

Enhancing Children’s Outdoor Learning Experiences with a Mobile Application

Jenni Rikala


educational contextmobiilioppiminenComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATIONoutdoor learningmobile applications


This paper examines how a mobile learning application can enhance children’s outdoor learning experiences. The study draws upon empirical evidence gathered in one case study conducted in a Finnish primary school setting in the fall of 2012. The data were collected with student and teacher surveys. The case study indicated that the mobile application provided children with tangible, motivating, and educative experiences. The mobile application also clearly encouraged social interaction. In addition, the case study highlighted the significance of pedagogy. Thus the appropriate way to utilize mobile applications in an educational context requires a balance in which the technology use is complemented with the curriculum, pedagogical goals, the children’s needs, and human interaction. peerReviewed
