

Institutional transformation to reduce the gender gap in STEM

Laura Monsalve LorenteIsabel María Gallardo FernándezHéctor Saiz Fernández


Science technology engineering and mathematics (STEM) participation of girls and women.University education


Despite the considerable efforts made in recent decades in order to reduce the gender gap as regards the teaching of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), great inequalities stills persist. In different situations, socioeconomic, cultural and other barriers continue to prevent the students complete or fully benefit from the quality education they have chosen (UNESCO, 2017). The new UNESCO publication entitled Cracking the code: girls' and women's education in STEM, presented at the International Symposium and Policy Forum UNESCO, on this subject, specifically what factors hinder or facilitate the participation of girls and women in education linked to STEM (Education 2030 Unesco, 2017). Despite the considerable efforts made in recent decades in order to reduce the gender gap as regards the teaching of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), great inequalities stills persist. In different situations, socioeconomic, cultural and other barriers continue to prevent the students complete or fully benefit from the quality education they have chosen (UNESCO, 2017). The new UNESCO publication entitled Cracking the code: girls' and women's education in STEM, presented at the International Symposium and Policy Forum UNESCO, on this subject, specifically what factors hinder or facilitate the participation of girls and women in education linked to STEM (Education 2030 Unesco, 2017). The fields STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics), which encompass the fields of study of natural sciences, mathematics and statistics, information and communication technologies and engineering, industrial production and construction, are considered especially important when promoting innovation and economic growth.
