Marco Meleti
Raccomandazioni cliniche in odontostomatologia
L’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità considera la salute orale come parte integrante, non solo dello stato di salute generale, ma anche della qualità della vita di ciascun individuo. In tale ottica, in accordo e con il sostegno del mondo professionale e della comunità scientifica di questo settore, le raccomandazioni cliniche in odontostomatologia contenute nel presente volume forniscono indicazioni e definiscono standard di intervento per la prevenzione e la cura delle più comuni patologie del cavo orale nonché per l’identificazione di percorsi terapeutici appropriati a supporto degli operatori pubblici e privati. Esse costituiscono, inoltre, uno strumento utile per mantenere alto il liv…
Type of surgical treatment and recurrence of oral leukoplakia: A retrospective clinical study
Background: Oral leukoplakia (OL) is the most typical potentially malignant disorder of the oral mucosa. We aimed to evaluate the clinical outcome of oral leukoplakia treated with several types of lasers and with the use of quantic molecular resonance (QMR) lancet, in terms of recurrence rate. Material and Methods: Eighty-seven previously untreated OL (52 occurring in females and 35 in males, mean age of 59.4 ± 13.9 years) were consecutively submitted to surgical treatment at University Hospital of Parma, Italy, and Hospital de Valongo, Portugal, (1999 to 2012). Interventions were subclassified into 5 groups according to the instrument used for the surgical removal of OL (cold blade – 17; N…
Expression of caveolin-1 in tooth germ, ameloblastoma and ameloblastic carcinoma
Background The caveolin-1 protein (structural component of membrane caveolae) plays important roles in several biological functions, such as endocytosis, cell adhesion, and cell signaling. However, this protein has been associated with mechanisms of tumorigenesis in several neoplasms. The expression patterns and roles of caveolin-1 in the oral epithelium and in embryonic and odontogenic tumor tissues are still unclear. Material and Methods The expression of caveolin-1 was evaluated in samples of the normal gingival epithelium (n=7), human tooth germ (TG) (n=12), ameloblastoma (AM) (n=83), and ameloblastic carcinoma (AC) (n=9) by immunohistochemistry. Additionally, AM samples were analyzed b…
Proceedings of the Closed Round Table and Italian Consensus on the Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaws (MRONJ) at the Symposium of Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine (SIPMO) Ancona, 20 October 2018 - Part III
Salivary biomarkers for diagnosis of systemic diseases and malignant tumors. A systematic review
Background Saliva evaluation could be a possible alternative to blood and/or tissue analyses, for researching specific molecules associated to the presence of systemic diseases and malignancies. The present systematic review has been designed in order to answer to the question “are there significant associations between specific salivary biomarkers and diagnosis of systemic diseases or malignancies?”. Material and Methods The Preferred Reporting Item for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (PRISMA) statement was used to guide the review. The combinations of “saliva” and “systemic diseases” or “diagnosis” or “biomarkers” or “cancers” or “carcinoma” or “tumors”, were used to search Medline, …
Low energy KTP laser in oral soft tissue surgery: A 52 patients clinical study
Objectives: Since 1962 laser appliances have been used for soft tissues surgery of oral cavity with significant advantages compared to the traditional instruments: excellent bleeding control, possibility to avoid the use of suture, good patient compliance thanks to a decrease of intra- and post-operative discomfort and biostimulating effect. Unfortunately, the wavelengths so far used have been seen to cause, in association with an excellent ablation capacity, heat damage of the tissues that can decrease healing process and cause a greater discomfort to patients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the laser-assisted KTP laser surgery at low power in terms of characteristics of interventio…
Oral postinflammatory pigmentation : an analysis of 7 cases
Oral postinflammatory pigmentation (OPP) is a discoloration of the oral mucosa caused by an excess of melanin production and deposition within the basal layer of the epithelium and connective tissue of areas affected by chronic inflammation. Therefore, it is mandatory to demonstrate the association with a previous or concomitant inflammatory process in the same area of oral mucosa. Clinically OPP appears as a localized or diffuse, black to brown pigmentation. OPP may persist for many years even though the disappearing of the pigmentation after the resolution of the inflammatory state has been reported. We reviewed retrospectively the medical records and, when performed, biopsy examinations …
Proceedings of the Closed Round Table and Italian Consensus on the Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaws (MRONJ) at the Symposium of Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine (SIPMO) Ancona, 20 October 2018 - Part I.
On 20 October 2018 a Closed Round Table brought together a wide range of stakeholders from several medical disciplines, including academic experts, dentists, oncologists, maxillo-facial surgeons, oral surgeons, radiologists, under the technical and scientific coordination of Giuseppina Campisi (for SIPMO) and Giacomo Oteri (for Italian Society of Oral Surgery- SIdCO).
Non-invasive visual tools for diagnosis of oral cancer and dysplasia: a systematic review
Background: Gold standard for the diagnosis of oral dysplasia (OD) oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and malignant lesions is the histological examination. Several adjunctive diagnostic techniques have been proposed in order to increase the sensitivity (SE) and specificity (SP) of conventional oral examination and to improve the diagnostic first level accuracy. The aim of this study is to perform a systematic review on non-invasive tools for diagnosis of OD and early OSCC. Material and Methods: Medline, Scopus, Web of Knowledge databases were searched, using as entry terms “oral dysplasia AND diagnosis” / ”oral cancer AND diagnosis”. Data extracted from each study included number of lesio…
Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaws (MRONJ) Prevention and Diagnosis: Italian Consensus Update 2020
The Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaws (MRONJ) diagnosis process and its prevention play a role of great and rising importance, not only on the Quality of Life (QoL) of patients, but also on the decision-making process by the majority of dentists and oral surgeons involved in MRONJ prevention (primary and secondary). The present paper reports the update of the conclusions from the Consensus Conference—held at the Symposium of the Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine (SIPMO) (20 October 2018, Ancona, Italy)—after the newest recommendations (2020) on MRONJ were published by two scientific societies (Italian Societies of Maxillofacial Surgery and Oral Pathology and Medicine, SI…
Case series of 589 tooth extractions in patients under bisphosphonates therapy. Proposal of a clinical protocol supported by Nd: YAG low-level laser therapy
Objective: Trauma during dental surgery is a predisposing factor for bisphosphonates (BP)-related osteonecrosis of the jaws (BRONJ). However, about 40% of cases of BRONJ are not related to dental invasive procedures, being probably associated to endodontic or periodontal infections. Extraction of non-treatable teeth is considered a reliable choice, to improve symptoms and to reduce the risk of BRONJ. Here we report our experience of tooth extractions in patients under oral or intravenous BP therapy. Study Design: Two-hundred and seventeen patients (38 males, 179 females; mean age 68.72 ± 11.26 years, range 30 to 83 years) under BP therapy received 589 tooth extractions at the Unit of Oral M…
Conservative Surgical Management of Stage I Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw
Purpose. To report the efficacy of conservative surgical treatment for stage I bisphosphonate-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (BRONJ).Materials and Methods. This study reports the clinical outcomes of 63 patients treated for BRONJ stage I (according to Ruggiero's staging system) at the Oral Pathology and Laser-Assisted Surgery Unit of the University of Parma between January 2004 and January 2011. Surgical interventions were performed, under local analgesia, in patients unresponsive for a period of six months to noninvasive treatments such as cycles of local or systemic antibacterial therapy combined or not to low level laser therapy, ozone therapy, or Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. All interve…
Odontogenic myxofibroma: a concise review of the literature with emphasis on the surgical approach
Purpose: The aim of this work is to report a review of the literature concerning epidemiology, clinical and radiographic features as well as treatment of odontogenic myxofibroma (MF). Methods: The PubMed database was searched using the following keywords: “odontogenic myxofibroma”, “odontogenic fibromyxoma”, “myxofibroma of the jaw” and “fibromyxoma of the jaw”. Results: Fifteen articles reporting the experience with 24 patients were identified. Male/female ratio was 1:1.4 and the average age was 29.5 years. The most frequent location was the mandible. In 66.7% of the cases the radiographic appearance was a multilocular radiolucency. Swelling was observed in 13 patients (92.86%), varying de…
Proceedings of the Closed Round Table and Italian Consensus on the Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of Jaws (MRONJ) at the Symposium of Italian Society of Oral Pathology and Medicine (SIPMO) Ancona, 20 October 2018 - Part II
On 20 October 2018 a Closed Round Table brought together a wide range of stakeholders from several medical disciplines, including academic experts, dentists, oncologists, maxillo-facial surgeons, oral surgeons, radiologists, under the technical and scientific coordination of Giuseppina Campisi (for SIPMO) and Giacomo Oteri (for Italian Society of Oral Surgery- SIdCO)
A 5-year retrospective longitudinal study on the incidence and the risk factors of osteonecrosis of the jaws in patients treated with zoledronic acid for bone metastases from solid tumors.
Background The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence and the risk factors of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) in a group of patients treated with zoledronic acid (ZA) for bone metastases from solid tumors and enrolled in a preventive dental program. Material and Methods This 5-year retrospective longitudinal study included all consecutive oncological patients who underwent at least one infusion with ZA between 2004 and 2011 for bone metastases due to solid neoplasms. Results Of the 156 patients enrolled in the study, 17 developed ONJ (10.89%). At the multivariate analysis, severe periodontal disease (P=0.025), tooth extraction (P<0.0001) and starting the preventive dental program af…
Large-sized pleomorphic adenoma of the cheek treated with Nd:Yag laser: Report of a case and review of the literature
Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) mostly involves parotid glands, while extra-parotid localizations are relatively uncommon. Particularly, PAs of the cheek minor salivary glands with a size larger than 4 cm are exceedingly rare, with only few cases reported. Surgical treatment of PA usually consists in radical excision. However, despite a presumptive radicality, recurrences, sometimes followed by malignant transformation, may occur. Here we report a case of a large-sized (6 cm) PA of the cheek minor salivary glands in a 70 year-old female patient, successfully treated through a conservative approach, based on the use of Nd:YAG Laser (λ=1064 nm). No recurrences were observed after a 2-year follow-up.…
Clinicopathological evaluation of 164 dental follicles and dentigerous cysts with emphasis on the presence of odontogenic epithelium in the connective tissue. The hypothesis of "focal ameloblastoma"
Objectives: Some ameloblastomas presumably originate from odontogenic epithelium within the connective tissue of dental follicles and dentigerous cysts. Therefore, it would seem reasonable to discuss as whether odontogenic epithelium proliferations, frankly displaying ameloblastomatous features (“focal ameloblastoma”), should be considered as an “early” ameloblastoma. Study Design: Histopathological reports from 164 dental follicles and dentigerous cysts from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Oral Pathology of the VU Free University medical center in Amsterdam, The Ne-therlands, were reviewed. Histopathological slides from 39 cases reporting the presence of odontogenic epithe…
Mandibular metastasis from carcinoma of the bladder: Report of a case and literature review
Metastases represent about 1% of all malignant tumors of the oral region. Only 12 cases of metastases to the jawbones and 3 to the oral soft tissues from a carcinoma of the bladder are reported in the English literature. Here we report a case of an 86 year-old man with a metastasis to the anterior region of the lower jaw from a transitional cell carcinoma of the bladder treated 5 years before, all-together with a literature review.
Clinical validation of 13-gene DNA methylation analysis in oral brushing samples for detection of oral carcinoma: an Italian multicenter study
Background The aim of this Italian multicenter study was to evaluate the diagnostic performance of a minimally invasive method for the detection of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) based on 13-gene DNA methylation analysis in oral brushing samples. Methods Oral brushing specimens were collected in 11 oral medicine centers across Italy. Twenty brushing specimens were collected by each center, 10 from patients with OSCC, and 10 from healthy volunteers. DNA methylation analysis was performed in blindness, and each sample was determined as positive or negative based on a predefined cutoff value. Results DNA amplification failed in 4 of 220 (1.8%) samples. Of the specimens derived from patien…