Enabling transformative value creation through online weight loss services
Juha MunnukkaHeini TaiminenKimmo Taiminensubject
Value (ethics)hyvinvointi (terveydellinen)terveyspalvelutControl (management)sosiaalinen tukiContext (language use)self-service technologySocial supportwell-beingtransformative service0502 economics and businessCo-creationMarketinghealth servicesvertaisryhmätverkkopalvelutMarketingService (business)transformative valuearvonluonti05 social scienceslaihdutuspeer-to-peersocial supportbehaviour maintenanceTransformative learningWell-being050211 marketingweight lossPsychology050203 business & managementco-creationdescription
PurposeThis study aims to understand how online weight loss services could help customers achieve a durable change. The particular focus is on exploring the roles of value co-creation and well-being outcomes in reinforcing the transformative value potential, which is argued to be realized as customers’ intentions to continue a healthier lifestyle after the service period has ended.Design/methodology/approachData was collected from the participants of an online weight loss service (n = 498), and a conceptual research model was tested using structural equation modelling.FindingsThe results imply that compliance with the guidelines and social support are two value co-creation activities that can influence the well-being outcomes of transformative services (i.e. perceived behavioral control and satisfaction with one’s achievements). These well-being outcomes help attain the transformative value potential of online weight loss services. However, the actual weight loss affected the transformative value potential only through customers’ satisfaction with their achievements as a subjective well-being outcome.Originality/valueThis study provides insight into the transformative value potential of services in the weight loss context. This study contributes to the transformative service research by focusing on the role of online services in reinforcing a durable change through the co-creation of value and improvements in customers’ well-being.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2020-06-13 |