КАРТА ПОДВЕРЖЕННОСТИ ОПОЛЗНЕВОЙ ОПАСНОСТИ ТЕРРИТОРИИ РАЙОНОВ ШИЛАТО И КАЛЬТАВУТУРО (СЕВЕРНАЯ СИЦИЛИЯ). Logistic regression method for landslides susceptibility in Scillato and Caltavuturo river basin, Northern Sicily -
Dario CostanzoValerio AgnesiEdoardo RotiglianoMb MininaE Petrovasubject
Settore GEO/04 - Geografia Fisica E GeomorfologiaLandslide hazard logistic regression Sicily Islanddescription
The studied area is located within two Sicilian districts– Scillato and Caltavuturo. Studied area is 200 km2. This territory is affected by large landslides very strongly. In the course of the research these districts were divided into 2 million square units of 10 × 10 m. Values of landslide factors were assessed within each unit. Using method of logistic regression allowed us to select the most significant factors and to make the landslide susceptibility map. Landslide hazard analys was made with 3 models, which analyze different diagnostic areas (places, where landslides are trigger usually). The results indicate that the using of the buffer zone with radius 50 m around the highest point of the landslide show the most accurate results.
year | journal | country | edition | language |
2012-01-01 |