Betlem Soler Pardo
Theatre as a Communicative Strategy for Teaching English as a Foreign Language to Primary Education Undergraduates: A Pedagogical Experience
espanolComo profesores de lenguas estamos constantemente tratando de establecer un ambiente apropiado para que las cuatro destrezas se desarrollen plenamente a traves de actividades o ejercicios que implican un estimulo, ya que un idioma extranjero se aprende mas facilmente cuando los elementos utilizados para ensenar son mas atractivos. El teatro puede desempenar este papel, ya que es un genero educativo que se ha explorado para la ensenanza de lenguas desde el desarrollo del Enfoque Comunicativo. El proposito de este articulo, por tanto, es en primer lugar, examinar la efectividad del teatro en general con referencia a los numerosos argumentos a favor de la utilizacion de esta herramienta…
Creating and implementing a didactic sequence as an educational strategy for foreign language teaching
Este texto gira en torno a una secuencia didáctica (SD) realizada durante el curso 2011-2012, en un grupo de 6º de primaria en la escuela pública Jaume I ''El Conqueridor'' de Catarroja, Valencia (España), en el área de Enseñanza de lengua extranjera (inglés). Tuvo por objeto familiarizar a los estudiantes con la escritura de textos expositivos. Una serie de estrategias pedagógicas (redundancia de vocabulario, familiaridad con las ideas presentadas, y el uso de una hoja de control que potenciase la autonomía del alumnado) se pusieron en práctica para que el desarrollo de los talleres se experimentase como un proceso cohesionado, unitario y coherente. El diseño final de la SD logró un equili…
Swearing and Translation: A Study of the insults in the filims of Quentin Tarantino
This thesis analyses the insults in Quentin Tarantino’s films and their translation into Spanish. The insults in Tarantino’s films can be considered very interesting from a social point of view as I have gradually developed during this research. First, I have highlighted the possible problems when translating insults into Spanish. Secondly, I have provided the reader with specific examples in English of the insults collected from the seven films I have analysed [Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Four Rooms, Jackie Brown, Kill Bill vol. I and II, Death Proof and Inglorious Basterds]. Finally, my intention was to demonstrate that the level of swearing in Spanish was inferior by showing the transl…
Subtitling and dubbing as teaching resources for learning English as a foreign language using Clipflair software
[EN] The research validity of using clips as audiovisual material to teach a foreign language has been demonstrated by many scholars. At the same time, the combination of this material with two modalities of audiovisual translation (AVT) - subtitling and dubbing- is worth exploring. The aim of this study is to present the effectiveness of subtitling and dubbing activities as tools for teaching English as a foreign language. In order to do so, a number of participants from the University of Valencia (Spain) whose level of English was B2/B2+ were engaged in a combination of subtitling and dubbing activities. I devised a series of tasks based on a two-minute subtitled video-clip, designed to i…
'The Power of the N-Word in Tarantino's Films: Black Intolerance and/or White Audacity?'
Quentin Tarantino is a controversial figure, whose trademark use of offensive language and explicit violence have, in particular, been subject to censure. A source of consternation for his detractors is the constant use of the N-word. In this article, I offer a detailed examination of the use of the N-word by white people in a broad range of discursive contexts. I begin with a quantitative analysis in the eight films directed by Tarantino -Reservoir Dogs (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), Jackie Brown (1997), Four Rooms (1995), Kill Bill (vol. I & II) (2003 & 2004), Death Proof (2007), Inglorious Basterds (2009), and Django Unchained(2013) - followed by choice phrases extracted from those films i…
Translation and didactics in the language classroom: the preparation and dissemination of a dual-language critical edition of José Luis Alonso de Santos’Bajarse al moro/Going down to Morocco
We have clearly come a long way from the time when translation’s principal role in the classroom was as a tool for language acquisition. This has been a positive development in many respects but, as we hope to demonstrate, the insights gleaned from this specific case-study – viewed through the prism of a Foucauldian approach to the archaeology of the disciplines – illustrate the need for a more general reassessment of the educational and scholarly potential of the dual-language text, a once-popular and well-respected literary and pedagogical resource which was the collateral victim of the disciplinary warfare by which translation and language education were able to establish themselves as a…
La subtitulación y el doblaje como recursos didácticos para aprender inglés como lengua extranjera utilizando el software Clipflair
The research validity of using clips as audiovisual material to teach a foreign language has been demonstrated by many scholars. At the same time, the combination of this material with two modalities of audiovisual translation (AVT ) - subtitling and dubbing- is worth exploring. The aim of this study is to present the effectiveness of subtitling and dubbing activities as tools for teaching English as a foreign language. In order to do so, a number of participants from the University of Valencia (Spain) whose level of English was B2/B2+ were engaged in a combination of subtitling and dubbing activities. I devised a series of tasks based on a two-minute subtitled video-clip, designed to incre…
Tejuelo. Didáctica de la lengua y la literatura. Educación
La traducción y los materiales audiovisuales han demostrado ser herramientas eficaces para el aprendizaje de una lengua extranjera. Hemos querido abordar la traducción audiovisual desde el punto de vista didáctico tomando una de sus modalidades, la subtitulación, para obtener evidencia de su eficacia como método pedagógico para la adquisición de léxico en una lengua extranjera. Para ello, hemos creado una serie de actividades basadas en un vídeo con subtítulos con el que pretendemos obtener un incremento en la adquisición de léxico y una mejora en la comprensión lectora y auditiva, y la expresión escrita de los alumnos.
‘The Power of the N-Word in Tarantino’s Films: Black Intolerance and/or White Audacity?’
espanolQuentin Tarantino es una figura controvertida cuyo uso caracteristico del lenguaje ofensivo y la violencia explicita han sido objeto de censura. El uso constante de la palabra nigger ha sido una fuente particular de consternacion para sus detractores. En este articulo, se ofrece un examen detallado del uso de la palabra nigger por personas blancas en una amplia gama de contextos discursivos. Comenzare con un analisis cuantitativo del uso de la palabra en cuestion en las ocho peliculas dirigidas por Tarantino - Reservoir Dogs (1992), Pulp Fiction (1994), Jackie Brown (1997), Four Rooms (1995), Kill Bill Vol. I y II) (2003 y 2004), Death Proof (2007), Inglorious Basterds (2009) y Djang…
Multi-intelligence Empowerment in EFL Teaching. The CELSIP Programme for autonomous Learning with Pre-service Teachers
This article presents the design and evaluation processes of a new inclusive and technology-and-autonomous mediated tool named the Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Programme (CELSIP). This project was originally designed to help all kinds of learners to achieve better communicative competencies in English. An empirical mixed-method data collection process was conducted involving 49 students in their fourth year of the Teaching of English in Primary Education Degree. To this end, a semi-structured questionnaire and partipants' one-course-work self-assessment written testimony were analyzed in depth. The findings were significant in that the levels of motivation reported by t…
Translating film titles
In Spain, as in the rest of the non-Anglophone Western world, English-language film titles have become texts (or paratexts) of great cultural importance. The titles of the films that one may encounter in Western cinema can be considered, on the one hand ephemeral, elusive, and inconsequential. However, on the other hand, despite their clear irrelevance, film titles are considered to be the genuine contemporary cultural texts, for their continued presence in the media and for their evocative nature: an important marketing tool. Moreover, the result of what happens when film titles are translated into other languages and cultures has always intrigued the audience: this is perhaps indicative o…
Transferències positives en lescriptura de textos entre el català, el castellà i langlés a partir del treball amb seqüències didàctiques.
Exposició de treballs amb seqüències didàctiques a 5è de primària del ceip de Jaume I de Catarroja.Producció: Facultat de Magisteri (www.uv.es/magisteri)
Communicative English Language Skills Improvement Programme (CELSIP)
This is a programme under the supervision of the coordinators for the subjects Foreign Language I (English) & Foreign Language II (English) from the Teaching Unit of English - Department of Didactics of Languages and Literature. It is designed as an additional English language training programme to get our students achieved a higher communicative level of English. With CELSIP we seek to help students increase the cognitive, literacy, practical strategies, tools and abilities they need to become successful teachers of English with brilliant communication abilities. Our philosophy is further based on our shared experiences working with a variety of students, ranging from Primary, Secondary, H…