

Pirandello e le varietà del repertorio

L. Amenta


Settore L-FIL-LET/12 - Linguistica ItalianaVarietà del repertoriolingua di Pirandello


The aim of the paper is a comparison between Pirandello’s metalinguistic reflections on the varieties of his repertoire (Italian, regional Italian, Dialect) and the use of these varieties in his autobiographic writings, focusing in particular on Lettere della formazione (1891-1898) e Saggi e Interventi, and his scientific essays on the linguistic matter (Prosa Moderna, Per la solita questione della linugua, etc.). While the relationship Italian/dialect in Pirandello’s theathrical and narrative production, even on his auto-translations from Italian to Sicilian and vice-versa, is well known, the Pirandello’s linguistic autobiography is less studied, especially to discover his level of awareness on his linguistic choices and uses. For this reason, in this paper it will be payed attention specifically on this less known aspect in his writings, to verify the correspondences between the style varieties of his writing and his deep perception of his multilingualism and the role of dialect evolving from speech code to expressive code.
