

Enseñanza de los conceptos de cantidad de sustancia y de mol basada en un modelo de aprendizaje como investigación orientada

Carles Furió-masRafael AzconaJenaro Guisasola Aranzabal


químicaAmount of substanceMolEnseñanza-aprendizaje como investigación orientada Educación secundariaSignificant learningSubject (documents)Secondary educationAmount of substanceEducationeducación científicaEmpirical researchinvestigaciónDidactic designPedagogyEnsenyament-aprenentatge com a investigació orientada Ensenyament secundariDisseny didàcticciencias físicasTeaching-learning as oriented researchQuantitat de substànciaChemistry (relationship)Positive attitudePsychologyDiseño didácticoCantidad de sustancia


This study deals with the design and implementation of a research on the concepts of «amount of substance» and «mol». This work is grounded on a constructivistic conception of the learning of Sciences, more particularly on the model known as teaching-learning as oriented research. In accordance with this theoretical basis we have developed an empirical research framed within the teaching of Chemistry in High School. The developed designs have enabled us to assess the learning achieved by the students from a conceptual, procedural and attitudinal stance. According to our fi ndings we could say that the materials developed and the way we have worked with them have contributed to a more significant learning and favoured a more positive attitude toward the teaching of the subject.
