

Elementarteiler von Inzidenzmatrizen symmetrischer Blockpläne

Michael Klemm


CombinatoricsElementary divisorsGeometry and TopologyAlgebraic geometryProjective planePrime (order theory)MathematicsIncidence (geometry)


By a study of the integral code generated by the rows of the incidence matrix and its extention the following results are obtained: Let d 1,...,d V(d 1|d 2,d 2|d 3...) be the elementary divisors of the incidence matrix of a symmetric (v,n+λ, λ) design. Then d v=(n+λ)n/g.c.d. (n, λ). Moreover, if p is a prime such that p|n, p∤λ and if x p denotes the p-part of x, then (d idv+2−i) p =n p for 2≤i≤v. For projective planes it can be shown that d 1=···=d 3n−2=1, hence $$d_{n^2 - 2n{\text{ }} + {\text{ }}5} {\text{ }} = \cdots = d_{n^2 + n} = n$$ and $$d_{n^2 - n{\text{ }} + {\text{ }}1} = (n + 1)n$$ . The paper also contains some results about elementary divisors of incidence matrices G satisfying the condition G tG=nI+ λJ.
