

Justification philosophique de l’éducation des valeurs éthiques et civiques dans l’éducation formelle. Analyse critique de la LOMCE

Vicent GozálvezJavier Gracia-calandín


filosofía de la educaciónciudadaníaEducación05 social sciencesEspaña050301 education050801 communication & media studiessistema de valoreslcsh:Education (General)Educationhermenéutica crítica0508 media and communicationslomceEducació Filosofialcsh:L7-9910503 educationvalores éticoseducación cívicalegislación educativa


In this paper we start with the approach of the new LOMCE in order to go back to the philosophical justification of each ethical value that we believe should be addressed in education as its backbones. First, we focus on some contradictions in the new LOMCE. Later, we explore the philosophical foundation of ethical values in education. We propose the hermeneutical approach to unravel the ethical values. In the third and most extensive section we delve into the philosophical basis of different ethical values on which we believe education should be based resulting in civic education and the full development of the human personality, according to the Spanish Constitution and Human Rights Declaration.
