Renzo Antonio Lecardane

Abitare la transizione nei Centri minori in Sicilia

The proposal aims to develop concrete experience on possible ways of living from a framework of national and international references on the theme of the Social Housing Community to define a specific methodology on strategies to be tested on the theme of residence temporary in small towns in Sicily. The provision of minimum and adequate space for short and long periods of welcome is thus intended for new temporary residents (returning young people, migrant families, the elderly, travellers in transit) which can also be used to meet the needs of migrants, under the public direction of the municipal administration. The issue of residency is back in the disciplinary debate after the health eme…

research product


This contribution aims to examine the territory of Mediterranean cities set against the general topic of the GREEN CITY. Our main research hypothesis will show how multiculturalism, the enhancement cultural heritage and a conscious use of natural resources, are essential factors for a positive change in the development of Mediterranean cities, involving actors, key figures, inhabitants and users. The preservation of multiculturalism comes under the enhancement of intangible cultural heritage of urban community. The enhancement of multiculturalism and of intangible heritage is, in fact, oriented to the preservation of the cultural and linguistic diversities of each ethnic group that takes pa…

research product

Progetti di rigenerazione nella città-porto di Saint-Nazaire. Strategie di tutela e trasformazione del patrimonio bellico / Plans of regeneration in the city-port of Saint-Nazaire. Strategies of protection and transformation of the war patrimony

The European city represents today an extraordinary skill for the innovation and transformation of the relationship between architectural design and the built environment. During the last few years many great cities and smaller cores have started regeneration plans throughout design review process that covers namely the waterfronts as well as protection and preservation of built artefacts. A variety of conditions in many European cities – changes in urban structures, new economical and industrials arrays – affecting today the relation between town and infrastructures. The case-study of St. Nazaire shows in particularly a strategy to re-link town and harbour area. The projects developed at t…

research product

Stratégies de transformation urbaine au bord du Tage. L’exemple de l’Expo’98 de Lisbonne

Le sujet de cette proposition porte sur la contribution des grands événements à la rénovation urbaine et sur les mécanismes de transformations des villes contemporaines. On s'interrogera sur la façon dont la programmation et la transformation des villes et des territoires peut être réalisée dans des conditions privilégiés, dont les acteurs et les politiques urbaines se côtoient aux choix des nouvelles stratégies de planification urbaine. Je prendrais pour champ d'observation l’Expo’98 qui s’inscrit dans le cadre du «Plan stratégique de Lisbonne» élaboré par la municipalité entre 1990 et 1992 et qui définit les futures transformation de la zone orientale de la Capitale portugaise jusqu’au 20…

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Important Events and Contemporary Exhibitions: New Urban Strategies for Metropolitan Planning

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Caleidoscopico Mercato Ballarò: ampio spazio alla ricerca-azione a Palermo

The proposal to trigger regenerative processes in the urban and social fabric in an unstable context is the foundation of this research-action developed with a systemic approach, first observing the environment built in its entirety and subsequently overcoming the limited concept of interventions, over time and in space, through three priority criteria: resilience, adaptability and transformability. These criteria activate a design strategy in complex systems to respond to situations of environmental, social and economic instability. A double tension guides this research in the field through continuous operations of distancing4 and interaction with institutions, associations, marketers and …

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Expo par cœur. Projets et aménagement du waterfront de Lisbonne

Le sujet de cette proposition, s’appuyant sur une recherche en cours concernant la contribution des grands événements contemporains à la rénovation urbaine, porte sur le thème de la relation entre les grandes expositions et les mécanismes de transformation des villes portuaires et des territoires délaissés. L’analyse des rapports entre événement et rénovation urbaine, retracée ici à travers l’exemple de l’Expo’98 de Lisbonne, permet d’aborder, d’une part, le thème de la détermination d’une stratégie de transformation permanente de la ville et, d’autre part, celui de la configuration d’une nouvelle centralité métropolitaine. Dans ce cadre, l’Expo ’98 a évidemment encouragé la régénération en…

research product

Imaginaire et réalité de l’évènement. Valencia et l’America’s Cup 2007

Le sujet de cette proposition, qui fait état d'une recherche en cours sur la contribution des grands événements à la rénovation urbaine1, porte sur la relation entre infrastructures sportives et mécanismes de transformation des villes. L’analyse de la relation entre l’imaginaire et la représentation de l’événement permet d’aborder, d’une part, le thème de la reconnaissance internationale de l’image de la ville et, d’autre part, le thème de la détermination d’une stratégie urbaine de longue durée. C’est à partir de l’exemple de l’America’s Cup 2007 à Valencia, que sera interrogée la place de l’image et de la représentation des villes dites événementielles. Suivre quelques étapes qui ont cara…

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Las grandes exposiciones del siglo XXI frente a la fragilidad del territorio

Las exposiciones no son eventos autónomos ni homogéneos, al contrario, su desarrollo constituye la trama de una historia discontinua, el espejo de una sociedad en evolución que experimenta sus reglas y sus paradigmas, mostrándolos a la sociedad. A través de cartografía y bibliografía específica, además de las experiencias personales de los autores, se analizan los eventos de Hannover (2000) que marca el comienzo de las exposiciones del presente siglo, Shanghái (2010), y Milán (2015) para comprender los efectos que los eventos expositivos tienen sobre la transformación de la ciudad y del territorio, en un momento en el cual existe una renovada preocupación sobre el devenir de las ciudades, s…

research product

Network of small towns. Themes and projects in the territory of Tindari

The protection of natural and cultural resources in small towns is a topic of growing interest within the European context and aims to enhance the local heritage toward an interaction consciously balanced between human activities. The project Tindari 2030: Natural emotion led by the research group LabCity Architecture aims to indicate and enhance the territory of Tindari with regard to its natural, cultural and religious resources, such as the Sanctuary of the Black Madonna, an archaeological site (396 BC), the sandy naturalistic system of the 'Laghetti di Marinello',the 'Coda di Volpe' trail, which is the remaining part of the 'Via Francigena Palermo-Messina per la marina'. This project in…

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Las grandes Exposiciones en Europa: 1992-2002. Efectos duraderos sobre la ciudad y apropiación por parte de la ciudadanía.

This paper studies the influence of great contemporary Expositions on the transformation of cities and of territories, developing some aspects we consider relevant of these events: their growing relevance in urban contemporary politics and the urban and architectural project as creator of the regeneration of abandoned or obsolete areas. Against the short duration of these events, the positive and negative effects, like the definition of new urban and territorial domains, the modernization of infrastructures and services, the impulse of private stakeholders toward building lands and the consolidation of City-Brand in tourism nets among others, have a much longer duration, and depend on the u…

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Lisbona città evento. Intervista di Renzo Lecardane a Manuel Salgado / Lisbonne ville événementielle. Entretien de Renzo Lecardane avec Manuel Salgado

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Du littoral a l’évènement. L’America’s Cup 2007 et la transformation du waterfront de Valencia

Le sujet de cette proposition, s’appuyant sur une recherche en cours concernant la contribution des événements contemporains à la rénovation urbaine, porte sur le thème de la relation entre les temporalités et les mécanismes de transformation des villes et des territoires portuaires délaissés. L’hypothèse centrale de la recherche, qui consiste à considérer les grands événements comme outils de transformation de la ville contemporaine, repose sur l’interaction entre ce qui est par nature éphémère et l’aménagement urbain qui est une opération permanente. C’est à partir de cette opposition entre temporaire et permanent que l’on peut retrouver la production d’une situation exceptionnelle qui se…

research product

Vertical mobility: a multi-faceted tool for enhancing architectural heritage

Vertical mobility plays a key role in the accessibility of architectural heritage: an ex- traneous requisite, but indispensable for enhancing the built heritage in an inclusive way. In this framework, in the light of their multiple technological features, mechanical devices will be discussed, taking into account the interaction with the users (individuals and community). Urban and architectural design in the historical context is very often confronted with vertical mobility, in the relationships between fragmented spaces and the perceptive processes of the user. The mechanical devices can be read at the same time as technological products and as iconic moments of the narrative sequence of d…

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(Ri)costruire spazi di comunità. Progetto-azione nella città del mercato Ballarò a Palermo

The rediscovery of the cultural value of the project, the creation of new imaginaries in marginal places and the new aesthetics of temporality are some of the emerging issues in the city of crisis in Italy that are measured through processes of active involvement of inhabitants, associations and institutions. The contribution first proposes an analysis of the potential of public space through a research-action with a high social content in the urban fabric of the Ballarò market in Palermo. Subsequently, the research returns a multidisciplinary perspective on the interpretative models of public space to propose new imaginaries. Themes related to social inclusion, community participation proc…

research product

PROGETTARE LO SPAZIO INTERCULTURALE. Approccio multi-scalare nel quartiere Albergheria a Palermo / DESIGNING INTERCULTURAL SPACE. A multi-scalar approach in the Albergheria neighbourhood in Palermo

Migration has always been a major driver of urban transformation stimulating opportunities and challenges for cities and encouraging architectural and urban designers for taking a proactive and dynamic role in responding to the crisis. Enhancing these changes, and designing intercultural spaces for local communities, is a complex and urgent spatial challenge, that should be addressed by a multi-scalar approach aiming to integrate urban, architectural and public spaces. This paper illustrates a research-action resulting from a collective work developed on key urban spaces of the Albergheria neighborhood of Palermo, where a design-led research based on a multiscalar regeneration approach (urb…

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Le front de mer de Valencia et l'héritage de l'America's Cup 2007

The topic of this paper studies the relationship between temporalities and the transformative mechanisms in cities and neglected port zones. The central hypothesis posits that major events can be understood as tools of transformation of the contemporary city in which the event, by its very nature impermanent in character, can nevertheless have a permanent effect on the development of certain facilities. The permanency that gets established as a result of an short-term happening differs from traditional forms of urban intervention. Analysis of urban development growing out of a short-term event uses the case of the 2007 America’s Cup of Valencia to explicate a durable strategy between these …

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Bunker culturel : la régénération du patrimoine militaire urbain à Saint-Nazaire

Au cours des deux dernières décennies Saint-Nazaire a relancé son développement sans se référer nécessairement aux modèles des métropoles européennes. Concentrées autour de la zone portuaire, près de la base sous-marine allemande, les nouvelles opérations urbaines ont contribué à définir un important projet touristique et culturel. La spécificité symbolique et la valorisation du patrimoine militaire ont permis à Saint-Nazaire de montrer que l’identité d’une ville pouvait activer sa croissance.Over the last two decades, the port city of Saint-Nazaire has encouraged urban redevelopment without necessarily following the models suggested by other European cities. An important cultural and touri…

research product

L'America's Cup 2007 e l'estensione del porto

La città europea rappresenta oggi uno straordinario luogo di innovazione del rapporto fra progetto e fatti urbani. Negli ultimi anni molte grandi città o nuclei minori di interesse storico hanno avviato progetti di rigenerazione attraverso interventi di trasformazione del tessuto urbano e dello spazio pubblico che riguardano in particolare la trasformazione del waterfront, la riqualificazione del patrimonio architettonico e la costruzione di edifici esemplari. L’argomento di questo testo, che si inserisce nell’ambito delle ricerche da me condotte sulla cultura della trasformazione della città1, intende indagare il contributo dei grandi eventi come fattore di trasformazione sostenibile dei c…

research product

Expériences temporaires en Architecture. La ville du Marché Ballarò

The rediscovery of the cultural value of the project and of the new aesthetic of temporality are two issues among these emerging in the city in times of crisis in Italy which are measured through the process of active involvement of inhabitants, associations and actors institutional. The research proposed concrete explorations of the transformation of the street into a public space through an interdisciplinary prospective of participatory practices and interlocutions. It is in this context that research is interested in the cultural and material value of urban space as a projection of social relations towards a new aesthetic of temporality which aims to reverse the gaze of waiting spaces th…

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The examples chosen from the projects developed by the students of Architectural Degree Laboratory L@bCity, present certain lines of thought regarding both the city at a time of crisis and architecture understood as a discipline of knowing and taking action in society.

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Perspectives urbaines et écologiques. Le territoire de l’Expo 2008 Saragosse

Les villes fluviales, aujourd’hui confrontées à la rénovation des berges et des espaces attenants, ont pris conscience de leur intérêt à tirer parti de cet élément naturel, constitutif de leur territoire, participant de leur identité mais aussi vecteur de développement. Cette nouvelle sensibilité vers un environnement de qualité s’appuie aux notions d’écologie et de développement durable qui accompagnent la plupart des projets autour du fleuve. Cohérente avec l’importance actuelle concédée à l’impact et à l’héritage apprenant de cette expérience, interprétant le milieu, Saragosse a proposé une Exposition dont la principale vertu réside dans son échelle, dans son dialogue avec l’Ebre et d’au…

research product

Scuole in transizione. Esperienze e progetti di nuovi spazi educativi e di comunità

Schools take into account numerous challenges associated with the theme of educational and ecological transition and are confronted with a vast and often obsolete heritage in which school buildings present safety and maintenance conditions that require urgent interventions. In recent years, a number of important initiatives have been launched to accelerate the process of architectural regeneration of the country's schools with the investment of substantial economic resources aimed at upgrading buildings and the interior and exterior spaces of schools. The need for a different school also emerges from new pedagogical methods that go beyond the traditional concept of the classroom and lead to…

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L’urbanité de l’héritage industriel La reconversion du viaduc de la High Line à New York

At the heart of urban dynamics over the past few decades, the reconversion of riverside and port spaces in cities of the western world is associated with the deindustrialisation of these sites, often situated near historic city centres. This contemporary situation puts industrial heritage conversion at the centre of thinking which goes beyond the mere conservation of the original value of the buildings to question the future of cities, in relation to the notion of sustainability. In New York, after thirty years of neglect, the old railway viaduct known as the “High Line” has been transformed into an elevated, linear urban parkway. The project must be reframed within the Hudson Riverpark ope…

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L’esperienza dell’abitazione in alcune esposizioni del XIX e XX secolo

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Grandi progetti urbani nel Mediterraneo. Prospettive di ricerca su architettura e città sostenibile

Il tema proposto origina da una ricerca orientata ai fenomeni di rigenerazione urbana e al ruolo dei grandi eventi nella trasformazione della città contemporanea, e si basa specificamente sulla relazione tra grandi progetti e trasformazione urbana nel Mediterraneo. Individuare le diverse fasi della riqualificazione di grandi porzioni di alcune città che si affacciano sul bacino permetterà di delineare il profilo di un fenomeno che si confronta oggi con il dibattito sui grandi progetti urbani e che viene applicato a tale nuova area geografica. Nella maggior parte delle città del Mediterraneo una gran parte del territorio urbano e costiero è disponibile all’introduzione di nuove attività; si …

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Mediterranean City in Transition

The critical knowledge of the complex urban context of Palermo has led the research group LabCity ARCHITECTURE to some observations, from a didactic and research point of view, on the theme of inter-active infrastructure as an interpretative and operative figure of project in the city. Thus the projects for the future stations Politeama, Porto and Libertà of the Railway Ring offer possibilities for urban connection at the same time as hybridization and integration of urban mobility system to public space.

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Region, Stadt, Großprojete: Das Beispiel der Expo’98 in Lissabon

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Rete di centri minori. Temi e progetti nel territorio di Tindari

The protection of natural and cultural resources in small towns is a topic of growing interest within the European context and aims to enhance the local heritage toward an interaction consciously balanced between human activities. The project Tindari 2030: Natural emotion led by the research group LabCity Architecture aims to indicate and enhance the territory of Tindari with regard to its natural, cultural and religious resources, such as the Sanctuary of the Black Madonna, an archaeological site (396 BC), the sandy naturalistic system of the 'Laghetti di Marinello',the 'Coda di Volpe' trail, which is the remaining part of the 'Via Francigena Palermo-Messina per la marina'. This project in…

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Whither World Exhibitions? / An Interview with V. G. Loscertales, Secretary General of the Bureau International des Expositions, Paris

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L’Expo’98 e la riqualificazione del waterfront di Lisbona / L’Expo’98 et la requalification du waterfront de Lisbonne

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Le grandi esposizioni : territori dell’immaginario

Since their appearance, from the first exhibition in London in 1851 to the future in Milan in 2015, we still wonder about the aim of these events. Their role changed, some skills lose their value, and others appeared. Few works focuses on this subject, of which we get sometime only the impetus for the host country to recreate her international image, when, on the contrary, those events become leading urban tools from one continent to another. Which are the principles which support them today? Who decides on their organization? Which regulations govern them? Which are the repercussions on the host town? Curiously, the great contemporary exhibitions have been little studied under these aspect…

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The Heart of the City: Temporary Experience in Architecture

The rapid and profound transformation to which the city is subjected leads to the urgency of restarting a debate on the relationship between habitat and public space in order to provide the community with answers to guide the choices of future urban transformations and redevelopments. This debate - widely investigated during the second half of the 20th century, with an approach aimed at the potential of public space in terms of connection, interaction and exchange with the community - has given rise to new projects open to the unexpected and capable of triggering creative processes, formal or informal, in urban contexts that are often disused. In the last decades, issues related to social i…

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Fleuve en ville. Infrastructures touristiques à l'Expo 2008 Saragosse

Avec la montée en puissance des grandes expositions, soutenues par les villes qui se livrent à une course à l’image par l’intermédiaire d’événements culturels, une nouvelle catégorie de tourisme s’est imposée dans le territoire urbain des villes : le tourisme culturel. Dans des territoires où l’offre culturelle est limitée, l’événementiel peut être un moyen d’engager une dynamique nouvelle, qui peut jouer, à cet égard, un rôle fédérateur parmi les acteurs publics. Les impacts à différentes échelles sont multiples : sur le développement urbain, sur l’économie et le tourisme ainsi que sur le développement durable de façon plus globale. Les événements jouent actuellement un rôle pleinement pol…

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Scenari metropolitani. Il paesaggio fluviale del Grand Pari(s)

Competition from major cities across the globe and the issues related to local development issues are adding to the contemporary phenomenon of the conurbation consisting extend the reach of the city in areas already urbanized. That is the intersection of these scales that put the new scenarios in metropolitan Paris that are to integrate land use with a new metropolitan condition. This condition does not only refer to the transformation of land and construction of buildings, but also the need to consider cultural contributions to the projects together. Most urban projects in Paris are now ringing the borders of the territories comprising between Paris proper and the surrounding municipalitie…

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In the range of Transboundary Cooperation Italy-Tunis 2007-2012, the A.P.E.R. Project of Punic, Hellenistic and Roman domestic architecture: safeguarding and valorization, was financed by the European Community. The partnership of the project is composed byfour partners: two Italians and two Tunisians. The principal purpose of Tunisian-Italian Consortium is the material and immaterial preservation and valorization of archaeological sites of Carthage and Kerkouane in Cap Bon,Tunisia and of the Hellenistic-Roman Quarter in the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, Sicily.

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Le paysage durable de l’événement. L’héritage de Expo 2008 Saragosse

Les villes fluviales, aujourd’hui confrontées à la rénovation des berges et des espaces attenants, ont pris conscience de leur intérêt à tirer parti de cet élément naturel, constitutif de leur territoire, participant de leur identité mais aussi vecteur de développement. Cette nouvelle sensibilité vers un environnement de qualité s’appuie aux notions d’écologie et de développement durable qui accompagnent la plupart des projets autour du fleuve. Cohérente avec l’importance actuelle concédée à l’impact et à l’héritage urbain de l’événement, apprenant de l’expérience récente d’autres événements, Saragosse a réalisée une Expo dont la principale vertu réside dans son échelle, dans son dialogue a…

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Saint-Nazaire: Ville-port vue par un architecte-urbaniste italien

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Il potere dell’architettura. L’ideologia di regime all’Esposizione Internazionale di Parigi 1937

The political crackdown during the 20th Century finds in the International Events a special place for the hosting Countries to spread their ideologies to the visitors and to all the other Countries attending the event. National Pavilions become the subject of propaganda, and their architectural language became an important part of the collective identity’s reclaimed logic, even if it wasn’t always real. Paris International Exposition of 1937 is a paradigmatic case: it’s a mirror of that time and of the prewar period’s international tensions. Born under the auspices of peace, it finally results the most relevant expression of the relation between Power and Architecture.

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Laboratorio V di progettazione architettonica

Il testo descrive i contenuti del coordinamento dei Laboratori di Progettazione architettonica del V° anno tenuti presso il Corso di laurea in Architettura dell'Università di Palermo.Obiettivo dei laboratori è l’elaborazione in sequenza di almeno un paio di progetti di architettura, centrati anche su temi differenti, almeno uno dei quali concordato in comune e da sviluppare contemporaneamente nei diversi laboratori. Ogni docente titolare sceglie i propri temi sulla base del riferimento a questioni di rilievo affioranti nella contemporaneità e col solo vincolo del grado elevato di complessità. Per ciascuno di essi istruisce approfonditamente l’individuazione delle questioni emergenti. I prog…

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Arrêt sur image. Exposition territoire de l’imaginaire

Le sujet de cette proposition, qui fait état d'une recherche en cours sur la contribution des grands événements à la rénovation urbaine, porte sur la relation entre grandes expositions et mécanismes de transformation des villes. L’analyse de la relation entre événement et rénovation urbaine, permet d’aborder, d’une part, le thème de la détermination d’une stratégie durable de transformation urbaine et, d’autre part, le thème de la promotion d’une nouvelle image internationale de la ville ou du territoire. En se referant aux cas d’étude de l’Expo’98 Lisbonne et de l’Expo.02 Suisse, nous examinerons ce débat autour des grands évènements pour comprendre comment on peut aménager un événement ép…

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This contribution aims to examine the territory of Mediterranean cities confronted with the general topic of GREEN CITY. New strategies for urban regeneration, based on the enhancement of tangible and intangible cultural heritage and the acknowledgement of environmental sustainability principles, are the themes that will form the cultural basis for the definition of the hypothesis of candidacy of Palermo for the 2019 European Capital of Culture. Our main research hypothesis will show how multiculturalism, the enhancement cultural heritage and a conscious use of natural resources, are essential factors for a positive change in the development of the Mediterranean cities, involving actors, cr…

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Architettura di transizione. ImPrintig 3D

L’impatto dell'uso ormai esteso del computer e delle tecnologie digitali nella pratica dell'architettura ha generato soprattutto nuovi linguaggi formali, così come dimostrato dal paradigma estetico della forma variabile che ha caratterizzato le sperimentazioni architettoniche dell'ultimo decennio. Qui si vuole mostrare in maniera esplicita la scomparsa dell’avanguardia trasgressiva del digitale principalmente a favore di un semplice stile formale che si rivela attraverso l’emergere di forme complesse costituita da oggetti scultorei stampati in 3D, fuori scala e fuori contesto. Proprio in questi ultimi anni lo sviluppo dei metodi di costruzione additiva per la produzione di modelli fisici a …

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O conteúdo das Exposições, séculos XIX e XX. Da classificação de objectos à temática da cidade

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Great Event, a new Strategic Instrument for urban Developpement: On the impact of World Expo on City and Society

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Nel 2010, la base sottomarina di Saint-Nazaire è stata dichiarata «patrimonio del XX secolo» dal Ministère de la Culture et de la Communnication francese ed è divenuta il simbolo di un nuovo approccio patrimoniale che riconosce il patrimonio materiale e immateriale in tutte le sue forme, non limitandosi soltanto al manufatto certificato come monumento. La memoria, i beni materiali o i luoghi poco conosciuti possono così contribuire a definire una nuova dimensione urbana, che si relaziona al futuro. Riferirsi esplicitamente al tema del rapporto tra waterfornt e patrimoinio militare, attraverso l’esempio di Saint-Nazaire, ci porta a riflettere sul ruolo del progetto urbano nella trasformazion…

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Saint-Nazaire Ville -Port. Lo spazio pubblico della rigenerazione portuale / Saint-Nazaire Ville-Port. The Public Space of Port Regeneration

The European city today represents an extraordinary place for the innovation and transformation of the relationship between project and urban events. In recent years, many large cities and smaller towns have initiated regeneration projects with interventions to transform the urban fabric and public space: in particular, many of them involve the transformation of the waterfront, and the preservation and revitalization of the architectural legacy. The convergence of changing urban, industrial and port conditions in many European cities such as Saint Nazaire, has accelerated strategies to restore the relationship between city and port. Concentrated around the port area near the World War II su…

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Il territorio dell'acqua: Saragozza dopo l'Expo 2008

Several European cities have based their development and their international promotion on culture as an instrument for urban renewal. In Spain the experience of Zaragoza is polymorphic and projects itself into the future thanks to the different proposals, which it aims to realise, as well as to the scale of the projects in the territory. After the Expo 2008, Zaragoza distinguished itself by its dynamic activity in the recent candidatures aimed to organise new international events. Indeed the city through the events aspires to reinforce its role as a event city at national and international level. It undertakes to complete the diverse projects included in the Strategic Plan, which supported …

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La regola del margine

Un sistema di parchi attrezzati, orti e strutture di servizio supportati da tre velocità di attraversamento lungo il margine urbano di Siracusa.

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Ville, Port, Expo. Projets et transformation du waterfront de Lisbonne

Le sujet de cette proposition, s’appuyant sur une recherche en cours concernant la contribution des grands événements contemporains à la rénovation urbaine, porte sur le thème de la relation entre les grandes expositions et les mécanismes de transformation des villes contemporaines. Cette relation entre ville et événement, retracée ici à travers l’exemple de l’Expo’98 de Lisbonne, permet d’aborder, d’une part, le thème de la détermination d’une stratégie de transformation permanente dans le cadre de la planification urbaine et, d’autre part, celui de la configuration d’une nouvelle image de la ville. De ce fait, suivant le principe de la durabilité des nouvelles opérations, l’Expo’98 a ains…

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L'Università nella città. Parigi e il quartiere Masséna Rive Gauche

The main topic of this abstract takes into the emblematic aspects of the ambitious plan of transformation Rive Gauche, operating in Paris, and analyses the reasons why such as universities facilities has been reintroduced in the city, inverting the main practise now diffused in many European and Italian cities, which is to locate university poles far away from city centres. The site Masséna Rive Gauche, in the east of Paris, is occupied by the bundle of the external railroads of the Gare d’Austerliz. Even when standing as a not interesting place, marked by hard urban fractures, the site has shown great potentialities of transformation for its central location, and for longing the Seine fore…

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Diritto d’asilo. Accessibilità e riciclo dell’ex Asilo Biondo a Danisinni, Palermo

There are many virtuous initiatives, national and international, which, starting from school buildings, have aimed at redeveloping some degraded urban spaces through paths aimed at increasing civic sense and social and environmental sensitivity in pupils, parents and citizens. . Reopening schools in neighborhoods characterized by a high school dropout was the goal of the research aimed at making accessible the paths and spaces in school buildings and starting urban and architectural recycling projects in waiting places. The research thus proposed field work in opposition to an ongoing process carried out by the municipal administration of Palermo which identified precisely in obsolete or ab…

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«Trent'anni fa, un piano per il futuro di New York sarebbe apparso futile» Michael R. Bloomberg, sindaco di New York, che ha introdotto nel 2007 la relazione sul futuro della città per il 2030, PlaNYC, oppose la città degli anni 1970, «interamente concentrata sulla risoluzione di crisi immediate», alla città di quegli anni, «più forte che mai»: consapevole di aver ritrovato il desiderio del futuro. La data dell'11 settembre non è percepita come un presagio della fine della supremazia americana, è un evento superato - Future is back ! Questo ritorno nel futuro è immaginato da tutte le metropoli preoccupate di inserirsi nel mercato dell'attrattività3. Trent'anni dopo la fine del progresso, l'…

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L’università nella città. Parigi e il quartiere Masséna Rive Gauche

The main topic of this abstract takes into the emblematic aspects of the ambitious plan of transformation Rive Gauche, operating in Paris, and analyses the reasons why such as universities facilities has been reintroduced in the city, inverting the main practise now diffused in many European and Italian cities, which is to locate university poles far away from city centres. The site Masséna Rive Gauche, in the east of Paris, is occupied by the bundle of the external railroads of the Gare d’Austerliz. Even when standing as a not interesting place, marked by hard urban fractures, the site has shown great potentialities of transformation for its central location, and for longing the Seine fore…

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For three decades, numerous urban renewal projects have involved European cities located on rivers, demonstrating how an interpretation of the urban and peri-urban areas is related to questions about high-quality ecological development and environmental sustainability. This report places the majority of large projects involving river cities among new environmental practices, usually adhered to for large events which are seen as tools for transforming the land and the image of the host city. In this context, cities near rivers are increasingly aware of the natural environment which shapes the identity of a place and which requires ordinary and extraordinary renewal projects. This is the fram…

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Waterfront e patrimonio militare: la base sottomarina di Saint-Nazaire

Isolated from its harbour by the submarine base built during World War II, Saint-Nazaire has added to its development over the last two decades, without referring to major European models. An important arts and tourist center has been built around the port zone, close to the German submarine base. The converted military structure, which is situated in an impressive public space, has been endowed with a new sense of identity. It stands out as the main element in the urban regeneration process, focusing on the cultural and tourist character of the programme and aiming to reinforce the relationship between the city and its port.

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L'appartamento borghese

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Valledolmo 2030: la città che cura

The small towns can become the places to reactivate the rural areas of our country through essential factors starting from the natural and cultural heritage, from social inclusion, from psycho-physical well-being, helping to reverse the unstoppable phenomenon of the flight of young people. The current Covid-19 emergency has revealed the crucial role of health, not only in terms of health facilities, but also in new ways to feel better, spend more free time outdoors, eat healthily and boost the economies of Local communities. It is in this context that the research-action project of the research group and the LabCity Architecture degree laboratory aims to investigate the theme of the city th…

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L'organizzazione di un Laboratorio internazionale di Progettazione Architettonica ha rivelato l'importanza di accostare figure provenienti dal mondo accademico e istituzionale ancor prima che Palermo presentasse la sua proposta di candidatura a Capitale Europea della Cultura 2019. Questa esperienza, che si è rivelata utile per definire alcuni spazi incerti della città, è risultata assai stimolante per la comunità scientifica e per le istituzioni coinvolte. La consapevolezza del ruolo di servizio e di indirizzo che la comunità scientifica deve assumersi nei confronti del proprio territorio, i rimando ai temi che riguardano l'architettura e il territorio della città mediterranea, l'attenzione…

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The Trasversale Sicula. Themes and action research projects in sensitive Mediterranean areas

There are many sensitive territories located in disadvantaged areas of the Mediterranean where depopulation has been a significant consequence of their economic and demographic decline. This has led to the gradual flight of young people and the disappearance of certain essential services. The conservation of resources is a topic of growing interest in Europe. It is necessary to rethink a new vision concerning the territory of small towns. Within this framework, this action research project aims to define a new collective sensibility, full of resources and history, throughout the territory of the Trasversale Sicula. The narrative of a new imaginary of the Sicilian hinterland is the foundatio…

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Da Expo à cidade/Entrevista com Arq. Manuel Salgado

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Esperienze didattiche e traiettorie di architettura in Corea del Sud

Over the last few years the concept of knowledge-based has acquired increasing acceptance, thus providing a new context in which knowledge may become a fundamental resource for innovation. To this end, the internationalization of academic activity is a fundamental tool for awareness in interaction in didactic and research methodology. This article presents a few thoughts regarding he teaching and research of the LabCity Architecture (DARCH-UNIPA group), on the theme of the transformation of the city of Busan, in South Korea, through the re-composition of disseminated parts of the city and the enhancement of the urban and natural heritage of the contemporary city.

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Las Exposiciones son el reflexo de la voluntad política de demonstrar la capacidad de llevar a cumplimiento tanto operaciones emblemáticas y reales como lugares imaginarios de utopías posibles. A partir de la Exposición de París de 1867 se invitan los países participantes a construir un edificio que represente su carácter nacional, hecho que impulsa un cambio sustancial en la historia de las Exposiciones: los pabellones concebidos antes como contenedores, adquieren mayor importancia que los objetos e inventos que se exponen en sus interiores. Encontramos en este hecho un camino de ida y vuelta, la identidad nacional impulsa un determinado lenguaje para la construcción de estos edificios, qu…

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The writer remarks the technological innovation and contamination developed at the first World’s Fair held in Asia. He analyzes issues and methods of the master plan for the Osaka EXPO ’70, through a critical reading of Pavillon Plaza and Festival Plaza designed by Kenzo Tange and Arata Isozaki the emblematic covered area, facing the central EXPO square, reminds the utopia of the 60th architecture.

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La stazione intermodale Zaragoza-Delicias, interfaccia del progetto urbano

The Zaragoza-Delicias AVE is an integral part of a strategy geared towards the transformation of the riverside area of the city within the overall Expo design and reveals its potential, in the short and long term, to be able to orient and accelerate future changes with regard to urban planning. These guidelines are geared towards the conversion of vast, disused or unbuilt areas and are accompanied by operations for environmental regeneration along the banks of the river Ebro and its valley.

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LabCity Architecture: Research-Action Activities

The LabCity Architecture is a multidisciplinary research group investigates the phenomena of city transformation through the architectural design, relating the project to current thinking on sustainable cities and to processes for transformation and development of infrastructure, city heritage and public space. The group reinforces the strong connection between research and innovation through constant experimentation processes to broaden the imagination of the architectural scene. The research approach can benefit from solid relations with several European Universities and Cultural Institutions. The 2021 edition of the winter school chose to emphasize the recognition of heterogeneity over h…

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Esplorazioni sul futuro prossimo del mondo reale

New visions of the near future capable of questioning the dominant thought and its narration have emerged through different scenarios of utopias and apocalyptic visions that allow us to glimpse the real after the present. In the last decades, in particular, from the imagery of these scenarios emerges the need to address the effects of the impact of anthropic activity on climate change and the growth of the global population for the survival of society, highlighting these issues among the greatest challenges. criticality that humanity is facing. Utopia and dystopia are the main approaches to the material and immaterial narrative of present and future society. If utopia does not maintain link…

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La casa gotica

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Valencia città evento. L’America’s Cup 2007 e l’estensione del porto

Questa proposta, che si inserisce nell’ambito delle ricerche sulla cultura della trasformazione della città, indaga alcuni aspetti relativi al contributo dei grandi eventi alla riqualificazione dei waterfront, dello spazio pubblico e dell’architettura. La città europea rappresenta oggi uno straordinario luogo di innovazione del rapporto fra progetto e fatti urbani. In rapporto a questi ultimi, attraverso l’individuazione di alcuni paradigmi, è possibile delineare principi comuni per un confronto fra procedure di riqualificazione di aree portuali dismesse. La relazione fra evento, città e waterfront, esaminata attraverso l’America's Cup 2007 di Valencia, permette di riflettere da un lato, su…

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Le temps d'une expo. Infrastructure culturelle et aménagement éphémere à l'Expo.02 Suisse

La problématique sous tendant ces pages s’interroge sur la manière dont les grands événements peuvent contribuer à la rénovation urbaine et du territoire et de même porte sur le thème de la relation entre les grandes expositions et les mécanismes de transformations des villes et des territoires contemporaines. Depuis leur apparition en Europe au milieu du XIXè siècle, les Expositions Universelles, Internationales ou encore Nationales ont été un prétexte pour réaliser des transformations éphémères ou permanentes dans la structure urbaine des villes d’accueil. Bien sur, leur rôle a changé, certains enjeux ont disparu, d’autres ont perdu leur valeur, d’autres encore ont fait apparaître l’expos…

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Territori mediterranei. Progetti per Palermo 2019,Trapani 2020, Marsiglia 2030

Il campo di applicazione progettuale si è orientato al potenziale d’integrazione urbano e architettonico e ha concentrato gli interventi progettuali in quei luoghi marginali in cui la centralità del rapporto tra architettura e infrastrutture è risultato prioritario. Sono stati indagati alcuni modi possibili di definire e operare i procedimenti del progetto urbano e di architettura, dotati di un grado elevato di complessità, finalizzati all’elaborazione di progetti per Palermo 2019, Trapani 2020 e Marsiglia 2030.

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Architettura e natura nei centri minori in Sicilia. Esperienze temporanee di progetto: la cascata di San Nicola nella valle di Bolognetta

The current Covid-19 emergency has revealed the crucial role of the health issue, not only in terms of healthcare facilities, but also in new ways to get better, spend more free time outdoors, eat healthy and revive the economies of Local communities. Action research takes on a leading role of the Recovery Fund, of the Green New Deal in order to identify better opportunities and strategies, increasing administrative capacities and skills in small towns, through a better use of available European, national and regional funds aimed at regenerate places that until yesterday were considered on the margins. The small towns must have territorial projects capable of combining development and susta…

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Architettura e progetti della città evento

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International Architecture Exhibition is an architectural design exhibition that, through its selection of well-designed works and emphasis on quality, originality, and creativity, presents current trends in contemporary design. With a tradition of 60 years, BUGAIK is one of the oldest regional academic institute of architecture in South Korea. The Exhibition hosted 35 architectural design works by professors and academic tutors from seven countries including United states, China, Japan, Italy, Canada, Germany, and South Korea. The Exhibition will an excellent opportunity to experience highly recent trends as well general tendency of contemporary architecture, and to communicate for underst…

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Scenari metropolitani. Il paesaggio fluviale del Grand Pari(s) / Metropolitan scenarios. The river landscape of the greather Pari(s)

Competition from major cities across the globe and the issues related to local development issues are adding to the contemporary phenomenon of the conurbation consisting extend the reach of the city in areas already urbanized. That is the intersection of these scales that put the new scenarios in metropolitan Paris that are to integrate land use with a new metropolitan condition. This condition does not only refer to the transformation of land and construction of buildings, but also the need to consider cultural contributions to the projects together. Most urban projects in Paris are now ringing the borders of the territories comprising between Paris proper and the surrounding municipalitie…

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Natural emotion: progetti di itinerari naturalistici e nuovi accessi al patrimonio archeologico di Tindari

The exceptional orographic and natural conditions, together with the cultural and patrimonial ones, of our territory have become the landscape of relations between the spaces where silence, slowdown and acceleration define the urban and human imagination of the territories of the very different minor centers among them by topographical location, by cultural and linguistic traditions and specificities. What future for the smaller centers? This is one of the questions of the contribution that it intends to face closely the role of the architectural project in the fragile territory of the minor centers where it is possible to find the constants in the critical issues of the participants that c…

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PALERMO 2030: The Mediterranean City in Transition

The Mediterranean cities in particular, thanks to the concentration of complexity / diversity and multiplicity are the most suitable places to start a transition so as to turn the contradictions of the urban system into an opportunity for transformation. The process of knowledge based on the observation of the cities becomes fundamental in a context such as that of Palermo, which is characterized by growing levels of complexities and uncertainty. In this context a critical process has been initiated just to recognize the city of Palermo and its main characters. Starting from this process several priority elements and different alternatives have been identified with continuous reviewing just…

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FUTURS DURABLES POUR LA VILLE MEDITERRANEENNE. Palermo 2019: Green line / Trapani 2020: Recycle city / Marseille 2030: Effect event

Which future for the european city? This is the main issue at the core of the itinerary exhibition of urban projects and architecture aiming at starting a virtuous process of reflections on the theme of the sustainable city in the mediterranean area. The presented projects, beneficiating from on a collaboration among several european institutions, provide a large panorama of answers regarding the transformation of the city of Palermo, Trapani and Marseille. At the same time, these projects question the future of the sustainable city and its transformations by looking at the relation between architecture and infrastructure. Quel est l’avenir de nos villes européennes? Cette question est au c…

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Architettura di transizione. Im Printing 3D

In recent years, the development of additive construction methods for the production of physical models starting from computerized ones has led to a return from the digital domain to the material one. A new "digital materiality" associated with 3D printing makes it possible to extend the imaginary of the contemporary architectural scene by consolidating the strong relationship between research and innovation. 3D printing is a rapid prototyping technique that allows the direct transposition of the digital model into its analogous material using a computer controlled nozzle to deposit small doses of material and compose the figure in space.

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Eventi, luoghi, temporalità. L’Expo’98 Lisbona e l’Expo 02 Svizzera / Events, Places, Temporalities. The Lisbon world Expo'98 and the Expo 02 Switzerland

Great events deal with a leading role in contemporary practise for urban renewal, encourage the emergence of new town planning strategies, improve existing infrastructures and increase land interests on their site. Instead of current practise in city renewal, the plan of the event is characterized by three main phases : the specifying of a strategy of urban transformation, its lasting, re-use or demolition of planned building once the event is over. This last phase is regarded as the main subject of the whole program during the planning procedure. Through the two case-study of Expo’98 at Lisbon and the Expo 02 Switzerland, I will take into consideration issues related to the localisation of…

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Expo, ville, architecture. Lisbonne et l’héritage de l’Expo’98

This paper explores the relationship between the great exhibitions and the transformation mechanisms of modern cities. Exhibition projects currently being developed appear to be little more than a pretext for activating transformations in a relatively short timeframe and boosting the real estate value of neglected sites, at the same time pointing to new areas for urban growth and encouraging the modernisation of infrastructures and facilities in the host cities. The analysis of the relationship between event and urban renovation, developed here through the example of the Lisbon Expo’98, also enables us, on the one hand, to explore the concept of an ongoing transformation strategy being esta…

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Building community spaces: Processes and actions In the City of Mercato Ballarò in Palermo

The rediscovery of the cultural value of a project, the creation of new imagery in marginal places and the new aesthetics of temporality are some of the emerging issues in the city of crisis which are measured through processes of active involvement in community relations. There are many cities that have recognised urban markets as an integral part of local economies, with great benefits also at cultural and social levels. The hypothesis of triggering regenerative processes in the urban and social fabric in the unstable urban market context is the foundation of this research-action contribution developed through active relationships with public entities, associations and citizens. The syste…

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The examples chosen from the projects developed by the students of Architectural Design Studio V and Degree Laboratory L@bCity, present certain lines of thought regarding both the city at a time of crisis and architecture understood as a discipline of knowing and taking action in society.

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