R. K. Bullough
Quantum and Classical Statistical Mechanics of the Integrable Models in 1 + 1 Dimensions
In a short but remarkable paper Yang and Yang [1] showed that the free energy of a model system consisting of N bosons on a line with repulsive δ-function interactions was given by a set of coupled integral equations. The Yangs’ chosen model is in fact the repulsive version of the quantum Nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) model. We have shown that with appropriate extensions and different dispersion relations and phase shifts similar formulae apply to ‘all’ of the integrable models quantum or classical. These models include the sine-Gordon (s-G) and sinh-Gordon (sinh-G) models, the two NLS models (attractive and repulsive), the Landau-Lifshitz (L-L’) model which includes all four previous models,…
Exact Solution of Quantum Optical Models by Algebraic Bethe Ansatz Methods
From long standing interests in solitons and integrable systems, e.g. SIT (1968– 74)1,2, “optical solitons” CQ04 (1977)3, we solve exactly, by algebraic Bettie ansatz (= quantum inverse) methods4, models of importance to quantum optics including the quantum Maxwell-Bloch envelope equations for plane-wave quantum self-induced transparency (SIT) in one space variable (x) and one time (t)2; and in the one tinte (t)5 a family of models surrounding and extending the Tavis-Cummings model6 of N 2-level atoms coupled to one cavity mode for ideal cavity (Q = ∞) QED. Additional Kerr type nonlinearities or Stark shifted levels can he incorporated into the Hamiltonian H of one of the most general model…
Statistical Mechanics of the Sine-Gordon Equation
We give two fundamental methods for evaluation of classical free energies of all the integrable models admitting soliton solutions; the sine-Gordon equation is one example. Periodic boundary conditions impose integral equations for allowed phonon and soliton momenta. From these, generalized Bethe-Ansatz and functional-integration methods using action-angle variables follow. Results for free energies coincide, and coincide with those that we find by transfer-integral methods. Extension to the quantum case, and quantum Bethe Ansatz, on the lines to be reported elsewhere for the sinh-Gordon equation, is indicated.
Quantum and Classical Statistical Mechanics of the Non-Linear Schrödinger, Sinh-Gordon and Sine-Gordon Equations
We are going to describe our work on the quantum and classical statistical mechanics of some exactly integrable non-linear one dimensional systems. The simplest is the non-linear Schrodinger equation (NLS) $$i{\psi _t} = - {\psi _{XX}} + 2c{\psi ^ + }\psi \psi $$ (1) where c, the coupling constant, is positive. The others are the sine- and sinh-Gordon equations (sG and shG) $${\phi _{xx}} - {\phi _{tt}} = {m^2}\sin \phi $$ (1.2) $${\phi _{xx}} - {\phi _{tt}} = {m^2}\sinh \phi $$ (1.3)
Similarity Solutions and Collapse in the Attractive Gross-Pitaevskii Equation
We analyse a generalised Gross-Pitaevskii equation involving a paraboloidal trap potential in $D$ space dimensions and generalised to a nonlinearity of order $2n+1$. For {\em attractive} coupling constants collapse of the particle density occurs for $Dn\ge 2$ and typically to a $\delta$-function centered at the origin of the trap. By introducing a new dynamical variable for the spherically symmetric solutions we show that all such solutions are self-similar close to the center of the trap. Exact self-similar solutions occur if, and only if, $Dn=2$, and for this case of $Dn=2$ we exhibit an exact but rather special D=1 analytical self-similar solution collapsing to a $\delta$-function which …
Exact solution of generalized Tavis - Cummings models in quantum optics
Quantum inverse methods are developed for the exact solution of models which describe N two-level atoms interacting with one mode of the quantized electromagnetic field containing an arbitrary number of excitations M. Either a Kerr-type nonlinearity or a Stark-shift term can be included in the model, and it is shown that these two cases can be mapped from one to the other. The method of solution provides a general framework within which many related problems can similarly be solved. Explicit formulae are given for the Rabi splitting of the models for some N and M, on- and off-resonance. It is also shown that the solution of the pure Tavis - Cummings model can be reduced to solving a homogen…
Giant Quantum Oscillators from Rydberg Atoms: Atomic Coherent States and Their Squeezing from Rydberg Atoms
This paper summarises work since about 1979 by all the authors indicated: RKB is given prominence only because he bears the responsibility for the present paper. All the work has proved relevant to Rydberg atoms. Here we lay particular stress on recent results for squeezing by Rydberg atoms.
Nonlinearity and Disorder in the Statistical Mechanics of Integrable Systems
Attention is drawn to a theory of the statistical mechanics (SM) of the integrable models in 1+1 dimension — a theory of ‘soliton statistical mechanics’ classical and quantum [1–17]. This SM provides a generic example of integrable nonlinearity interacting with disorder. In the generic classical examples, such as the classical SM of the sine-Gordon model, phonons provide disorder in which sit coherent structures — the kink-like solitons. But these solitons are dressed by the disorder, in equilibrium, while the breather-like solitons break up to form the disordered structures which are the phonons in thermal equilibrium. On the other hand quantum solitons, dressed by both the vacuum and fini…
Quantum Solitons on Quantum Chaos: Coherent Structures, Anyons, and Statistical Mechanics
This paper is concerned with the exact evaluation of functional integrals for the partition function Z (free energy F = -β -1 ln Z, β -1 = temperature) for integrable models like the quantum and classical sine-Gordon (s-G) models in 1+1 dimensions.1–12 These models have wide applications in physics and are generic (and important) in that sense. The classical s-G model in 1+1 dimensions $${\phi _{xx}} - {\phi _{tt}} = {m^2}\sin \phi$$ (1) (m > 0 is a “mass”) has soliton (kink, anti-kink and breather) solutions. In Refs 1–12 we have reported a general theory of ‘soliton statistical mechanics’ (soliton SM) in which the particle description can be seen in terms of ‘solitons’ and ‘phonons’. The …
Breather contributions to the dynamical form factors of the Sine-Gordon systems CsNiF3 and (CH3)4NMnCl3 (TMMC)
Abstract Sine-Gordon breather contributions to S(q, ω) for CsNiF3 explain almost all of the available experimental data if, but only if, there is a restriction on the largest breather sizes. Quantum features may play a significant role in any comparison with experimental data. The classical results extend to TMMC.
Solitons ofq-deformed quantum lattices and the quantum soliton
We use the classical N-soliton solution of a q-deformed lattice, the Maxwell-Bloch (MB) lattice, which we reported recently (Rybin A V, Varzugin G G, Timonen J and Bullough R K Year 2001 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 34 157) in order, ultimately, to fully comprehend the `quantum soliton'. This object may be the source of a new information technology (Abram I 1999 Quantum solitons Phys. World 21-4). We suggested in Rybin et al 2001 that a natural quantum mechanical matrix element of the q-deformed quantum MB lattice becomes in a suitable limit the classical 1-soliton solution of the classical q-deformed MB lattice explicitly derived by a variant of the Darboux-Backlund method. The classical q-defor…
q-deformed solitons and quantum solitons of the Maxwell-Bloch lattice
We report for the first time exact solutions of a completely integrable nonlinear lattice system for which the dynamical variables satisfy a q-deformed Lie algebra - the Lie-Poisson algebra su_q(2). The system considered is a q-deformed lattice for which in continuum limit the equations of motion become the envelope Maxwell-Bloch (or SIT) equations describing the resonant interaction of light with a nonlinear dielectric. Thus the N-soliton solutions we here report are the natural q-deformations, necessary for a lattice, of the well-known multi-soliton and breather solutions of self-induced transparency (SIT). The method we use to find these solutions is a generalization of the Darboux-Backl…
Statistical Mechanics of the sine-Gorden Field: Part II
From the work of the Part I we are now in a position to address ourselves to the main problem posed in these lectures — the evaluation of Z, (1.11), for the s-G field after canonical transformation to the action-angle variables (4.27).
Quantum and classical integrability: new approaches in statistical mechanics
Abstract The present status of the statistical mechanics (SM), quantum and classical, of integrable models is reviewed by reporting new results for their partition functions Z obtained for anyon type models in one space and one time (1 + 1) dimensions. The methods of functional integration developed already are extended further. Bose-Fermi equivalence and anyon descriptions are natural parts of the quantum theory and the anyon phase is quantised. The classical integrability is exploited throughout and both classical and quantum integrability theory are reviewed this way, and related to underlying algebraic structures - notably the Hopf algebras (“quantum groups”). A new “ q -boson” lattice …
Soliton Statistical Mechanics: Statistical Mechanics of the Quantum and Classical Integrable Models
It is shown how the Bethe Ansatz (BA) analysis for the quantum statistical mechanics of the Nonlinear Schrodinger Model generalises to the other quantum integrable models and to the classical statistical mechanics of the classical integrable models. The bose-fermi equivalence of these models plays a fundamental role even at classical level. Two methods for calculating the quantum or classical free energies are developed: one generalises the BA method the other uses functional integral methods. The familiar classical action-angle variables of the integrable models developed for the real line R are used throughout, but the crucial importance of periodic boundary conditions is recognized and t…
Integrability Conditions: Recent Results in the Theory of Integrable Models
This paper reports various results achieved recently in the theory of integrable models. These are summarised in the Fig.1! At the Chester meeting [1] two of the authors were concerned [1] with the local Riemann-Hilbert problem (double-lined box in the centre of Fig.1), its limit as a non-local Riemann-Hilbert problem used to solve classical integrable models in 2+1 dimensions (two space and one time dimensions) [2,3], and the connection of this Riemann-Hilbert problem with Ueno’s [4] Riemann-Hilbert problem associated with the representation of the algebra gl(∞) in terms of Z⊗Z matrices (Z the integers) and the solution of the K-P equations in 2+1. We were also concerned [1] with the const…
Statistical mechanics of the NLS models and their avatars
“In Vishnuland what avatar? Or who in Moscow (Leningrad) towards the czar [1]”. The different manifestations (avatars) of the Nonlinear Schrodinger equation (NLS models) are described including both classical and quantum integrable cases. For reasons explained the sinh-Gordon and sine-Gordon models, which can be interpreted as covariant manifestations of the ‘repulsive’ and ‘attractive’ NLS models, respectively, are chosen as generic models for the statistical mechanics. It is shown in the text how the quantum and classical free energies can be calculated by a method of functional integration which uses the classical action-angle variables on the real line with decaying boundary conditions,…
Quantum repulsive Nonlinear Schrödinger models and their ‘Superconductivity’
Abstract The fundamental role played by the quantum repulsive Nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation in the evolution of our understanding of the phenomenon of superconductivity in appropriate metals at very low temperatures is surveyed. The first major work was that in 1947 by N. N. Bogoliubov, who studied the very physical 3-space-dimensions problem and super fluidity; and the survey takes the form of an actual dedication to that outstanding scientist who died four years ago. The 3-space-dimensions NLS equation is not integrable either classically or quantum mechanically. But a number of recently discovered closely related lattices in one space dimension (one space plus one time dimension) …
Sine-Gordon Statistical Mechanics
The Classical partition-function $$ Z = \int {D\Pi {\text{ }}D\phi {\text{ }}\exp - } \beta H\left[ \phi \right]$$ (1) in which \( {\beta ^{{ - 1}}} = {k_{B}}T{\text{ and }}H\left[ \phi \right]\) is the sine-Gordon (s-G) Hamiltonian $$ H\left[ \phi \right] = {\Upsilon _{0}}^{{ - 1}}\int {\left[ {\frac{1}{2}{\Upsilon _{0}}^{2}{\Pi ^{2}} + \frac{1}{2}{\phi _{z}}^{2} + {m^{2}}\left( {1 - \cos \phi } \right)} \right]} dz $$ (2) has been evaluated by transfer integral methods [1,2].
Finite-temperature correlations in the trapped Bose-Einstein gas
There is a large literature (cf. eg. [1, 2]) which, under conditions of translational invariance, has used functional integral methods to calculate, ab initio, the equilibrium finite temperature 2-point correlation functions (Green ’s functions) \[\left\langle {\hat \psi (r,\tau ){{\hat \psi }^\dag }(r',\tau ')} \right\rangle \] \(G\left( {r,r'} \right) \equiv \left\langle {\psi \left( {r,\tau } \right){{{\hat{\psi }}}^{\dag }}\left( {r',\tau '} \right)} \right\rangle \) for a Bose gas in each of d=3, d=2, d=1 space dimensions: (…) means thermal average and τ, τ′ are ‘thermal times’ for which 0<τ,<τ′β and β−1=k B T, T the temperature. These functional integral methods [1, 2] solve the many-…
Critical Behavior for Correlated Strongly Coupled Boson Systems in 1 + 1 Dimensions
The natural integrable correlated strongly coupled boson system in 1 + 1 dimensions is the $q$-boson hopping model; we calculate its critical exponent $\ensuremath{\theta}$ and determine its correlation functions. For small couplings the $q$-boson model has natural connections with the Bose gas and the $\mathrm{XY}$ models of very large spin for which $\ensuremath{\theta}'\mathrm{s}$ and correlators are reported. For large couplings the hopping model is a new phase of interacting bosons substantially different from the impenetrable Bose gas.
Exact Bethe-ansatz thermodynamics for the sine-Gordon model in the classical limit: Effect of long strings.
Quantum groups and quantum complete integrability: Theory and experiment
Thermodynamics of Toda lattice models: application to DNA
Abstract Our generalised Bethe ansatz method is used to formulate the statistical mechanics of the classical Toda lattice in terms of a set of coupled integral equations expressed in terms of appropriate action-angle variables. The phase space as coordinatised by these action-angle variables is constrained; and both the soliton number density and the soliton contribution to the free energy density can be shown to decouple from the phonon degrees of freedom and to depend only on soliton-soliton interactions. This makes it possible to evaluate the temperature dependence of the soliton number density which, to leading order, is found to be proportional to T 1 3 .
Order and Chaos in the Statistical Mechanics of the Integrable Models in 1+1 Dimensions
This paper was presented at the meeting under this title. But, originally, the more cumbersome ‘Quantum chaos — classical chaos in k-space: thermodynamic limits for the sine-Gordon models’ was proposed. Certainly this covers more technically the content of this paper.
Statistical Mechanics of the Integrable Models
There is an infinity of classically integrable models. The only ones we can consider here, and these only briefly, are: the sine-Gordon (s-G) model $${\phi _{{\rm{xx}}}}{}^ - {\phi _{{\rm{tt}}}} = {{\rm{m}}^2}\sin \phi ,$$ (1.1) the sinh-Gordon (sinh-G) model $${\phi _{{\rm{xx}}}}{}^ - {\phi _{{\rm{tt}}}} = {{\rm{m}}^2}\sinh \phi ,$$ (1.2) and the repulsive and attractive non-linear Schrodinger (NLS) models $${}^ - {\rm{i}}{\phi _{\rm{t}}} = {\phi _{{\rm{xx}}}}{}^ - 2{\rm{c}}\phi {\left| \phi \right|^2}.$$ (1.3) The “attractive” NLS has real coupling constant c 0; φ is complex. In (1.1) and (1.2) m is a mass (ħ = c = 1) and φ is real. These 4 integrable models are in one space and one time …
Finite-temperature correlations in the one-dimensional trapped and untrapped Bose gases
We calculate the dynamic single-particle and many-particle correlation functions at non-zero temperature in one-dimensional trapped repulsive Bose gases. The decay for increasing distance between the points of these correlation functions is governed by a scaling exponent that has a universal expression in terms of observed quantities. This expression is valid in the weak-interaction Gross-Pitaevskii as well as in the strong-interaction Girardeau-Tonks limit, but the observed quantities involved depend on the interaction strength. The confining trap introduces a weak center-of-mass dependence in the scaling exponent. We also conjecture results for the density-density correlation function.