

"Ils me versent de l’eau froide sur la tête" : corps et folie à l’époque romantique

Virginie Tellier


Cultural StudiesLa Félicité de la folie (Polévoï)Littérature russe - 19e siècleCorps - Dans la littératureNicolas Gogol 1809-1852[SHS.LITT]Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteratureAliénismeVladimir Odoïevski 1804-1869Religious studiesCorps -- Dans la littératureLa Sylphide (Odoïevski)Folie dans la littérature[SHS.LITT] Humanities and Social Sciences/LiteratureLittérature russe -- 19e siècleLe journal d'un fou (Gogol)ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS


This article describes the place of the body in Russian psychiatry of the 1830s , and places it at the intersection of philosophy , theology and medicine . We show how contemporary literature quotes and distorts medical discourse and develops its own conception of the body . Denied , annihilated , bruised , mutilated , deprived of food , the bodies of madmen seem to be victims of the violence that these madmen impose on themselves . In our conclusion , we question the place of the voice of madmen in the literary text , arguing that this voice is at times the expression of the silent body , and at other times the expression of the souls that transcend these very bodies.
