

A wiki task for first-year university students : the effect of scripting students' collaboration

Bram De WeverRaija HämäläinenMichiel VoetMario Gielen


Computer Networks and CommunicationsComputer sciencePEER ASSESSMENTmedia_common.quotation_subjecteducationSocial SciencesContext (language use)computer.software_genrebehavioral disciplines and activitiesEducationTask (project management)World Wide WebWEB 2.0 TOOLS0502 economics and businessScriptMathematics educationta516Set (psychology)media_commonWORKWiki4. Education05 social sciences050301 educationMACRO-SCRIPTSCollaborative learningCollaborationComputer Science ApplicationsCollaborative learningPeer assessmentCONTEXTFeelingPERSPECTIVESScripting languageIndividual learning0503 educationcomputer050203 business & management


Abstract This study investigates the effect of a collaboration script - i.e. a set of instructions to improve collaboration between learning partners - for a wiki task. Participants were first-year university students in Educational Sciences ( N  = 186) collaborating in groups of five during a three-week period to create a wiki on peer assessment in education. Two conditions were contrasted: a scripted and a non-scripted condition. The effect of scripting was measured in four ways (questionnaires, log-file analyses, group product scores, and individual pre–post-test scores). Results show significant positive effects of scripting with respect to the collaborative group processes and students' feelings of shared responsibility. No significant effects of scripting were found with respect to the developed wiki products. As for students' individual learning outcomes, results showed a significant increase from pre- to post-test for all students. Although the increase was higher in the scripted condition, the difference between the conditions was not statistically significant.
