

Proceedings of the Closed Round Table and Italian Consensus on the Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaws (MRONJ) at the Symposium of Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine (SIPMO) Ancona, 20 October 2018 - Part I.

Giuseppina CampisiAlberto BedogniFrancesco BertoldoGiordana BettiniMatteo BiasottoGiuseppe ColellaUgo ConsoloOlga Di FedeGianfranco FaviaVittorio FuscoMario GabrieleAntonio Lo CastoLucio Lo RussoAntonia MarcianòRodolfo MauceriMarco MeletiMichele MignognaGiacomo OteriVera PanzarellaUmberto RomeoAndrea SantarelliPaolo Vescovi


Settore ING-IND/14 - Progettazione Meccanica E Costruzione Di MacchinePhysiologySettore MED/28 - Malattie OdontostomatologichePhysiology (medical)italian consensus mroj


On 20 October 2018 a Closed Round Table brought together a wide range of stakeholders from several medical disciplines, including academic experts, dentists, oncologists, maxillo-facial surgeons, oral surgeons, radiologists, under the technical and scientific coordination of Giuseppina Campisi (for SIPMO) and Giacomo Oteri (for Italian Society of Oral Surgery- SIdCO).
