

Valutazioni igienico-sanitarie delle acque in tre invasi artificiali della provincia di Palermo destinate al consumo umano

A. GullottiL. ValentinoR. OliveriA. CasuccioL. MantiaL. MarinaroB. PedalinoG. PurpariF. TramutoM. Torregrossa


reservoirs drinking waters sanitary conditions


We report the physico-chemical and bacteriological characteristics of three Sicilian reservoirs. The aim of this study was the evaluation of the reservoirs' sanitary conditions, given tha the water is also used for human consumption. 114 samples (4 locations at each lake) were collected in the period from July 1995 to June 1996. We analysed temperature, pH, oxygen saturation, colour and parameters of water mineralization and pollution of natural or human origin.Pathogenic bacteria (Salòmonellae) and opportunistic patjogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Aeromonas spp. were also investigated. At present, results are not showing particular levels of pollution, and it seems there is no risk for these lacustrine environments. Authors point out a higher exposure of Poma reservoir to polluting elements and a certain deterioration of its water quality compared with previous investigations. Water samples from each of the reservoirs are within the limits of Italian legislation regarding surface waters intended for human use.
