

Integrability Conditions: Recent Results in the Theory of Integrable Models

R. K. BulloughJussi TimonenSverrir OlafssonYu-zhong Chen


Loop (topology)Pure mathematicsIntegrable systemQuantum groupLie algebraMonodromy matrixConnection (algebraic framework)Hopf algebraSymplectic manifoldMathematics


This paper reports various results achieved recently in the theory of integrable models. These are summarised in the Fig.1! At the Chester meeting [1] two of the authors were concerned [1] with the local Riemann-Hilbert problem (double-lined box in the centre of Fig.1), its limit as a non-local Riemann-Hilbert problem used to solve classical integrable models in 2+1 dimensions (two space and one time dimensions) [2,3], and the connection of this Riemann-Hilbert problem with Ueno’s [4] Riemann-Hilbert problem associated with the representation of the algebra gl(∞) in terms of Z⊗Z matrices (Z the integers) and the solution of the K-P equations in 2+1. We were also concerned [1] with the construction of the integrable models in 1+1 dimensions from the loop algebras ĝ = g⊗[λ,λ-1] where g is a simple finite dimensional Lie algebra and λ ∈ ℂ. Extensions to super-Lie algebras and super-integrable models in 1+1 were also sketched [1,5,6].
