCH-UniPA) Research Group aims to investigate the issue of small towns in Sicily, located along the Sicilian Transversal area, to rethink a new vision in relation to the rural territory.
