

Calidad de salas para música clásica

Salvador CerdáR. CibriánJaume SeguraAlicia Giménez


Classical musicReverberationEnvironmental EngineeringQuality (physics)Computer scienceAcoustic designAcousticsArchitectureBuilding and ConstructionEnergy factorRoom acousticsCivil and Structural Engineering


Finding a parameter which allows establishing if a concert room is good for orchestral classical music performances or not is one of the main interests in room acoustics. However, rooms are usually characterized by average values of some acoustic parameters. From the optimal values mostly recognized, specialists can consider a room adequate or not for a certain use. In recent works, we have obtain we have obtained a model for classifying a room for classical music performances, from the reverberation time (T30), the lateral energy factor coefficient (LFC) and the listener envelopment (LEV). From this model, we can determine the quality maps for these rooms. In this paper, we show the quality maps for five rooms. From these results we can deduce some basic rules to define a good acoustic design.
