

La subtitulación y el doblaje como recursos didácticos para aprender inglés como lengua extranjera utilizando el software Clipflair

Betlem Soler Pardo


Llenguatge i llengües FilosofiaCiència EnsenyamentEnsenyament audiovisual


The research validity of using clips as audiovisual material to teach a foreign language has been demonstrated by many scholars. At the same time, the combination of this material with two modalities of audiovisual translation (AVT ) - subtitling and dubbing- is worth exploring. The aim of this study is to present the effectiveness of subtitling and dubbing activities as tools for teaching English as a foreign language. In order to do so, a number of participants from the University of Valencia (Spain) whose level of English was B2/B2+ were engaged in a combination of subtitling and dubbing activities. I devised a series of tasks based on a two-minute subtitled video-clip, designed to increase students' vocabulary acquisition, and improve their pronunciation, intonation and oral and reading comprehension by combining the use of these two modalities of Audiovisual Translation using the software Clipflair. The results of the study confirm that subtitling and dubbing can be considered as useful educational tools for improving FL learning .
