

The Study of Dynamic Objects Identification Algorithms Based on Anisotropic Properties of Generalized Amplitude-Phase Images

Sławomir StemplewskiViktor VlasenkoPiotr Koczur


Generalized hilbert transformsMatching (graph theory)Basis (linear algebra)Dynamic object identificationComputer scienceIsotropyPhase (waves)Sensitivity (control systems)ResidualAmplitude-phase imagesAlgorithmRotation (mathematics)Coincidence


The article presents some results of dynamical objects identification technology based on coincidence matrixes of templates and tested objects’ amplitude-phase images (APIm) calculated with discrete Hilbert transforms (DHT). DHT algorithms are modeled on basis of isotropic (HTI), anisotropic (HTA), generalized transforms – AP-analysis (APA) and the difference (residual) relative shifted phase (DRSP-) images to calculate the APIm. The identified objects are recognized as members of classes modeled with 3D templates – images of different types airplanes rotated in space. The dynamic anisotropic properties of APIm causes the increasing of sensitivity to circular angle rotation and make possible effective classification of tested objects at DHT domains. Methods to objects and templates matching accuracy increasing are based on calculations and correlation of intra- and inter-classes coincidence matrixes.
