

Antioxidants as a Potential Therapy Against Age-Related Neurodegenerative Diseases: Amyloid Beta Toxicity and Alzheimers Disease

Parvana HajievaChristian Behl


Agingmedicine.medical_specialtyAntioxidantAmyloidAmyloid betamedicine.medical_treatmentPharmacologymedicine.disease_causeAntioxidantsNeurochemicalDegenerative diseaseAlzheimer DiseaseInternal medicinemental disordersDrug DiscoverymedicineAnimalsHumansPharmacologyAmyloid beta-PeptidesMetal metabolismbiologyChemistryNeurodegenerative Diseasesmedicine.diseaseEndocrinologybiology.proteinAlzheimer's diseaseOxidative stress


Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive age-related neurodegenerative disorder with distinct neuropathological features. Extracellular plaques, consisting of aggregated amyloid peptides of 39-43 amino acids are one of the most prominent pathological hallmarks of this disease. Although the exact neurochemical effector mechanism of Abeta aggregation is not yet elucidated, age-associated disturbances of metal ion metabolism have been proposed to promote the formation of aggregates from soluble Abeta. Oxidative stress is postulated to be a downstream effect of Abeta-metal ion interactions. Therefore, the modulation of brain metal metabolism and attenuation of oxidative stress by antioxidant molecules are proposed as a potential therapeutic intervention in AD. Here, we summarize the recent literature focused on APP/Abeta-metal ion interactions and the use of antioxidant metal chelators as potential therapy against AD.
