

Il recupero e la messa in valore della Judería di Segovia

Giorgio Faraci


Centri storiciValorizzazioneManutenzioneRecuperoGestioneSettore ICAR/12 - Tecnologia Dell'Architettura


The Spanish town of Segovia, World Heritage Site, launched a process of valorisation of its historical centre, supporting conservation and musealisation of monuments as well as encouraging recovery of private houses, particularly in the Judería District. Here, thanks to the Program Área de Rehabilitación de Centro Histórico (ARCH), Segovians were encouraged to go back to the historical center. The Oficina Técnica de Rehabilitación coordinated activities and funding, promoted the participation of owners and entrepreneurs, sensitised citizens on the issues of cultural heritage. The results obtained in the Judería District were so good that ARCH has been adopting in the next district las Canonjías. In this way a virtuous circle in the recovery of the segovian historical centre was kick-started. The paper aims to describe the communication tools and strategies adopted in the town and the restoration work of the district.
