

From foes to friends: Viral infections expand the limits of host phenotypic plasticity

Santiago F. ElenaSantiago F. ElenaAnamarija ButkovićRubén González


Phenotypic plasticityHuman evolutionary geneticsBiologyEnvironmental stressAdaptation PhysiologicalBiological EvolutionEvolutionary biologyVirus DiseasesViral evolutionVirusesAnimalsHumansNorm (social)Evolutionary dynamicsPhysiological HomeostasisVirus Physiological Phenomena


Phenotypic plasticity enables organisms to survive in the face of unpredictable environmental stress. Intimately related to the notion of phenotypic plasticity is the concept of the reaction norm that places phenotypic plasticity in the context of a genotype-specific response to environmental gradients. Whether reaction norms themselves evolve and which factors might affect their shape has been the object of intense debates among evolutionary biologists along the years. Since their discovery, viruses have been considered as pathogens. However, new viromic techniques and a shift in conceptual paradigms are showing that viruses are mostly non-pathogenic ubiquitous entities. Recent studies have shown how viral infections can even be beneficial for their hosts. This may happen especially in the context of stressed hosts, where the virus infection can induce beneficial changes in the host's physiological homeostasis, hence changing the shape of the reaction norm. Despite the fact that underlying physiological mechanisms and evolutionary dynamics are still not well understood, such beneficial interactions are being discovered in a growing number of plant-virus systems. Here, we aim to review these disperse studies and place them into the context of phenotypic plasticity and the evolution of reaction norms. This is an emerging field that is posing many questions that still need to be properly answered. The answers would clearly interest virologists, plant pathologists and evolutionary biologists and likely they will suggest possible future biotechnological applications, including the development of crops with higher survival rates and yield under adverse environmental situations.
