

Non-infectious uveitis burden on quality of life and work impairment assessed through different psychometric questionnaires

Michele FigusLorenzo VannozziPaolo MoraGiuliana GualbertiPaola BalestrieriFrancesca MarandoFrancesca Romana FlorioLuca CiminoMaria VadalàPiergiorgio NeriPiergiorgio NeriMaria Pia ParoliLeonardo MastropasquaMassimo AccorintiBarbara IaccheriMaurizio FossarelloElisabetta MiserocchiCaterina Gagliano


Malemedicine.medical_specialtyQoLPsychometricsReferralVisual Acuityuveitis questionnaire; QoL; disease burden; work impairmentDiseaseAffect (psychology)Uveitisdisease burdenInfectious uveitisQuality of lifeCronbach's alphawork impairmentSurveys and QuestionnairesmedicineHumansDisease burdenbusiness.industryReproducibility of ResultsGeneral Medicinemedicine.diseaseOphthalmologyQoL; Uveitis questionnaire; disease burden; work impairmentQuality of LifePhysical therapydisease burden QoL Uveitis questionnaire work impairmentFemalebusinessUveitis questionnaireUveitisuveitis questionnaire


Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the association between a novel psychometric 12-item questionnaire (U-qest) and other validated questionnaires to assess quality of life and work impairment in patients with non-infectious uveitis. Methods: Data were collected at baseline and 3 months postbaseline using U-qest and two other validated questionnaires: The National Eye Institute 25-Item Visual Function Questionnaire (VFQ-25) and the 12-Item Short-Form Health Survey (SF-12). Results: A total of 136 patients (52.2% female) aged 47.9 ± 14.8 years (mean ± SD) were enrolled in 14 uveitis referral centres. U-qest correlated moderately with VFQ-25 and SF-12 at baseline and at 3 months. Both U-qest and VFQ-25 scores improved as disease improved; however, U-qest also detected improvement in patients for whom VFQ-25 scores did not improve. Disease activity was shown to significantly affect activity impairment. Patients and physicians expressed positive perceptions regarding the use and benefit of this instrument. U-qest showed very good reliability in terms of internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.91). Conclusions: U-qest can be considered a useful tool to assess the burden of uveitis on quality of life.
