Giorgio Faraci
I siti archeologici sono risorse limitate, in quanto irriproducibili, e allo stesso tempo vulnerabili, per la loro intrinseca fragilità e per le numerose minacce cui sono soggette; per conservarne l’integrità e garantirne la trasmissione alle generazioni future è necessario assicurare a tali luoghi un’attenta gestione e cure continue. L’obiettivo generale della presente ricerca è quello di definire alcune buone pratiche per la gestione dei siti archeologici e di mostrare la convenienza della manutenzione programmata nella conservazione del patrimonio. La Tesi di Dottorato analizza la legislazione italiana vigente sul tema della conservazione del costruito archeologico e definisce una metodo…
Open air ruins: protection systems for Lucentum Rovine all’aria aperta: sistemi di protezione per Lucentum
John H. Stubbs scrive che le costruzioni, opera dell’uomo, si trovano tutte in un dinamico stato d’interscambio verso un equilibrio con le forze della natura e che il patrimonio archeologico, per la sua particolare e intrinseca fragilità, essendo costituito di materia in avanzato stato di deterioramento, è particolarmente esposto all’azione degli agenti naturali, pertanto i problemi della conservazione e della presentazione in situ dei reperti archeologici rappresentano una delle maggiori difficoltà cui vanno incontro archeologi e conservatori di elementi architettonici. Tale giudizio, profondamente vero per tanti siti archeologici extra-urbani spesso lontani da qualsiasi possibilità di tut…
Ensuring the Conservative Process: The Roman Walls of Lugo Maintenance Plan
In 2000 the walls of Lugo were added to the World Heritage List. In the Spanish scenario of UNESCO Sites this is the only one provided with a maintenance plan, which properly defines times for inspections and interventions, tools for the collection and management of data, human and financial resources. This plan has begun to ensure a conservation process which guarantees that this ancient artefact is used efficiently and safely over time. The walls are fully accessible and because of the dominant ramparts are used by citizens as a beloved and frequently used city park. This article aims to describe the strategy and the conservation process put in place on the Roman walls to preserve and kee…
La Normativa di riferimento e i Livelli di Progettazione
La Ricerca Europea: complessità di una competizione
Research is one of the EU's priority choices, huge sums being allocated to this area, with many programs needing funds. In order to obtain financing a fresh understanding and conceptualisation of carrying out research is required. In the EUC Group, certain strategies were suggested at the course in Gestione e Rendicontazione dei Progetti Europei, held in Rome on March 8th and 9th, 2011.
Il recupero e la messa in valore della Judería di Segovia
The Spanish town of Segovia, World Heritage Site, launched a process of valorisation of its historical centre, supporting conservation and musealisation of monuments as well as encouraging recovery of private houses, particularly in the Judería District. Here, thanks to the Program Área de Rehabilitación de Centro Histórico (ARCH), Segovians were encouraged to go back to the historical center. The Oficina Técnica de Rehabilitación coordinated activities and funding, promoted the participation of owners and entrepreneurs, sensitised citizens on the issues of cultural heritage. The results obtained in the Judería District were so good that ARCH has been adopting in the next district las Canon…
Il Ritorno della Dea - La Venere di Morgantina finalmente a casa
The hellenistic Théatron of Morgantina: History and Restoration
Farm Cultural Park : An Experience of Social Innovation in the Recovery of the Historical Centre of Favara
In 2010 some people from Favara decided to initiate a process of recovery and re-appropriation of the abandoned historical centre, by establishing Farm Cultural Park, a private cultural institution. This paper aims to describe the process of sustainable design, social innovation and inclusion, triggered by the Farm Cultural Park in the historical centre of Favara which, by showing its resilience, has redefined its identity, progressing from a place of widespread, unauthorised development to a dynamic creative city.
Herculaneum Conservation Project
The article describes a modern organizing structure, aimed at Herculaneum preservation and exploitation; this structure, whose approach is international and combined, involves public and private partners as the Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei, the Packard Humanities Institute and the British School at Rome.